This is a singularity chainer container definition file.
The building environment is included this repository. So, you can build it quickly.
- OS: Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS
- Python version: 3.5.2
- OpenCV is available
Installed python packages are below:
Singularity chainer.sif:~/development> export LC_ALL=C
Singularity chainer.sif:~/development> pip3 freeze
.... You can see the list of installed packages.
- Singularity v3.0.3
- Vagrant 2.2.3
- vagrant-disksize plugin
Your computer also have to be installed VirtualBox. It is a requirement for the Vagrant.
If your vagrant doesn't have vagrant-disksize plugin, please install it.
vagrant plugin install vagrant-disksize
To build the container, you run the commands as shown below.
Note: All commands have to be executed in top directory of this repository.
# Setup the virtual machine
vagrant up
# Enter the VM's shell
vagrant ssh
# Build the container
sudo singularity build chainer.sif chainer.def
# After execution the command, you can see the chainer.sif which is the container