This application is used to fetch the data of tse(上市), otc(上櫃) and taiex and tpex (上市,上櫃大權指數), I will keep implement the new features and performance. Let's Start.
- High performance crawler, it's only require 1 sec to fetch all stock data. (code are implemented by multi-thread and queue)
- Enable to fetch latest stock data.
- Enable to fetch history stock data.
# fetch all stock data
stock = Stock()
# fetch specfic stock data by numbers
stock = Stock(['0050', '1258', 'taiex', 'tpex'])
# fetch history stock data between dates
stock = Stock(['0050'], from_date='2016-08-02')
stock = Stock(['0050'], from_date='2016-08-02', to_date='2016-08-20')
stock = Stock(None, from_date='2016-08-02')
# print a list of fectching raw data
stock = Stock(['0050'])
print stock.raw
"nu": "",
"ts": "0",
"fv": "0",
"tk0": "0050.tw_tse_20160804_B_9999220779",
"tk1": "0050.tw_tse_20160804_B_9999199393",
"oa": "68.90",
"ob": "68.85",
"tlong": "1470292200000",
"f": "398_826_606_421_404_",
"ot": "14:30:00",
"ex": "tse",
"g": "365_404_78_310_436_",
"ov": "5699",
"d": "20160804",
"it": "02",
"b": "68.90_68.85_68.80_68.75_68.70_",
"c": "0050",
"mt": "000000",
"a": "68.95_69.00_69.05_69.10_69.15_",
"n": "元大台灣50",
"o": "68.85",
"l": "68.35",
"oz": "68.90",
"h": "68.95",
"ip": "0",
"w": "61.90",
"v": "10669",
"u": "75.60",
"t": "13:30:00",
"s": "62",
"pz": "68.90",
"tv": "62",
"p": "0",
"nf": "元大寶來台灣卓越50證券投資信託基金",
"ch": "",
"z": "68.90",
"y": "68.75",
"ps": "62"
# print a list of fectching readable data
# print supported stock list
print Stock.list('tse') (上市)
print Stock.list('otc') (上櫃)
print Stock.list('index') (大權指數)
This application is used to fetch RSS data from google news api, I will keep implement the new features and performance in the future. Let's Start.
news = GoogleNews('台股')
# print a list of raw data
print news.raw
# print a list of readable data