Extension board for the HoneyPi-PCB 2.x.
Pitch lenght 2.0 mm for Grove plugs or similar.
Pitch lenght 2.54 mm for pins or...
Designed to be mounted in a separate housing that allows humidity to be measured.
1x BME680 or BME280 or 1x ATH10 or 1x HDC1080 or 1x sht31
--> We adapt these sensors because of the fixed i2c adresses.
Feature list and bill of material is still on working.
V2.0x circuit diagram link
Check out this blogpost
Status: Under development.
This version is currently being procured and tested.
Please do not order these without having contacted us before.
Thank you for your understanding!
You can upload this gerber file to this manufactory service to get few PCBs. 10 pieces of this board cost about 7 € with delivery.