Please see file for installing pre-compiled binary packages on Windows, macOS, and Linux. It is not necessary to compile jack_playrec yourself unless you want to make changes to jack_playrec itself.
This guide describes how to compile jack_playrec from sources for developers.
64-bit version of Ubuntu 18.04 or later, or a Beaglebone Black running Debian Stretch.
... with the following software packages installed:
- g++
- make
- libsndfile1-dev
- libjack-jackd2-dev
- jackd2
Clone jack_playrec from github, compile jack_playrec by typing in a terminal
git clone
cd jack_playrec
./configure && make
A very simple installation routine is provided together with the source code. To collect the relevant binaries and libraries execute
make install
You can set the make variable PREFIX to point to the desired installation location. The default installation location is ".", the current directory.
- macOS 10.10 or later.
- XCode 7.2 or later (available from App Store)
- Jack2 for OS X (also available from MacPorts)
- MacPorts
The following packages should be installed via MacPorts:
- libsndfile
- pkgconfig
Clone jack_playrec from github, compile jack_playrec by typing in a terminal
git clone
cd jack_playrec
./configure && make
A very simple installation routine is provided together with the source code. To collect the relevant binaries and libraries execute
make install
You can set the make variable PREFIX to point to the desired installation location. The default installation location is ".", the current directory.
- msys2 installation with MinGW64 C++ compiler
- Jack Audio Connection Kit (Use the 64-bit installer for windows) (
- With the msys2 package manager pacman, install the following packages: mingw-w64-x86_64-libsndfile and git.
- Copy the contents of the includes folder in the JACK directory into your mingw include directory (default is c:\msys64\mingw64\include). There should now be a directory c:\msys64\mingw64\include\jack containing some files.
- Copy libjack64.lib from the JACK installation to the lib directory of your mingw64 directory and rename it to libjack.a afterwards. Windows may warn that the file may become unusable -- ignore this warning.
Start a mingw64 bash shell from the Windows start menu. Clone jack_playrec from github, compile jack_playrec by typing in a terminal
git clone
cd jack_playrec
./configure && make