Howdy! Usual good software engineering practices apply. Write tests. Write comments. Follow standard Rust coding practices where possible. Use 'cargo fmt' and 'clippy' to tidy up formatting.
There are soft spots in the code, which could use cleanup, refactoring, additional comments, and so forth. Let's try to raise the bar, and clean things up as we go. Try to leave code in a better shape than it was before.
Get at least one +1 on your PR before you push.
For simple patches, it will only take a minute for someone to review it.
Don't force push small changes after making the PR ready for review. Doing so will force readers to re-read your entire PR, which will delay the review process.
Always keep the CI green.
Do not push, if the CI failed on your PR. Even if you think it's not your patch's fault. Help to fix the root cause if something else has broken the CI, before pushing.
Happy Hacking!