diff --git a/.dockerignore b/.dockerignore
deleted file mode 100644
index aea4f7bf5..000000000
--- a/.dockerignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-# Ignore all
-# But not requirements.txt
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 62ca3bc74..08eb57071 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -22,4 +22,5 @@ __pycache__/*
# Jupyter Notebook
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile
deleted file mode 100644
index 93e938c52..000000000
--- a/Dockerfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-# From TeXLive image
-FROM registry.gitlab.com/islandoftex/images/texlive:TL2023-2023-08-13-full
-# Reconfigure dependencies
-RUN sed -i 's/testing/stable/g' /etc/apt/sources.list \
- && apt-get update \
- && apt-get remove -y \
- nodejs \
- ghostscript \
- python3 \
- && apt-get autoremove -y \
- && apt-get install -y \
- nodejs \
- ghostscript \
- python3 \
- python3-pip \
- python3-venv \
- && apt-get clean \
- && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
-COPY ./requirements.txt /tmp/requirements.txt
-# Create a virtual environment, activate it and install dependencies
-RUN python3 -m venv /root/venv \
- && . /root/venv/bin/activate \
- && pip3 install -r /tmp/requirements.txt --no-cache-dir
-# Override the entrypoint defined in the base image
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build.py b/build.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 75d492d68..000000000
--- a/build.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-import time
-import os
-import subprocess
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- # check the status of the source
- # if the working tree is clean,
- # no rebuild and commit required.
- src = os.getcwd()
- msg = 'Update on ' + \
- time.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(time.time() + 3600 * 8))
- subprocess.run('git add --all'.split(), cwd=src, check=True)
- subprocess.run(
- ['git', 'commit', '-a', '--message=%s' % (msg, )],
- cwd=src, check=True
- )
- subprocess.run(
- 'git push'.split(),
- cwd=src, check=True
- )
diff --git a/docs/coding/.pages b/docs/coding/.pages
index d26d0e9e0..cee8c6374 100644
--- a/docs/coding/.pages
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- index.md
- - SVG动画: svg.md
- - Leetcode题解: leetcode
- - Python:
- - 语法: python
- - matplotlib: matplotlib
- - 手撕系列: dl-from-scratch
- - Rust:
- - 语法: rust
- - GUI: rust-gui
- - 机器学习: machine-learning
- - 强化学习: reinforcement-learning
- - 数据结构: dsa
- - 系统配置: configuration
+ - 编程语言:
+ - Python: python
+ - Rust:
+ - 语法: rust
+ - GUI: rust-gui
+ - 算法:
+ - 数据结构: dsa
+ - Leetcode题解: leetcode
+ - 机器学习:
+ - 机器学习: machine-learning
+ - 深度学习: dl-from-scratch
+ - 强化学习: reinforcement-learning
+ - 其他:
+ - SVG动画: svg.md
+ - 系统配置: configuration
diff --git a/docs/coding/dl-from-scratch/index.md b/docs/coding/dl-from-scratch/index.md
index 1c36d7441..5b1cc58c1 100644
--- a/docs/coding/dl-from-scratch/index.md
+++ b/docs/coding/dl-from-scratch/index.md
@@ -1,10 +1,4 @@
- - navigation
- - toc
-# 手撕系列
+# 深度学习
## 神经网络层
diff --git a/docs/coding/dsa/index.md b/docs/coding/dsa/index.md
index 97479fcb9..003d9bd38 100644
--- a/docs/coding/dsa/index.md
+++ b/docs/coding/dsa/index.md
@@ -1,10 +1,3 @@
- - navigation
- - toc
# 数据结构
diff --git a/docs/coding/index.md b/docs/coding/index.md
index 714009141..8d8ff8882 100644
--- a/docs/coding/index.md
+++ b/docs/coding/index.md
@@ -5,17 +5,28 @@ hide:
-# 写代码
+# Coding
+## 编程语言
-* [Leetcode](leetcode/index.md)
* [Python](python/index.md)
- * [matplotlib](matplotlib/index.md)
* [Rust](rust/index.md)
* [GUI](rust-gui/index.md)
+## 算法
+* [Leetcode](leetcode/index.md)
+* [数据结构](dsa/index.md)
+## 机器学习
* [机器学习](machine-learning/index.md)
+* [深度学习](dl-from-scratch/index.md)
* [强化学习](reinforcement-learning/index.md)
-* [数据结构](dsa/index.md)
+## 其他
* [系统配置](configuration/index.md)
* [SVG](svg.md)
diff --git a/docs/coding/matplotlib/.pages b/docs/coding/matplotlib/.pages
deleted file mode 100644
index 35fd5a113..000000000
--- a/docs/coding/matplotlib/.pages
+++ /dev/null
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- - index.md
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deleted file mode 100644
index 1ee82cd50..000000000
--- a/docs/coding/matplotlib/index.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-# Matplotlib
-记录 matplotlib 的使用。
diff --git a/docs/coding/python/.pages b/docs/coding/python/.pages
index c6cb2f303..8b8a285c6 100644
--- a/docs/coding/python/.pages
+++ b/docs/coding/python/.pages
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
- index.md
- - Python Style Guide: pyguide.md
- 关闭运行的线程: killable-thread.md
- 魔术方法: magic-functions.md
- Python中的序列类型: sequence.md
@@ -8,4 +7,3 @@ nav:
- Python中的字节类型: bytes.md
- Python中的函数: functions.md
- 函数装饰器与闭包: decorator.md
- - Python实用工具: snippets
diff --git a/docs/coding/python/google_python_style.vim b/docs/coding/python/google_python_style.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 95f61d857..000000000
--- a/docs/coding/python/google_python_style.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-" Copyright 2019 Google LLC
-" Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-" you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-" You may obtain a copy of the License at
-" https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-" Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-" distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-" See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-" limitations under the License.
-" Indent Python in the Google way.
-setlocal indentexpr=GetGooglePythonIndent(v:lnum)
-let s:maxoff = 50 " maximum number of lines to look backwards.
-function GetGooglePythonIndent(lnum)
- " Indent inside parens.
- " Align with the open paren unless it is at the end of the line.
- " E.g.
- " open_paren_not_at_EOL(100,
- " (200,
- " 300),
- " 400)
- " open_paren_at_EOL(
- " 100, 200, 300, 400)
- call cursor(a:lnum, 1)
- let [par_line, par_col] = searchpairpos('(\|{\|\[', '', ')\|}\|\]', 'bW',
- \ "line('.') < " . (a:lnum - s:maxoff) . " ? dummy :"
- \ . " synIDattr(synID(line('.'), col('.'), 1), 'name')"
- \ . " =~ '\\(Comment\\|String\\)$'")
- if par_line > 0
- call cursor(par_line, 1)
- if par_col != col("$") - 1
- return par_col
- endif
- endif
- " Delegate the rest to the original function.
- return GetPythonIndent(a:lnum)
-let pyindent_nested_paren="&sw*2"
-let pyindent_open_paren="&sw*2"
diff --git a/docs/coding/python/index.md b/docs/coding/python/index.md
index b130eb436..a48437eda 100644
--- a/docs/coding/python/index.md
+++ b/docs/coding/python/index.md
@@ -1,10 +1,3 @@
- - navigation
- - toc
# Python
* [关闭Python线程](killable-thread.md)
@@ -13,9 +6,3 @@ hide:
* [映射类型](mapping.md)
* [字节类型](bytes.md)
* [函数](functions.md)
-## 实用工具及代码片段
-* [网易云音乐NCM转换](snippets/ncm_decrypt.md)
-* [公历农历转换](snippets/cn_date.md)
-* [CSV文件合并](snippets/merge_csv.md)
diff --git a/docs/coding/python/pyguide.md b/docs/coding/python/pyguide.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 68c0bbf8e..000000000
--- a/docs/coding/python/pyguide.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3503 +0,0 @@
-# Google Python Style Guide
- Table of Contents
-- [Google Python Style Guide](#google-python-style-guide)
- - [1 Background](#1-background)
- - [2 Python Language Rules](#2-python-language-rules)
- - [2.1 Lint](#21-lint)
- - [2.1.1 Definition](#211-definition)
- - [2.1.2 Pros](#212-pros)
- - [2.1.3 Cons](#213-cons)
- - [2.1.4 Decision](#214-decision)
- - [2.2 Imports](#22-imports)
- - [2.2.1 Definition](#221-definition)
- - [2.2.2 Pros](#222-pros)
- - [2.2.3 Cons](#223-cons)
- - [2.2.4 Decision](#224-decision)
- - [2.3 Packages](#23-packages)
- - [2.3.1 Pros](#231-pros)
- - [2.3.2 Cons](#232-cons)
- - [2.3.3 Decision](#233-decision)
- - [2.4 Exceptions](#24-exceptions)
- - [2.4.1 Definition](#241-definition)
- - [2.4.2 Pros](#242-pros)
- - [2.4.3 Cons](#243-cons)
- - [2.4.4 Decision](#244-decision)
- - [2.5 Global variables](#25-global-variables)
- - [2.5.1 Definition](#251-definition)
- - [2.5.2 Pros](#252-pros)
- - [2.5.3 Cons](#253-cons)
- - [2.5.4 Decision](#254-decision)
- - [2.6 Nested/Local/Inner Classes and Functions](#26-nestedlocalinner-classes-and-functions)
- - [2.6.1 Definition](#261-definition)
- - [2.6.2 Pros](#262-pros)
- - [2.6.3 Cons](#263-cons)
- - [2.6.4 Decision](#264-decision)
- - [2.7 Comprehensions & Generator Expressions](#27-comprehensions--generator-expressions)
- - [2.7.1 Definition](#271-definition)
- - [2.7.2 Pros](#272-pros)
- - [2.7.3 Cons](#273-cons)
- - [2.7.4 Decision](#274-decision)
- - [2.8 Default Iterators and Operators](#28-default-iterators-and-operators)
- - [2.8.1 Definition](#281-definition)
- - [2.8.2 Pros](#282-pros)
- - [2.8.3 Cons](#283-cons)
- - [2.8.4 Decision](#284-decision)
- - [2.9 Generators](#29-generators)
- - [2.9 Definition](#29-definition)
- - [2.9.2 Pros](#292-pros)
- - [2.9.3 Cons](#293-cons)
- - [2.9.4 Decision](#294-decision)
- - [2.10 Lambda Functions](#210-lambda-functions)
- - [2.10.1 Definition](#2101-definition)
- - [2.10.2 Pros](#2102-pros)
- - [2.10.3 Cons](#2103-cons)
- - [2.10.4 Decision](#2104-decision)
- - [2.11 Conditional Expressions](#211-conditional-expressions)
- - [2.11.1 Definition](#2111-definition)
- - [2.11.2 Pros](#2112-pros)
- - [2.11.3 Cons](#2113-cons)
- - [2.11.4 Decision](#2114-decision)
- - [2.12 Default Argument Values](#212-default-argument-values)
- - [2.12.1 Definition](#2121-definition)
- - [2.12.2 Pros](#2122-pros)
- - [2.12.3 Cons](#2123-cons)
- - [2.12.4 Decision](#2124-decision)
- - [2.13 Properties](#213-properties)
- - [2.13.1 Definition](#2131-definition)
- - [2.13.2 Pros](#2132-pros)
- - [2.13.3 Cons](#2133-cons)
- - [2.13.4 Decision](#2134-decision)
- - [2.14 True/False Evaluations](#214-truefalse-evaluations)
- - [2.14.1 Definition](#2141-definition)
- - [2.14.2 Pros](#2142-pros)
- - [2.14.3 Cons](#2143-cons)
- - [2.14.4 Decision](#2144-decision)
- - [2.16 Lexical Scoping](#216-lexical-scoping)
- - [2.16.1 Definition](#2161-definition)
- - [2.16.2 Pros](#2162-pros)
- - [2.16.3 Cons](#2163-cons)
- - [2.16.4 Decision](#2164-decision)
- - [2.17 Function and Method Decorators](#217-function-and-method-decorators)
- - [2.17.1 Definition](#2171-definition)
- - [2.17.2 Pros](#2172-pros)
- - [2.17.3 Cons](#2173-cons)
- - [2.17.4 Decision](#2174-decision)
- - [2.18 Threading](#218-threading)
- - [2.19 Power Features](#219-power-features)
- - [2.19.1 Definition](#2191-definition)
- - [2.19.2 Pros](#2192-pros)
- - [2.19.3 Cons](#2193-cons)
- - [2.19.4 Decision](#2194-decision)
- - [2.20 Modern Python: Python 3 and from \_\_future\_\_ imports](#220-modern-python-python-3-and-from-__future__-imports)
- - [2.20.1 Definition](#2201-definition)
- - [2.20.2 Pros](#2202-pros)
- - [2.20.3 Cons](#2203-cons)
- - [2.20.4 Decision](#2204-decision)
- - [from \_\_future\_\_ imports](#from-__future__-imports)
- - [The six, future, and past libraries](#the-six-future-and-past-libraries)
- - [2.21 Type Annotated Code](#221-type-annotated-code)
- - [2.21.1 Definition](#2211-definition)
- - [2.21.2 Pros](#2212-pros)
- - [2.21.3 Cons](#2213-cons)
- - [2.21.4 Decision](#2214-decision)
- - [3 Python Style Rules](#3-python-style-rules)
- - [3.1 Semicolons](#31-semicolons)
- - [3.2 Line length](#32-line-length)
- - [3.3 Parentheses](#33-parentheses)
- - [3.4 Indentation](#34-indentation)
- - [3.4.1 Trailing commas in sequences of items?](#341-trailing-commas-in-sequences-of-items)
- - [3.5 Blank Lines](#35-blank-lines)
- - [3.6 Whitespace](#36-whitespace)
- - [3.7 Shebang Line](#37-shebang-line)
- - [3.8 Comments and Docstrings](#38-comments-and-docstrings)
- - [3.8.1 Docstrings](#381-docstrings)
- - [3.8.2 Modules](#382-modules)
- - [3.8.3 Functions and Methods](#383-functions-and-methods)
- - [3.8.4 Classes](#384-classes)
- - [3.8.5 Block and Inline Comments](#385-block-and-inline-comments)
- - [3.8.6 Punctuation, Spelling, and Grammar](#386-punctuation-spelling-and-grammar)
- - [3.10 Strings](#310-strings)
- - [3.10.1 Logging](#3101-logging)
- - [3.10.2 Error Messages](#3102-error-messages)
- - [3.11 Files and Sockets](#311-files-and-sockets)
- - [3.12 TODO Comments](#312-todo-comments)
- - [3.13 Imports formatting](#313-imports-formatting)
- - [3.14 Statements](#314-statements)
- - [3.15 Accessors](#315-accessors)
- - [3.16 Naming](#316-naming)
- - [3.16.1 Names to Avoid](#3161-names-to-avoid)
- - [3.16.2 Naming Conventions](#3162-naming-conventions)
- - [3.16.3 File Naming](#3163-file-naming)
- - [3.16.4 Guidelines derived from Guido's Recommendations](#3164-guidelines-derived-from-guidos-recommendations)
- - [3.17 Main](#317-main)
- - [3.18 Function length](#318-function-length)
- - [3.19 Type Annotations](#319-type-annotations)
- - [3.19.1 General Rules](#3191-general-rules)
- - [3.19.2 Line Breaking](#3192-line-breaking)
- - [3.19.3 Forward Declarations](#3193-forward-declarations)
- - [3.19.4 Default Values](#3194-default-values)
- - [3.19.5 NoneType](#3195-nonetype)
- - [3.19.6 Type Aliases](#3196-type-aliases)
- - [3.19.7 Ignoring Types](#3197-ignoring-types)
- - [3.19.8 Typing Variables](#3198-typing-variables)
- - [3.19.9 Tuples vs Lists](#3199-tuples-vs-lists)
- - [3.19.10 TypeVars](#31910-typevars)
- - [3.19.11 String types](#31911-string-types)
- - [3.19.12 Imports For Typing](#31912-imports-for-typing)
- - [3.19.13 Conditional Imports](#31913-conditional-imports)
- - [3.19.14 Circular Dependencies](#31914-circular-dependencies)
- - [3.19.15 Generics](#31915-generics)
- - [4 Parting Words](#4-parting-words)
-## 1 Background
-Python is the main dynamic language used at Google. This style guide is a list
-of *dos and don'ts* for Python programs.
-To help you format code correctly, we've created a [settings file for Vim](google_python_style.vim). For Emacs, the default settings should be fine.
-Many teams use the [yapf](https://github.com/google/yapf/)
-auto-formatter to avoid arguing over formatting.
-## 2 Python Language Rules
-### 2.1 Lint
-Run `pylint` over your code using this [pylintrc](https://google.github.io/styleguide/pylintrc).
-#### 2.1.1 Definition
-is a tool for finding bugs and style problems in Python source code. It finds
-problems that are typically caught by a compiler for less dynamic languages like
-C and C++. Because of the dynamic nature of Python, some
-warnings may be incorrect; however, spurious warnings should be fairly
-#### 2.1.2 Pros
-Catches easy-to-miss errors like typos, using-vars-before-assignment, etc.
-#### 2.1.3 Cons
-isn't perfect. To take advantage of it, sometimes we'll need to write around it,
-suppress its warnings or fix it.
-#### 2.1.4 Decision
-Make sure you run
-on your code.
-Suppress warnings if they are inappropriate so that other issues are not hidden.
-To suppress warnings, you can set a line-level comment:
-dict = 'something awful' # Bad Idea... pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
-warnings are each identified by symbolic name (`empty-docstring`)
-Google-specific warnings start with `g-`.
-If the reason for the suppression is not clear from the symbolic name, add an
-Suppressing in this way has the advantage that we can easily search for
-suppressions and revisit them.
-You can get a list of
-warnings by doing:
-pylint --list-msgs
-To get more information on a particular message, use:
-pylint --help-msg=C6409
-Prefer `pylint: disable` to the deprecated older form `pylint: disable-msg`.
-Unused argument warnings can be suppressed by deleting the variables at the
-beginning of the function. Always include a comment explaining why you are
-deleting it. "Unused." is sufficient. For example:
-def viking_cafe_order(spam, beans, eggs=None):
- del beans, eggs # Unused by vikings.
- return spam + spam + spam
-Other common forms of suppressing this warning include using '`_`' as the
-identifier for the unused argument or prefixing the argument name with
-'`unused_`', or assigning them to '`_`'. These forms are allowed but no longer
-encouraged. These break callers that pass arguments by name and do not enforce
-that the arguments are actually unused.
-### 2.2 Imports
-Use `import` statements for packages and modules only, not for individual
-classes or functions. Note that there is an explicit exemption for imports from
-the [typing module](#typing-imports).
-#### 2.2.1 Definition
-Reusability mechanism for sharing code from one module to another.
-#### 2.2.2 Pros
-The namespace management convention is simple. The source of each identifier is
-indicated in a consistent way; `x.Obj` says that object `Obj` is defined in
-module `x`.
-#### 2.2.3 Cons
-Module names can still collide. Some module names are inconveniently long.
-#### 2.2.4 Decision
-* Use `import x` for importing packages and modules.
-* Use `from x import y` where `x` is the package prefix and `y` is the module
- name with no prefix.
-* Use `from x import y as z` if two modules named `y` are to be imported or if
- `y` is an inconveniently long name.
-* Use `import y as z` only when `z` is a standard abbreviation (e.g., `np` for
- `numpy`).
-For example the module `sound.effects.echo` may be imported as follows:
-from sound.effects import echo
-echo.EchoFilter(input, output, delay=0.7, atten=4)
-Do not use relative names in imports. Even if the module is in the same package,
-use the full package name. This helps prevent unintentionally importing a
-package twice.
-Imports from the [typing module](#typing-imports) and the
-[six.moves module](https://six.readthedocs.io/#module-six.moves)
-are exempt from this rule.
-### 2.3 Packages
-Import each module using the full pathname location of the module.
-#### 2.3.1 Pros
-Avoids conflicts in module names or incorrect imports due to the module search
-path not being what the author expected. Makes it easier to find modules.
-#### 2.3.2 Cons
-Makes it harder to deploy code because you have to replicate the package
-hierarchy. Not really a problem with modern deployment mechanisms.
-#### 2.3.3 Decision
-All new code should import each module by its full package name.
-Imports should be as follows:
-# Reference absl.flags in code with the complete name (verbose).
-import absl.flags
-from doctor.who import jodie
-FLAGS = absl.flags.FLAGS
-# Reference flags in code with just the module name (common).
-from absl import flags
-from doctor.who import jodie
-FLAGS = flags.FLAGS
-No: _(assume this file lives in `doctor/who/` where `jodie.py` also exists)_
-# Unclear what module the author wanted and what will be imported. The actual
-# import behavior depends on external factors controlling sys.path.
-# Which possible jodie module did the author intend to import?
-import jodie
-The directory the main binary is located in should not be assumed to be in
-`sys.path` despite that happening in some environments. This being the case,
-code should assume that `import jodie` refers to a third party or top level
-package named `jodie`, not a local `jodie.py`.
-### 2.4 Exceptions
-Exceptions are allowed but must be used carefully.
-#### 2.4.1 Definition
-Exceptions are a means of breaking out of normal control flow to handle errors
-or other exceptional conditions.
-#### 2.4.2 Pros
-The control flow of normal operation code is not cluttered by error-handling
-code. It also allows the control flow to skip multiple frames when a certain
-condition occurs, e.g., returning from N nested functions in one step instead of
-having to plumb error codes through.
-#### 2.4.3 Cons
-May cause the control flow to be confusing. Easy to miss error cases when making
-library calls.
-#### 2.4.4 Decision
-Exceptions must follow certain conditions:
-- Make use of built-in exception classes when it makes sense. For example,
- raise a `ValueError` to indicate a programming mistake like a violated
- precondition (such as if you were passed a negative number but required a
- positive one). Do not use `assert` statements for validating argument values
- of a public API. `assert` is used to ensure internal correctness, not to
- enforce correct usage nor to indicate that some unexpected event occurred.
- If an exception is desired in the latter cases, use a raise statement. For
- example:
- ```python
- Yes:
- def connect_to_next_port(self, minimum):
- """Connects to the next available port.
- Args:
- minimum: A port value greater or equal to 1024.
- Returns:
- The new minimum port.
- Raises:
- ConnectionError: If no available port is found.
- """
- if minimum < 1024:
- # Note that this raising of ValueError is not mentioned in the doc
- # string's "Raises:" section because it is not appropriate to
- # guarantee this specific behavioral reaction to API misuse.
- raise ValueError(f'Min. port must be at least 1024, not {minimum}.')
- port = self._find_next_open_port(minimum)
- if not port:
- raise ConnectionError(
- f'Could not connect to service on port {minimum} or higher.')
- assert port >= minimum, (
- f'Unexpected port {port} when minimum was {minimum}.')
- return port
- ```
- ```python
- No:
- def connect_to_next_port(self, minimum):
- """Connects to the next available port.
- Args:
- minimum: A port value greater or equal to 1024.
- Returns:
- The new minimum port.
- """
- assert minimum >= 1024, 'Minimum port must be at least 1024.'
- port = self._find_next_open_port(minimum)
- assert port is not None
- return port
- ```
-- Libraries or packages may define their own exceptions. When doing so they
- must inherit from an existing exception class. Exception names should end in
- `Error` and should not introduce stutter (`foo.FooError`).
-- Never use catch-all `except:` statements, or catch `Exception` or
- `StandardError`, unless you are
- - re-raising the exception, or
- - creating an isolation point in the program where exceptions are not
- propagated but are recorded and suppressed instead, such as protecting a
- thread from crashing by guarding its outermost block.
- Python is very tolerant in this regard and `except:` will really catch
- everything including misspelled names, sys.exit() calls, Ctrl+C interrupts,
- unittest failures and all kinds of other exceptions that you simply don't
- want to catch.
-- Minimize the amount of code in a `try`/`except` block. The larger the body
- of the `try`, the more likely that an exception will be raised by a line of
- code that you didn't expect to raise an exception. In those cases, the
- `try`/`except` block hides a real error.
-- Use the `finally` clause to execute code whether or not an exception is
- raised in the `try` block. This is often useful for cleanup, i.e., closing a
- file.
-### 2.5 Global variables
-Avoid global variables.
-#### 2.5.1 Definition
-Variables that are declared at the module level or as class attributes.
-#### 2.5.2 Pros
-Occasionally useful.
-#### 2.5.3 Cons
-Has the potential to change module behavior during the import, because
-assignments to global variables are done when the module is first imported.
-#### 2.5.4 Decision
-Avoid global variables.
-While they are technically variables, module-level constants are permitted and
-encouraged. For example: `MAX_HOLY_HANDGRENADE_COUNT = 3`. Constants must be
-named using all caps with underscores. See [Naming](#s3.16-naming) below.
-If needed, globals should be declared at the module level and made internal to
-the module by prepending an `_` to the name. External access must be done
-through public module-level functions. See [Naming](#s3.16-naming) below.
-### 2.6 Nested/Local/Inner Classes and Functions
-Nested local functions or classes are fine when used to close over a local
-variable. Inner classes are fine.
-#### 2.6.1 Definition
-A class can be defined inside of a method, function, or class. A function can be
-defined inside a method or function. Nested functions have read-only access to
-variables defined in enclosing scopes.
-#### 2.6.2 Pros
-Allows definition of utility classes and functions that are only used inside of
-a very limited scope. Very
-Commonly used for implementing decorators.
-#### 2.6.3 Cons
-Nested functions and classes cannot be directly tested. Nesting can make the
-outer function longer and less readable.
-#### 2.6.4 Decision
-They are fine with some caveats. Avoid nested functions or classes except when
-closing over a local value. Do not nest a function just to hide it from users of
-a module. Instead, prefix its name with an \_ at the module level so that it can
-still be accessed by tests.
-### 2.7 Comprehensions & Generator Expressions
-Okay to use for simple cases.
-#### 2.7.1 Definition
-List, Dict, and Set comprehensions as well as generator expressions provide a
-concise and efficient way to create container types and iterators without
-resorting to the use of traditional loops, `map()`, `filter()`, or `lambda`.
-#### 2.7.2 Pros
-Simple comprehensions can be clearer and simpler than other dict, list, or set
-creation techniques. Generator expressions can be very efficient, since they
-avoid the creation of a list entirely.
-#### 2.7.3 Cons
-Complicated comprehensions or generator expressions can be hard to read.
-#### 2.7.4 Decision
-Okay to use for simple cases. Each portion must fit on one line: mapping
-expression, `for` clause, filter expression. Multiple `for` clauses or filter
-expressions are not permitted. Use loops instead when things get more
- result = [mapping_expr for value in iterable if filter_expr]
- result = [{'key': value} for value in iterable
- if a_long_filter_expression(value)]
- result = [complicated_transform(x)
- for x in iterable if predicate(x)]
- descriptive_name = [
- transform({'key': key, 'value': value}, color='black')
- for key, value in generate_iterable(some_input)
- if complicated_condition_is_met(key, value)
- ]
- result = []
- for x in range(10):
- for y in range(5):
- if x * y > 10:
- result.append((x, y))
- return {x: complicated_transform(x)
- for x in long_generator_function(parameter)
- if x is not None}
- squares_generator = (x**2 for x in range(10))
- unique_names = {user.name for user in users if user is not None}
- eat(jelly_bean for jelly_bean in jelly_beans
- if jelly_bean.color == 'black')
- result = [complicated_transform(
- x, some_argument=x+1)
- for x in iterable if predicate(x)]
- result = [(x, y) for x in range(10) for y in range(5) if x * y > 10]
- return ((x, y, z)
- for x in range(5)
- for y in range(5)
- if x != y
- for z in range(5)
- if y != z)
-### 2.8 Default Iterators and Operators
-Use default iterators and operators for types that support them, like lists,
-dictionaries, and files.
-#### 2.8.1 Definition
-Container types, like dictionaries and lists, define default iterators and
-membership test operators ("in" and "not in").
-#### 2.8.2 Pros
-The default iterators and operators are simple and efficient. They express the
-operation directly, without extra method calls. A function that uses default
-operators is generic. It can be used with any type that supports the operation.
-#### 2.8.3 Cons
-You can't tell the type of objects by reading the method names (e.g. `has_key()`
-means a dictionary). This is also an advantage.
-#### 2.8.4 Decision
-Use default iterators and operators for types that support them, like lists,
-dictionaries, and files. The built-in types define iterator methods, too. Prefer
-these methods to methods that return lists, except that you should not mutate a
-container while iterating over it.
-Yes: for key in adict: ...
- if key not in adict: ...
- if obj in alist: ...
- for line in afile: ...
- for k, v in adict.items(): ...
- for k, v in six.iteritems(adict): ...
-No: for key in adict.keys(): ...
- if not adict.has_key(key): ...
- for line in afile.readlines(): ...
- for k, v in dict.iteritems(): ...
-### 2.9 Generators
-Use generators as needed.
-#### 2.9 Definition
-A generator function returns an iterator that yields a value each time it
-executes a yield statement. After it yields a value, the runtime state of the
-generator function is suspended until the next value is needed.
-#### 2.9.2 Pros
-Simpler code, because the state of local variables and control flow are
-preserved for each call. A generator uses less memory than a function that
-creates an entire list of values at once.
-#### 2.9.3 Cons
-#### 2.9.4 Decision
-Fine. Use "Yields:" rather than "Returns:" in the docstring for generator
-### 2.10 Lambda Functions
-Okay for one-liners. Prefer generator expressions over `map()` or `filter()`
-with a `lambda`.
-#### 2.10.1 Definition
-Lambdas define anonymous functions in an expression, as opposed to a statement.
-#### 2.10.2 Pros
-#### 2.10.3 Cons
-Harder to read and debug than local functions. The lack of names means stack
-traces are more difficult to understand. Expressiveness is limited because the
-function may only contain an expression.
-#### 2.10.4 Decision
-Okay to use them for one-liners. If the code inside the lambda function is
-longer than 60-80 chars, it's probably better to define it as a regular
-[nested function](#lexical-scoping).
-For common operations like multiplication, use the functions from the `operator`
-module instead of lambda functions. For example, prefer `operator.mul` to
-`lambda x, y: x * y`.
-### 2.11 Conditional Expressions
-Okay for simple cases.
-#### 2.11.1 Definition
-Conditional expressions (sometimes called a “ternary operator”) are mechanisms
-that provide a shorter syntax for if statements. For example: `x = 1 if cond
-else 2`.
-#### 2.11.2 Pros
-Shorter and more convenient than an if statement.
-#### 2.11.3 Cons
-May be harder to read than an if statement. The condition may be difficult to
-locate if the expression is long.
-#### 2.11.4 Decision
-Okay to use for simple cases. Each portion must fit on one line:
-true-expression, if-expression, else-expression. Use a complete if statement
-when things get more complicated.
- one_line = 'yes' if predicate(value) else 'no'
- slightly_split = ('yes' if predicate(value)
- else 'no, nein, nyet')
- the_longest_ternary_style_that_can_be_done = (
- 'yes, true, affirmative, confirmed, correct'
- if predicate(value)
- else 'no, false, negative, nay')
- bad_line_breaking = ('yes' if predicate(value) else
- 'no')
- portion_too_long = ('yes'
- if some_long_module.some_long_predicate_function(
- really_long_variable_name)
- else 'no, false, negative, nay')
-### 2.12 Default Argument Values
-Okay in most cases.
-#### 2.12.1 Definition
-You can specify values for variables at the end of a function's parameter list,
-e.g., `def foo(a, b=0):`. If `foo` is called with only one argument, `b` is set
-to 0. If it is called with two arguments, `b` has the value of the second
-#### 2.12.2 Pros
-Often you have a function that uses lots of default values, but on rare
-occasions you want to override the defaults. Default argument values provide an
-easy way to do this, without having to define lots of functions for the rare
-exceptions. As Python does not support overloaded methods/functions, default
-arguments are an easy way of "faking" the overloading behavior.
-#### 2.12.3 Cons
-Default arguments are evaluated once at module load time. This may cause
-problems if the argument is a mutable object such as a list or a dictionary. If
-the function modifies the object (e.g., by appending an item to a list), the
-default value is modified.
-#### 2.12.4 Decision
-Okay to use with the following caveat:
-Do not use mutable objects as default values in the function or method
-Yes: def foo(a, b=None):
- if b is None:
- b = []
-Yes: def foo(a, b: Optional[Sequence] = None):
- if b is None:
- b = []
-Yes: def foo(a, b: Sequence = ()): # Empty tuple OK since tuples are immutable
- ...
-No: def foo(a, b=[]):
- ...
-No: def foo(a, b=time.time()): # The time the module was loaded???
- ...
-No: def foo(a, b=FLAGS.my_thing): # sys.argv has not yet been parsed...
- ...
-No: def foo(a, b: Mapping = {}): # Could still get passed to unchecked code
- ...
-### 2.13 Properties
-Use properties for accessing or setting data where you would normally have used
-simple, lightweight accessor or setter methods.
-#### 2.13.1 Definition
-A way to wrap method calls for getting and setting an attribute as a standard
-attribute access when the computation is lightweight.
-#### 2.13.2 Pros
-Readability is increased by eliminating explicit get and set method calls for
-simple attribute access. Allows calculations to be lazy. Considered the Pythonic
-way to maintain the interface of a class. In terms of performance, allowing
-properties bypasses needing trivial accessor methods when a direct variable
-access is reasonable. This also allows accessor methods to be added in the
-future without breaking the interface.
-#### 2.13.3 Cons
-Can hide side-effects much like operator overloading. Can be confusing for
-#### 2.13.4 Decision
-Use properties in new code to access or set data where you would normally have
-used lightweight accessor or setter methods. Properties should be created with
-the `@property` [decorator](#s2.17-function-and-method-decorators).
-Inheritance with properties can be non-obvious if the property itself is not
-overridden. Thus one must make sure that accessor methods are called indirectly
-to ensure methods overridden in subclasses are called by the property (using the
-[template method design pattern](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template_method_pattern)).
-Yes: import math
- class Square:
- """A square with two properties: a writable area and a read-only perimeter.
- To use:
- >>> sq = Square(3)
- >>> sq.area
- 9
- >>> sq.perimeter
- 12
- >>> sq.area = 16
- >>> sq.side
- 4
- >>> sq.perimeter
- 16
- """
- def __init__(self, side):
- self.side = side
- @property
- def area(self):
- """Area of the square."""
- return self._get_area()
- @area.setter
- def area(self, area):
- return self._set_area(area)
- def _get_area(self):
- """Indirect accessor to calculate the 'area' property."""
- return self.side ** 2
- def _set_area(self, area):
- """Indirect setter to set the 'area' property."""
- self.side = math.sqrt(area)
- @property
- def perimeter(self):
- return self.side * 4
-### 2.14 True/False Evaluations
-Use the "implicit" false if at all possible.
-#### 2.14.1 Definition
-Python evaluates certain values as `False` when in a boolean context. A quick
-"rule of thumb" is that all "empty" values are considered false, so `0, None,
-[], {}, ''` all evaluate as false in a boolean context.
-#### 2.14.2 Pros
-Conditions using Python booleans are easier to read and less error-prone. In
-most cases, they're also faster.
-#### 2.14.3 Cons
-May look strange to C/C++ developers.
-#### 2.14.4 Decision
-Use the "implicit" false if possible, e.g., `if foo:` rather than `if foo !=
-[]:`. There are a few caveats that you should keep in mind though:
-- Always use `if foo is None:` (or `is not None`) to check for a `None` value.
- E.g., when testing whether a variable or argument that defaults to `None`
- was set to some other value. The other value might be a value that's false
- in a boolean context!
-- Never compare a boolean variable to `False` using `==`. Use `if not x:`
- instead. If you need to distinguish `False` from `None` then chain the
- expressions, such as `if not x and x is not None:`.
-- For sequences (strings, lists, tuples), use the fact that empty sequences
- are false, so `if seq:` and `if not seq:` are preferable to `if len(seq):`
- and `if not len(seq):` respectively.
-- When handling integers, implicit false may involve more risk than benefit
- (i.e., accidentally handling `None` as 0). You may compare a value which is
- known to be an integer (and is not the result of `len()`) against the
- integer 0.
- ```python
- Yes: if not users:
- print('no users')
- if foo == 0:
- self.handle_zero()
- if i % 10 == 0:
- self.handle_multiple_of_ten()
- def f(x=None):
- if x is None:
- x = []
- ```
- ```python
- No: if len(users) == 0:
- print('no users')
- if foo is not None and not foo:
- self.handle_zero()
- if not i % 10:
- self.handle_multiple_of_ten()
- def f(x=None):
- x = x or []
- ```
-- Note that `'0'` (i.e., `0` as string) evaluates to true.
-### 2.16 Lexical Scoping
-Okay to use.
-#### 2.16.1 Definition
-A nested Python function can refer to variables defined in enclosing functions,
-but cannot assign to them. Variable bindings are resolved using lexical scoping,
-that is, based on the static program text. Any assignment to a name in a block
-will cause Python to treat all references to that name as a local variable, even
-if the use precedes the assignment. If a global declaration occurs, the name is
-treated as a global variable.
-An example of the use of this feature is:
-def get_adder(summand1):
- """Returns a function that adds numbers to a given number."""
- def adder(summand2):
- return summand1 + summand2
- return adder
-#### 2.16.2 Pros
-Often results in clearer, more elegant code. Especially comforting to
-experienced Lisp and Scheme (and Haskell and ML and ...) programmers.
-#### 2.16.3 Cons
-Can lead to confusing bugs. Such as this example based on
-i = 4
-def foo(x):
- def bar():
- print(i, end='')
- # ...
- # A bunch of code here
- # ...
- for i in x: # Ah, i *is* local to foo, so this is what bar sees
- print(i, end='')
- bar()
-So `foo([1, 2, 3])` will print `1 2 3 3`,
-not `1 2 3 4`.
-#### 2.16.4 Decision
-Okay to use.
-### 2.17 Function and Method Decorators
-Use decorators judiciously when there is a clear advantage. Avoid `staticmethod`
-and limit use of `classmethod`.
-#### 2.17.1 Definition
-[Decorators for Functions and Methods](https://docs.python.org/3/glossary.html#term-decorator)
-(a.k.a "the `@` notation"). One common decorator is `@property`, used for
-converting ordinary methods into dynamically computed attributes. However, the
-decorator syntax allows for user-defined decorators as well. Specifically, for
-some function `my_decorator`, this:
-class C:
- @my_decorator
- def method(self):
- # method body ...
-is equivalent to:
-class C:
- def method(self):
- # method body ...
- method = my_decorator(method)
-#### 2.17.2 Pros
-Elegantly specifies some transformation on a method; the transformation might
-eliminate some repetitive code, enforce invariants, etc.
-#### 2.17.3 Cons
-Decorators can perform arbitrary operations on a function's arguments or return
-values, resulting in surprising implicit behavior. Additionally, decorators
-execute at import time. Failures in decorator code are pretty much impossible to
-recover from.
-#### 2.17.4 Decision
-Use decorators judiciously when there is a clear advantage. Decorators should
-follow the same import and naming guidelines as functions. Decorator pydoc
-should clearly state that the function is a decorator. Write unit tests for
-Avoid external dependencies in the decorator itself (e.g. don't rely on files,
-sockets, database connections, etc.), since they might not be available when the
-decorator runs (at import time, perhaps from `pydoc` or other tools). A
-decorator that is called with valid parameters should (as much as possible) be
-guaranteed to succeed in all cases.
-Decorators are a special case of "top level code" - see [main](#s3.17-main) for
-more discussion.
-Never use `staticmethod` unless forced to in order to integrate with an API
-defined in an existing library. Write a module level function instead.
-Use `classmethod` only when writing a named constructor or a class-specific
-routine that modifies necessary global state such as a process-wide cache.
-### 2.18 Threading
-Do not rely on the atomicity of built-in types.
-While Python's built-in data types such as dictionaries appear to have atomic
-operations, there are corner cases where they aren't atomic (e.g. if `__hash__`
-or `__eq__` are implemented as Python methods) and their atomicity should not be
-relied upon. Neither should you rely on atomic variable assignment (since this
-in turn depends on dictionaries).
-Use the Queue module's `Queue` data type as the preferred way to communicate
-data between threads. Otherwise, use the threading module and its locking
-primitives. Prefer condition variables and `threading.Condition` instead of
-using lower-level locks.
-### 2.19 Power Features
-Avoid these features.
-#### 2.19.1 Definition
-Python is an extremely flexible language and gives you many fancy features such
-as custom metaclasses, access to bytecode, on-the-fly compilation, dynamic
-inheritance, object reparenting, import hacks, reflection (e.g. some uses of
-`getattr()`), modification of system internals, etc.
-#### 2.19.2 Pros
-These are powerful language features. They can make your code more compact.
-#### 2.19.3 Cons
-It's very tempting to use these "cool" features when they're not absolutely
-necessary. It's harder to read, understand, and debug code that's using unusual
-features underneath. It doesn't seem that way at first (to the original author),
-but when revisiting the code, it tends to be more difficult than code that is
-longer but is straightforward.
-#### 2.19.4 Decision
-Avoid these features in your code.
-Standard library modules and classes that internally use these features are okay
-to use (for example, `abc.ABCMeta`, `dataclasses`, and `enum`).
-### 2.20 Modern Python: Python 3 and from \_\_future\_\_ imports
-Python 3 is here! While not every project is ready to use it yet,
-all code should be written to be 3 compatible (and tested under 3 when
-#### 2.20.1 Definition
-Python 3 is a significant change in the Python language. While existing code is
-often written with 2.7 in mind, there are some simple things to do to make code
-more explicit about its intentions and thus better prepared for use under Python
-3 without modification.
-#### 2.20.2 Pros
-Code written with Python 3 in mind is more explicit and easier to get running
-under Python 3 once all of the dependencies of your project are ready.
-#### 2.20.3 Cons
-Some people find the additional boilerplate to be ugly. It's unusual to add
-imports to a module that doesn't actually require the features added by the
-#### 2.20.4 Decision
-##### from \_\_future\_\_ imports
-Use of `from __future__ import` statements is encouraged. All new code should
-contain the following and existing code should be updated to be compatible when
-from __future__ import absolute_import
-from __future__ import division
-from __future__ import print_function
-For more information on these imports, see
-[absolute imports](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0328/),
-[`/` division behavior](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0238/), and
-[the `print` function](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3105/).
-Please don't omit or remove these imports, even if they're not currently used in
-the module, unless the code is Python 3 only. It is better to always have the
-future imports in all files so that they are not forgotten during later edits
-when someone starts using such a feature.
-There are other `from __future__` import statements. Use them as you see fit. We
-do not include `unicode_literals` in our recommendations as it is not a clear
-win due to implicit default codec conversion consequences it introduces in many
-places within Python 2.7. Most code is better off with explicit use of `b''` and
-`u''` bytes and unicode string literals as necessary.
-##### The six, future, and past libraries
-When your project needs to actively support use under both Python 2 and 3, use
-the [six](https://pypi.org/project/six/),
-[future](https://pypi.org/project/future/), and
-[past](https://pypi.org/project/past/) libraries as you see fit. They exist to
-make your code cleaner and life easier.
-### 2.21 Type Annotated Code
-You can annotate Python 3 code with type hints according to
-[PEP-484](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0484/), and type-check the code at
-build time with a type checking tool like [pytype](https://github.com/google/pytype).
-Type annotations can be in the source or in a
-[stub pyi file](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0484/#stub-files). Whenever
-possible, annotations should be in the source. Use pyi files for third-party or
-extension modules.
-#### 2.21.1 Definition
-Type annotations (or "type hints") are for function or method arguments and
-return values:
-def func(a: int) -> List[int]:
-You can also declare the type of a variable using similar
-[PEP-526](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0526/) syntax:
-a: SomeType = some_func()
-Or by using a type comment in code that must support legacy Python versions.
-a = some_func() # type: SomeType
-#### 2.21.2 Pros
-Type annotations improve the readability and maintainability of your code. The
-type checker will convert many runtime errors to build-time errors, and reduce
-your ability to use [Power Features](#power-features).
-#### 2.21.3 Cons
-You will have to keep the type declarations up to date.
-You might see type errors that you think are
-valid code. Use of a
-[type checker](https://github.com/google/pytype)
-may reduce your ability to use [Power Features](#power-features).
-#### 2.21.4 Decision
-You are strongly encouraged to enable Python type analysis when updating code.
-When adding or modifying public APIs, include type annotations and enable
-checking via pytype in the build system. As static analysis is relatively new to
-Python, we acknowledge that undesired side-effects (such as
-inferred types) may prevent adoption by some projects. In those situations,
-authors are encouraged to add a comment with a TODO or link to a bug describing
-the issue(s) currently preventing type annotation adoption in the BUILD file or
-in the code itself as appropriate.
-## 3 Python Style Rules
-### 3.1 Semicolons
-Do not terminate your lines with semicolons, and do not use semicolons to put
-two statements on the same line.
-### 3.2 Line length
-Maximum line length is *80 characters*.
-Explicit exceptions to the 80 character limit:
-- Long import statements.
-- URLs, pathnames, or long flags in comments.
-- Long string module level constants not containing whitespace that would be
- inconvenient to split across lines such as URLs or pathnames.
- - Pylint disable comments. (e.g.: `# pylint: disable=invalid-name`)
-Do not use backslash line continuation except for `with` statements requiring
-three or more context managers.
-Make use of Python's
-[implicit line joining inside parentheses, brackets and braces](http://docs.python.org/reference/lexical_analysis.html#implicit-line-joining).
-If necessary, you can add an extra pair of parentheses around an expression.
-Yes: foo_bar(self, width, height, color='black', design=None, x='foo',
- emphasis=None, highlight=0)
- if (width == 0 and height == 0 and
- color == 'red' and emphasis == 'strong'):
-When a literal string won't fit on a single line, use parentheses for implicit
-line joining.
-x = ('This will build a very long long '
- 'long long long long long long string')
-Within comments, put long URLs on their own line if necessary.
-Yes: # See details at
- # http://www.example.com/us/developer/documentation/api/content/v2.0/csv_file_name_extension_full_specification.html
-No: # See details at
- # http://www.example.com/us/developer/documentation/api/content/\
- # v2.0/csv_file_name_extension_full_specification.html
-It is permissible to use backslash continuation when defining a `with` statement
-whose expressions span three or more lines. For two lines of expressions, use a
-nested `with` statement:
-Yes: with very_long_first_expression_function() as spam, \
- very_long_second_expression_function() as beans, \
- third_thing() as eggs:
- place_order(eggs, beans, spam, beans)
-No: with VeryLongFirstExpressionFunction() as spam, \
- VeryLongSecondExpressionFunction() as beans:
- PlaceOrder(eggs, beans, spam, beans)
-Yes: with very_long_first_expression_function() as spam:
- with very_long_second_expression_function() as beans:
- place_order(beans, spam)
-Make note of the indentation of the elements in the line continuation examples
-above; see the [indentation](#s3.4-indentation) section for explanation.
-In all other cases where a line exceeds 80 characters, and the
-auto-formatter does not help bring the line below the limit, the line is allowed
-to exceed this maximum.
-### 3.3 Parentheses
-Use parentheses sparingly.
-It is fine, though not required, to use parentheses around tuples. Do not use
-them in return statements or conditional statements unless using parentheses for
-implied line continuation or to indicate a tuple.
-Yes: if foo:
- bar()
- while x:
- x = bar()
- if x and y:
- bar()
- if not x:
- bar()
- # For a 1 item tuple the ()s are more visually obvious than the comma.
- onesie = (foo,)
- return foo
- return spam, beans
- return (spam, beans)
- for (x, y) in dict.items(): ...
-No: if (x):
- bar()
- if not(x):
- bar()
- return (foo)
-### 3.4 Indentation
-Indent your code blocks with *4 spaces*.
-Never use tabs or mix tabs and spaces. In cases of implied line continuation,
-you should align wrapped elements either vertically, as per the examples in the
-[line length](#s3.2-line-length) section; or using a hanging indent of 4 spaces,
-in which case there should be nothing after the open parenthesis or bracket on
-the first line.
-Yes: # Aligned with opening delimiter
- foo = long_function_name(var_one, var_two,
- var_three, var_four)
- meal = (spam,
- beans)
- # Aligned with opening delimiter in a dictionary
- foo = {
- long_dictionary_key: value1 +
- value2,
- ...
- }
- # 4-space hanging indent; nothing on first line
- foo = long_function_name(
- var_one, var_two, var_three,
- var_four)
- meal = (
- spam,
- beans)
- # 4-space hanging indent in a dictionary
- foo = {
- long_dictionary_key:
- long_dictionary_value,
- ...
- }
-No: # Stuff on first line forbidden
- foo = long_function_name(var_one, var_two,
- var_three, var_four)
- meal = (spam,
- beans)
- # 2-space hanging indent forbidden
- foo = long_function_name(
- var_one, var_two, var_three,
- var_four)
- # No hanging indent in a dictionary
- foo = {
- long_dictionary_key:
- long_dictionary_value,
- ...
- }
-### 3.4.1 Trailing commas in sequences of items?
-Trailing commas in sequences of items are recommended only when the closing
-container token `]`, `)`, or `}` does not appear on the same line as the final
-element. The presence of a trailing comma is also used as a hint to our Python
-code auto-formatter [YAPF](https://pypi.org/project/yapf/) to direct it to auto-format the container
-of items to one item per line when the `,` after the final element is present.
-Yes: golomb3 = [0, 1, 3]
-Yes: golomb4 = [
- 0,
- 1,
- 4,
- 6,
- ]
-No: golomb4 = [
- 0,
- 1,
- 4,
- 6
- ]
-### 3.5 Blank Lines
-Two blank lines between top-level definitions, be they function or class
-definitions. One blank line between method definitions and between the `class`
-line and the first method. No blank line following a `def` line. Use single
-blank lines as you judge appropriate within functions or methods.
-### 3.6 Whitespace
-Follow standard typographic rules for the use of spaces around punctuation.
-No whitespace inside parentheses, brackets or braces.
-Yes: spam(ham[1], {eggs: 2}, [])
-No: spam( ham[ 1 ], { eggs: 2 }, [ ] )
-No whitespace before a comma, semicolon, or colon. Do use whitespace after a
-comma, semicolon, or colon, except at the end of the line.
-Yes: if x == 4:
- print(x, y)
- x, y = y, x
-No: if x == 4 :
- print(x , y)
- x , y = y , x
-No whitespace before the open paren/bracket that starts an argument list,
-indexing or slicing.
-Yes: spam(1)
-No: spam (1)
-Yes: dict['key'] = list[index]
-No: dict ['key'] = list [index]
-No trailing whitespace.
-Surround binary operators with a single space on either side for assignment
-(`=`), comparisons (`==, <, >, !=, <>, <=, >=, in, not in, is, is not`), and
-Booleans (`and, or, not`). Use your better judgment for the insertion of spaces
-around arithmetic operators (`+`, `-`, `*`, `/`, `//`, `%`, `**`, `@`).
-Yes: x == 1
-No: x<1
-Never use spaces around `=` when passing keyword arguments or defining a default
-parameter value, with one exception:
-[when a type annotation is present](#typing-default-values), _do_ use spaces
-around the `=` for the default parameter value.
-Yes: def complex(real, imag=0.0): return Magic(r=real, i=imag)
-Yes: def complex(real, imag: float = 0.0): return Magic(r=real, i=imag)
-No: def complex(real, imag = 0.0): return Magic(r = real, i = imag)
-No: def complex(real, imag: float=0.0): return Magic(r = real, i = imag)
-Don't use spaces to vertically align tokens on consecutive lines, since it
-becomes a maintenance burden (applies to `:`, `#`, `=`, etc.):
- foo = 1000 # comment
- long_name = 2 # comment that should not be aligned
- dictionary = {
- 'foo': 1,
- 'long_name': 2,
- }
- foo = 1000 # comment
- long_name = 2 # comment that should not be aligned
- dictionary = {
- 'foo' : 1,
- 'long_name': 2,
- }
-### 3.7 Shebang Line
-Most `.py` files do not need to start with a `#!` line. Start the main file of a
-program with
-`#!/usr/bin/env python3` (to support virtualenvs) or `#!/usr/bin/python3` per
-This line is used by the kernel to find the Python interpreter, but is ignored by Python when importing modules. It is only necessary on a file intended to be executed directly.
-### 3.8 Comments and Docstrings
-Be sure to use the right style for module, function, method docstrings and
-inline comments.
-#### 3.8.1 Docstrings
-Python uses _docstrings_ to document code. A docstring is a string that is the
-first statement in a package, module, class or function. These strings can be
-extracted automatically through the `__doc__` member of the object and are used
-by `pydoc`.
-(Try running `pydoc` on your module to see how it looks.) Always use the three
-double-quote `"""` format for docstrings (per
-[PEP 257](https://www.google.com/url?sa=D&q=http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0257/)).
-A docstring should be organized as a summary line (one physical line not
-exceeding 80 characters) terminated by a period, question mark, or exclamation
-point. When writing more (encouraged), this must be followed by a blank line,
-followed by the rest of the docstring starting at the same cursor position as
-the first quote of the first line. There are more formatting guidelines for
-docstrings below.
-#### 3.8.2 Modules
-Every file should contain license boilerplate. Choose the appropriate boilerplate for the license used by the project (for example, Apache 2.0, BSD, LGPL, GPL)
-Files should start with a docstring describing the contents and usage of the
-"""A one line summary of the module or program, terminated by a period.
-Leave one blank line. The rest of this docstring should contain an
-overall description of the module or program. Optionally, it may also
-contain a brief description of exported classes and functions and/or usage
- Typical usage example:
- foo = ClassFoo()
- bar = foo.FunctionBar()
-#### 3.8.3 Functions and Methods
-In this section, "function" means a method, function, or generator.
-A function must have a docstring, unless it meets all of the following criteria:
-- not externally visible
-- very short
-- obvious
-A docstring should give enough information to write a call to the function
-without reading the function's code. The docstring should be descriptive-style
-(`"""Fetches rows from a Bigtable."""`) rather than imperative-style (`"""Fetch
-rows from a Bigtable."""`), except for `@property` data descriptors, which
-should use the same style as attributes. A docstring
-should describe the function's calling syntax and its semantics, not its
-implementation. For tricky code, comments alongside the code are more
-appropriate than using docstrings.
-A method that overrides a method from a base class may have a simple docstring
-sending the reader to its overridden method's docstring, such as `"""See base
-class."""`. The rationale is that there is no need to repeat in many places
-documentation that is already present in the base method's docstring. However,
-if the overriding method's behavior is substantially different from the
-overridden method, or details need to be provided (e.g., documenting additional
-side effects), a docstring with at least those differences is required on the
-overriding method.
-Certain aspects of a function should be documented in special sections, listed
-below. Each section begins with a heading line, which ends with a colon. All
-sections other than the heading should maintain a hanging indent of two or four
-spaces (be consistent within a file). These sections can be omitted in cases
-where the function's name and signature are informative enough that it can be
-aptly described using a one-line docstring.
-: List each parameter by name. A description should follow the name, and be
- separated by a colon followed by either a space or newline. If the
- description is too long to fit on a single 80-character line, use a hanging
- indent of 2 or 4 spaces more than the parameter name (be consistent with the
- rest of the docstrings in the file). The description should include required
- type(s) if the code does not contain a corresponding type annotation. If a
- function accepts `*foo` (variable length argument lists) and/or `**bar`
- (arbitrary keyword arguments), they should be listed as `*foo` and `**bar`.
-[*Returns:* (or *Yields:* for generators)](#doc-function-returns)
-: Describe the type and semantics of the return value. If the function only
- returns None, this section is not required. It may also be omitted if the
- docstring starts with Returns or Yields (e.g. `"""Returns row from Bigtable
- as a tuple of strings."""`) and the opening sentence is sufficient to
- describe return value.
-: List all exceptions that are relevant to the interface followed by a
- description. Use a similar exception name + colon + space or newline and
- hanging indent style as described in *Args:*. You should not document
- exceptions that get raised if the API specified in the docstring is violated
- (because this would paradoxically make behavior under violation of the API
- part of the API).
-def fetch_smalltable_rows(table_handle: smalltable.Table,
- keys: Sequence[Union[bytes, str]],
- require_all_keys: bool = False,
-) -> Mapping[bytes, Tuple[str]]:
- """Fetches rows from a Smalltable.
- Retrieves rows pertaining to the given keys from the Table instance
- represented by table_handle. String keys will be UTF-8 encoded.
- Args:
- table_handle: An open smalltable.Table instance.
- keys: A sequence of strings representing the key of each table
- row to fetch. String keys will be UTF-8 encoded.
- require_all_keys: Optional; If require_all_keys is True only
- rows with values set for all keys will be returned.
- Returns:
- A dict mapping keys to the corresponding table row data
- fetched. Each row is represented as a tuple of strings. For
- example:
- {b'Serak': ('Rigel VII', 'Preparer'),
- b'Zim': ('Irk', 'Invader'),
- b'Lrrr': ('Omicron Persei 8', 'Emperor')}
- Returned keys are always bytes. If a key from the keys argument is
- missing from the dictionary, then that row was not found in the
- table (and require_all_keys must have been False).
- Raises:
- IOError: An error occurred accessing the smalltable.
- """
-Similarly, this variation on `Args:` with a line break is also allowed:
-def fetch_smalltable_rows(table_handle: smalltable.Table,
- keys: Sequence[Union[bytes, str]],
- require_all_keys: bool = False,
-) -> Mapping[bytes, Tuple[str]]:
- """Fetches rows from a Smalltable.
- Retrieves rows pertaining to the given keys from the Table instance
- represented by table_handle. String keys will be UTF-8 encoded.
- Args:
- table_handle:
- An open smalltable.Table instance.
- keys:
- A sequence of strings representing the key of each table row to
- fetch. String keys will be UTF-8 encoded.
- require_all_keys:
- Optional; If require_all_keys is True only rows with values set
- for all keys will be returned.
- Returns:
- A dict mapping keys to the corresponding table row data
- fetched. Each row is represented as a tuple of strings. For
- example:
- {b'Serak': ('Rigel VII', 'Preparer'),
- b'Zim': ('Irk', 'Invader'),
- b'Lrrr': ('Omicron Persei 8', 'Emperor')}
- Returned keys are always bytes. If a key from the keys argument is
- missing from the dictionary, then that row was not found in the
- table (and require_all_keys must have been False).
- Raises:
- IOError: An error occurred accessing the smalltable.
- """
-#### 3.8.4 Classes
-Classes should have a docstring below the class definition describing the class.
-If your class has public attributes, they should be documented here in an
-`Attributes` section and follow the same formatting as a
-[function's `Args`](#doc-function-args) section.
-class SampleClass:
- """Summary of class here.
- Longer class information....
- Longer class information....
- Attributes:
- likes_spam: A boolean indicating if we like SPAM or not.
- eggs: An integer count of the eggs we have laid.
- """
- def __init__(self, likes_spam=False):
- """Inits SampleClass with blah."""
- self.likes_spam = likes_spam
- self.eggs = 0
- def public_method(self):
- """Performs operation blah."""
-#### 3.8.5 Block and Inline Comments
-The final place to have comments is in tricky parts of the code. If you're going
-to have to explain it at the next [code review](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_review),
-you should comment it now. Complicated operations get a few lines of comments
-before the operations commence. Non-obvious ones get comments at the end of the
-# We use a weighted dictionary search to find out where i is in
-# the array. We extrapolate position based on the largest num
-# in the array and the array size and then do binary search to
-# get the exact number.
-if i & (i-1) == 0: # True if i is 0 or a power of 2.
-To improve legibility, these comments should start at least 2 spaces away from
-the code with the comment character `#`, followed by at least one space before
-the text of the comment itself.
-On the other hand, never describe the code. Assume the person reading the code
-knows Python (though not what you're trying to do) better than you do.
-# BAD COMMENT: Now go through the b array and make sure whenever i occurs
-# the next element is i+1
-#### 3.8.6 Punctuation, Spelling, and Grammar
-Pay attention to punctuation, spelling, and grammar; it is easier to read
-well-written comments than badly written ones.
-Comments should be as readable as narrative text, with proper capitalization and
-punctuation. In many cases, complete sentences are more readable than sentence
-fragments. Shorter comments, such as comments at the end of a line of code, can
-sometimes be less formal, but you should be consistent with your style.
-Although it can be frustrating to have a code reviewer point out that you are
-using a comma when you should be using a semicolon, it is very important that
-source code maintain a high level of clarity and readability. Proper
-punctuation, spelling, and grammar help with that goal.
-### 3.10 Strings
-Use an
-the `%` operator, or the `format` method for formatting strings, even when the
-parameters are all strings. Use your best judgment to decide between `+` and `%`
-(or `format`) though. Do not use `%` or the `format` method for pure
-Yes: x = a + b
- x = '%s, %s!' % (imperative, expletive)
- x = '{}, {}'.format(first, second)
- x = 'name: %s; score: %d' % (name, n)
- x = 'name: {}; score: {}'.format(name, n)
- x = f'name: {name}; score: {n}'
-No: x = '%s%s' % (a, b) # use + in this case
- x = '{}{}'.format(a, b) # use + in this case
- x = first + ', ' + second
- x = 'name: ' + name + '; score: ' + str(n)
-Avoid using the `+` and `+=` operators to accumulate a string within a loop. In
-some conditions, accumulating a string with addition can lead to quadratic
-rather than linear running time. Although common accumulations of this sort may
-be optimized on CPython, that is an implementation detail. The conditions under
-which an optimization applies are not easy to predict and may change. Instead,
-add each substring to a list and `''.join` the list after the loop terminates,
-or write each substring to an `io.StringIO` buffer. These techniques
-consistently have amortized-linear run time complexity.
-Yes: items = ['
- for last_name, first_name in employee_list:
- items.append('%s, %s |
' % (last_name, first_name))
- items.append('
- employee_table = ''.join(items)
-No: employee_table = ''
- for last_name, first_name in employee_list:
- employee_table += '%s, %s |
' % (last_name, first_name)
- employee_table += '
-Be consistent with your choice of string quote character within a file. Pick `'`
-or `"` and stick with it. It is okay to use the other quote character on a
-string to avoid the need to `\\ ` escape within the string.
- Python('Why are you hiding your eyes?')
- Gollum("I'm scared of lint errors.")
- Narrator('"Good!" thought a happy Python reviewer.')
- Python("Why are you hiding your eyes?")
- Gollum('The lint. It burns. It burns us.')
- Gollum("Always the great lint. Watching. Watching.")
-Prefer `"""` for multi-line strings rather than `'''`. Projects may choose to
-use `'''` for all non-docstring multi-line strings if and only if they also use
-`'` for regular strings. Docstrings must use `"""` regardless.
-Multi-line strings do not flow with the indentation of the rest of the program.
-If you need to avoid embedding extra space in the string, use either
-concatenated single-line strings or a multi-line string with
-to remove the initial space on each line:
- No:
- long_string = """This is pretty ugly.
-Don't do this.
- Yes:
- long_string = """This is fine if your use case can accept
- extraneous leading spaces."""
- Yes:
- long_string = ("And this is fine if you cannot accept\n" +
- "extraneous leading spaces.")
- Yes:
- long_string = ("And this too is fine if you cannot accept\n"
- "extraneous leading spaces.")
- Yes:
- import textwrap
- long_string = textwrap.dedent("""\
- This is also fine, because textwrap.dedent()
- will collapse common leading spaces in each line.""")
-#### 3.10.1 Logging
-For logging functions that expect a pattern-string (with %-placeholders) as
-their first argument: Always call them with a string literal (not an f-string!)
-as their first argument with pattern-parameters as subsequent arguments. Some
-logging implementations collect the unexpanded pattern-string as a queryable
-field. It also prevents spending time rendering a message that no logger is
-configured to output.
- Yes:
- import tensorflow as tf
- logger = tf.get_logger()
- logger.info('TensorFlow Version is: %s', tf.__version__)
- Yes:
- import os
- from absl import logging
- logging.info('Current $PAGER is: %s', os.getenv('PAGER', default=''))
- homedir = os.getenv('HOME')
- if homedir is None or not os.access(homedir, os.W_OK):
- logging.error('Cannot write to home directory, $HOME=%r', homedir)
- No:
- import os
- from absl import logging
- logging.info('Current $PAGER is:')
- logging.info(os.getenv('PAGER', default=''))
- homedir = os.getenv('HOME')
- if homedir is None or not os.access(homedir, os.W_OK):
- logging.error(f'Cannot write to home directory, $HOME={homedir!r}')
-#### 3.10.2 Error Messages
-Error messages (such as: message strings on exceptions like `ValueError`, or
-messages shown to the user) should follow three guidelines:
-1. The message needs to precisely match the actual error condition.
-2. Interpolated pieces need to always be clearly identifiable as such.
-3. They should allow simple automated processing (e.g. grepping).
- Yes:
- if not 0 <= p <= 1:
- raise ValueError(f'Not a probability: {p!r}')
- try:
- os.rmdir(workdir)
- except OSError as error:
- logging.warning('Could not remove directory (reason: %r): %r',
- error, workdir)
- No:
- if p < 0 or p > 1: # PROBLEM: also false for float('nan')!
- raise ValueError(f'Not a probability: {p!r}')
- try:
- os.rmdir(workdir)
- except OSError:
- # PROBLEM: Message makes an assumption that might not be true:
- # Deletion might have failed for some other reason, misleading
- # whoever has to debug this.
- logging.warning('Directory already was deleted: %s', workdir)
- try:
- os.rmdir(workdir)
- except OSError:
- # PROBLEM: The message is harder to grep for than necessary, and
- # not universally non-confusing for all possible values of `workdir`.
- # Imagine someone calling a library function with such code
- # using a name such as workdir = 'deleted'. The warning would read:
- # "The deleted directory could not be deleted."
- logging.warning('The %s directory could not be deleted.', workdir)
-### 3.11 Files and Sockets
-Explicitly close files and sockets when done with them.
-Leaving files, sockets or other file-like objects open unnecessarily has many
-- They may consume limited system resources, such as file descriptors. Code
- that deals with many such objects may exhaust those resources unnecessarily
- if they're not returned to the system promptly after use.
-- Holding files open may prevent other actions such as moving or deleting
- them.
-- Files and sockets that are shared throughout a program may inadvertently be
- read from or written to after logically being closed. If they are actually
- closed, attempts to read or write from them will throw exceptions, making
- the problem known sooner.
-Furthermore, while files and sockets are automatically closed when the file
-object is destructed, tying the lifetime of the file object to the state of the
-file is poor practice:
-- There are no guarantees as to when the runtime will actually run the file's
- destructor. Different Python implementations use different memory management
- techniques, such as delayed garbage collection, which may increase the
- object's lifetime arbitrarily and indefinitely.
-- Unexpected references to the file, e.g. in globals or exception tracebacks,
- may keep it around longer than intended.
-The preferred way to manage files is using the
-[`with` statement](http://docs.python.org/reference/compound_stmts.html#the-with-statement):
-with open("hello.txt") as hello_file:
- for line in hello_file:
- print(line)
-For file-like objects that do not support the `with` statement, use
-import contextlib
-with contextlib.closing(urllib.urlopen("http://www.python.org/")) as front_page:
- for line in front_page:
- print(line)
-### 3.12 TODO Comments
-Use `TODO` comments for code that is temporary, a short-term solution, or
-good-enough but not perfect.
-A `TODO` comment begins with the string `TODO` in all caps and a parenthesized
-name, e-mail address, or other identifier
-of the person or issue with the best context about the problem. This is followed
-by an explanation of what there is to do.
-The purpose is to have a consistent `TODO` format that can be searched to find
-out how to get more details. A `TODO` is not a commitment that the person
-referenced will fix the problem. Thus when you create a
-`TODO`, it is almost always your name
-that is given.
-# TODO(kl@gmail.com): Use a "*" here for string repetition.
-# TODO(Zeke) Change this to use relations.
-If your `TODO` is of the form "At a future date do something" make sure that you
-either include a very specific date ("Fix by November 2009") or a very specific
-event ("Remove this code when all clients can handle XML responses.").
-### 3.13 Imports formatting
-Imports should be on separate lines; there are
-[exceptions for `typing` imports](#typing-imports).
-Yes: import os
- import sys
- from typing import Mapping, Sequence
-No: import os, sys
-Imports are always put at the top of the file, just after any module comments
-and docstrings and before module globals and constants. Imports should be
-grouped from most generic to least generic:
-1. Python future import statements. For example:
- ```python
- from __future__ import absolute_import
- from __future__ import division
- from __future__ import print_function
- ```
- See [above](#from-future-imports) for more information about those.
-2. Python standard library imports. For example:
- ```python
- import sys
- ```
-3. [third-party](https://pypi.org/) module
- or package imports. For example:
- ```python
- import tensorflow as tf
- ```
-4. Code repository
- sub-package imports. For example:
- ```python
- from otherproject.ai import mind
- ```
-5. **Deprecated:** application-specific imports that are part of the same
- top level
- sub-package as this file. For example:
- ```python
- from myproject.backend.hgwells import time_machine
- ```
- You may find older Google Python Style code doing this, but it is no longer
- required. **New code is encouraged not to bother with this.** Simply treat
- application-specific sub-package imports the same as other sub-package
- imports.
-Within each grouping, imports should be sorted lexicographically, ignoring case,
-according to each module's full package path (the `path` in `from path import
-...`). Code may optionally place a blank line between import sections.
-import collections
-import queue
-import sys
-from absl import app
-from absl import flags
-import bs4
-import cryptography
-import tensorflow as tf
-from book.genres import scifi
-from myproject.backend import huxley
-from myproject.backend.hgwells import time_machine
-from myproject.backend.state_machine import main_loop
-from otherproject.ai import body
-from otherproject.ai import mind
-from otherproject.ai import soul
-# Older style code may have these imports down here instead:
-#from myproject.backend.hgwells import time_machine
-#from myproject.backend.state_machine import main_loop
-### 3.14 Statements
-Generally only one statement per line.
-However, you may put the result of a test on the same line as the test only if
-the entire statement fits on one line. In particular, you can never do so with
-`try`/`except` since the `try` and `except` can't both fit on the same line, and
-you can only do so with an `if` if there is no `else`.
- if foo: bar(foo)
- if foo: bar(foo)
- else: baz(foo)
- try: bar(foo)
- except ValueError: baz(foo)
- try:
- bar(foo)
- except ValueError: baz(foo)
-### 3.15 Accessors
-If an accessor function would be trivial, you should use public variables
-instead of accessor functions to avoid the extra cost of function calls in
-Python. When more functionality is added you can use `property` to keep the
-syntax consistent.
-On the other hand, if access is more complex, or the cost of accessing the
-variable is significant, you should use function calls (following the
-[Naming](#s3.16-naming) guidelines) such as `get_foo()` and `set_foo()`. If the
-past behavior allowed access through a property, do not bind the new accessor
-functions to the property. Any code still attempting to access the variable by
-the old method should break visibly so they are made aware of the change in
-### 3.16 Naming
-`module_name`, `package_name`, `ClassName`, `method_name`, `ExceptionName`,
-`function_name`, `GLOBAL_CONSTANT_NAME`, `global_var_name`, `instance_var_name`,
-`function_parameter_name`, `local_var_name`.
-Function names, variable names, and filenames should be descriptive; eschew
-abbreviation. In particular, do not use abbreviations that are ambiguous or
-unfamiliar to readers outside your project, and do not abbreviate by deleting
-letters within a word.
-Always use a `.py` filename extension. Never use dashes.
-#### 3.16.1 Names to Avoid
-- single character names, except for specifically allowed cases:
- - counters or iterators (e.g. `i`, `j`, `k`, `v`, et al.)
- - `e` as an exception identifier in `try/except` statements.
- - `f` as a file handle in `with` statements
- Please be mindful not to abuse single-character naming. Generally speaking,
- descriptiveness should be proportional to the name's scope of visibility.
- For example, `i` might be a fine name for 5-line code block but within
- multiple nested scopes, it is likely too vague.
-- dashes (`-`) in any package/module name
-- `__double_leading_and_trailing_underscore__` names (reserved by Python)
-- offensive terms
-- names that needlessly include the type of the variable (for example:
- `id_to_name_dict`)
-#### 3.16.2 Naming Conventions
-- "Internal" means internal to a module, or protected or private within a
- class.
-- Prepending a single underscore (`_`) has some support for protecting module
- variables and functions (linters will flag protected member access). While
- prepending a double underscore (`__` aka "dunder") to an instance variable
- or method effectively makes the variable or method private to its class
- (using name mangling); we discourage its use as it impacts readability and
- testability, and isn't *really* private.
-- Place related classes and top-level functions together in a
- module.
- Unlike Java, there is no need to limit yourself to one class per module.
-- Use CapWords for class names, but lower\_with\_under.py for module names.
- Although there are some old modules named CapWords.py, this is now
- discouraged because it's confusing when the module happens to be named after
- a class. ("wait -- did I write `import StringIO` or `from StringIO import
- StringIO`?")
-- Underscores may appear in *unittest* method names starting with `test` to
- separate logical components of the name, even if those components use
- CapWords. One possible pattern is `test_`; for
- example `testPop_EmptyStack` is okay. There is no One Correct Way to name
- test methods.
-#### 3.16.3 File Naming
-Python filenames must have a `.py` extension and must not contain dashes (`-`).
-This allows them to be imported and unittested. If you want an executable to be
-accessible without the extension, use a symbolic link or a simple bash wrapper
-containing `exec "$0.py" "$@"`.
-#### 3.16.4 Guidelines derived from [Guido](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guido_van_Rossum)'s Recommendations
- Type |
- Public |
- Internal |
- Packages |
- lower_with_under |
- |
- Modules |
- lower_with_under |
- _lower_with_under |
- Classes |
- CapWords |
- _CapWords |
- Exceptions |
- CapWords |
- |
- Functions |
- lower_with_under() |
- _lower_with_under() |
- Global/Class Constants |
- Global/Class Variables |
- lower_with_under |
- _lower_with_under |
- Instance Variables |
- lower_with_under |
- _lower_with_under (protected) |
- Method Names |
- lower_with_under() |
- _lower_with_under() (protected) |
- Function/Method Parameters |
- lower_with_under |
- |
- Local Variables |
- lower_with_under |
- |
-### 3.17 Main
-In Python, `pydoc` as well as unit tests require modules to be importable. If a
-file is meant to be used as an executable, its main functionality should be in a
-`main()` function, and your code should always check `if __name__ == '__main__'`
-before executing your main program, so that it is not executed when the module
-is imported.
-When using [absl](https://github.com/abseil/abseil-py), use `app.run`:
-from absl import app
-def main(argv):
- # process non-flag arguments
- ...
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- app.run(main)
-Otherwise, use:
-def main():
- ...
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
-All code at the top level will be executed when the module is imported. Be
-careful not to call functions, create objects, or perform other operations that
-should not be executed when the file is being `pydoc`ed.
-### 3.18 Function length
-Prefer small and focused functions.
-We recognize that long functions are sometimes appropriate, so no hard limit is
-placed on function length. If a function exceeds about 40 lines, think about
-whether it can be broken up without harming the structure of the program.
-Even if your long function works perfectly now, someone modifying it in a few
-months may add new behavior. This could result in bugs that are hard to find.
-Keeping your functions short and simple makes it easier for other people to read
-and modify your code.
-You could find long and complicated functions when working with
-code. Do not be intimidated by modifying existing code: if working with such a
-function proves to be difficult, you find that errors are hard to debug, or you
-want to use a piece of it in several different contexts, consider breaking up
-the function into smaller and more manageable pieces.
-### 3.19 Type Annotations
-#### 3.19.1 General Rules
-* Familiarize yourself with
- [PEP-484](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0484/).
-* In methods, only annotate `self`, or `cls` if it is necessary for proper
- type information. e.g., `@classmethod def create(cls: Type[T]) -> T: return
- cls()`
-* If any other variable or a returned type should not be expressed, use `Any`.
-* You are not required to annotate all the functions in a module.
- - At least annotate your public APIs.
- - Use judgment to get to a good balance between safety and clarity on the
- one hand, and flexibility on the other.
- - Annotate code that is prone to type-related errors (previous bugs or
- complexity).
- - Annotate code that is hard to understand.
- - Annotate code as it becomes stable from a types perspective. In many
- cases, you can annotate all the functions in mature code without losing
- too much flexibility.
-#### 3.19.2 Line Breaking
-Try to follow the existing [indentation](#indentation) rules.
-After annotating, many function signatures will become "one parameter per line".
-def my_method(self,
- first_var: int,
- second_var: Foo,
- third_var: Optional[Bar]) -> int:
- ...
-Always prefer breaking between variables, and not, for example, between variable
-names and type annotations. However, if everything fits on the same line, go for
-def my_method(self, first_var: int) -> int:
- ...
-If the combination of the function name, the last parameter, and the return type
-is too long, indent by 4 in a new line.
-def my_method(
- self, first_var: int) -> Tuple[MyLongType1, MyLongType1]:
- ...
-When the return type does not fit on the same line as the last parameter, the
-preferred way is to indent the parameters by 4 on a new line and align the
-closing parenthesis with the `def`.
-def my_method(
- self, other_arg: Optional[MyLongType]
-) -> Dict[OtherLongType, MyLongType]:
- ...
-allows you to move the closing parenthesis to a new line and align with the
-opening one, but this is less readable.
-def my_method(self,
- other_arg: Optional[MyLongType]
- ) -> Dict[OtherLongType, MyLongType]:
- ...
-As in the examples above, prefer not to break types. However, sometimes they are
-too long to be on a single line (try to keep sub-types unbroken).
-def my_method(
- self,
- first_var: Tuple[List[MyLongType1],
- List[MyLongType2]],
- second_var: List[Dict[
- MyLongType3, MyLongType4]]) -> None:
- ...
-If a single name and type is too long, consider using an
-[alias](#typing-aliases) for the type. The last resort is to break after the
-colon and indent by 4.
-def my_function(
- long_variable_name:
- long_module_name.LongTypeName,
-) -> None:
- ...
-def my_function(
- long_variable_name: long_module_name.
- LongTypeName,
-) -> None:
- ...
-#### 3.19.3 Forward Declarations
-If you need to use a class name from the same module that is not yet defined --
-for example, if you need the class inside the class declaration, or if you use a
-class that is defined below -- use a string for the class name.
-class MyClass:
- def __init__(self,
- stack: List["MyClass"]) -> None:
-#### 3.19.4 Default Values
-As per
-[PEP-008](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/#other-recommendations), use
-spaces around the `=` _only_ for arguments that have both a type annotation and
-a default value.
-def func(a: int = 0) -> int:
- ...
-def func(a:int=0) -> int:
- ...
-#### 3.19.5 NoneType
-In the Python type system, `NoneType` is a "first class" type, and for typing
-purposes, `None` is an alias for `NoneType`. If an argument can be `None`, it
-has to be declared! You can use `Union`, but if there is only one other type,
-use `Optional`.
-Use explicit `Optional` instead of implicit `Optional`. Earlier versions of PEP
-484 allowed `a: Text = None` to be interpreted as `a: Optional[Text] = None`,
-but that is no longer the preferred behavior.
-def func(a: Optional[Text], b: Optional[Text] = None) -> Text:
- ...
-def multiple_nullable_union(a: Union[None, Text, int]) -> Text
- ...
-def nullable_union(a: Union[None, Text]) -> Text:
- ...
-def implicit_optional(a: Text = None) -> Text:
- ...
-#### 3.19.6 Type Aliases
-You can declare aliases of complex types. The name of an alias should be
-CapWorded. If the alias is used only in this module, it should be \_Private.
-For example, if the name of the module together with the name of the type is too
-_ShortName = module_with_long_name.TypeWithLongName
-ComplexMap = Mapping[Text, List[Tuple[int, int]]]
-Other examples are complex nested types and multiple return variables from a
-function (as a tuple).
-#### 3.19.7 Ignoring Types
-You can disable type checking on a line with the special comment `# type:
-`pytype` has a disable option for specific errors (similar to lint):
-# pytype: disable=attribute-error
-#### 3.19.8 Typing Variables
-If an internal variable has a type that is hard or impossible to infer, you can
-specify its type in a couple ways.
-[*Type Comments:*](#type-comments)
-: Use a `# type:` comment on the end of the line
-a = SomeUndecoratedFunction() # type: Foo
-[*Annotated Assignments*](#annotated-assignments)
-: Use a colon and type between the variable name and value, as with function
- arguments.
-a: Foo = SomeUndecoratedFunction()
-#### 3.19.9 Tuples vs Lists
-Typed lists can only contain objects of a single type. Typed tuples can either
-have a single repeated type or a set number of elements with different types.
-The latter is commonly used as the return type from a function.
-a = [1, 2, 3] # type: List[int]
-b = (1, 2, 3) # type: Tuple[int, ...]
-c = (1, "2", 3.5) # type: Tuple[int, Text, float]
-#### 3.19.10 TypeVars
-The Python type system has
-[generics](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0484/#generics). The factory
-function `TypeVar` is a common way to use them.
-from typing import List, TypeVar
-T = TypeVar("T")
-def next(l: List[T]) -> T:
- return l.pop()
-A TypeVar can be constrained:
-AddableType = TypeVar("AddableType", int, float, Text)
-def add(a: AddableType, b: AddableType) -> AddableType:
- return a + b
-A common predefined type variable in the `typing` module is `AnyStr`. Use it for
-multiple annotations that can be `bytes` or `unicode` and must all be the same
-from typing import AnyStr
-def check_length(x: AnyStr) -> AnyStr:
- if len(x) <= 42:
- return x
- raise ValueError()
-#### 3.19.11 String types
-The proper type for annotating strings depends on what versions of Python the
-code is intended for.
-For Python 3 only code, prefer to use `str`. `Text` is also acceptable. Be
-consistent in using one or the other.
-For Python 2 compatible code, use `Text`. In some rare cases, `str` may make
-sense; typically to aid compatibility when the return types aren't the same
-between the two Python versions. Avoid using `unicode`: it doesn't exist in
-Python 3.
-The reason this discrepancy exists is because `str` means different things
-depending on the Python version.
-def py2_code(x: str) -> unicode:
- ...
-For code that deals with binary data, use `bytes`.
-def deals_with_binary_data(x: bytes) -> bytes:
- ...
-For Python 2 compatible code that processes text data (`str` or `unicode` in
-Python 2, `str` in Python 3), use `Text`. For Python 3 only code that process
-text data, prefer `str`.
-from typing import Text
-def py2_compatible(x: Text) -> Text:
- ...
-def py3_only(x: str) -> str:
- ...
-If the type can be either bytes or text, use `Union`, with the appropriate text
-from typing import Text, Union
-def py2_compatible(x: Union[bytes, Text]) -> Union[bytes, Text]:
- ...
-def py3_only(x: Union[bytes, str]) -> Union[bytes, str]:
- ...
-If all the string types of a function are always the same, for example if the
-return type is the same as the argument type in the code above, use
-Writing it like this will simplify the process of porting the code to Python 3.
-#### 3.19.12 Imports For Typing
-For classes from the `typing` module, always import the class itself. You are
-explicitly allowed to import multiple specific classes on one line from the
-`typing` module. Ex:
-from typing import Any, Dict, Optional
-Given that this way of importing from `typing` adds items to the local
-namespace, any names in `typing` should be treated similarly to keywords, and
-not be defined in your Python code, typed or not. If there is a collision
-between a type and an existing name in a module, import it using `import x as
-from typing import Any as AnyType
-#### 3.19.13 Conditional Imports
-Use conditional imports only in exceptional cases where the additional imports
-needed for type checking must be avoided at runtime. This pattern is
-discouraged; alternatives such as refactoring the code to allow top level
-imports should be preferred.
-Imports that are needed only for type annotations can be placed within an `if
-- Conditionally imported types need to be referenced as strings, to be forward
- compatible with Python 3.6 where the annotation expressions are actually
- evaluated.
-- Only entities that are used solely for typing should be defined here; this
- includes aliases. Otherwise it will be a runtime error, as the module will
- not be imported at runtime.
-- The block should be right after all the normal imports.
-- There should be no empty lines in the typing imports list.
-- Sort this list as if it were a regular imports list.
-import typing
-if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
- import sketch
-def f(x: "sketch.Sketch"): ...
-#### 3.19.14 Circular Dependencies
-Circular dependencies that are caused by typing are code smells. Such code is a
-good candidate for refactoring. Although technically it is possible to keep
-circular dependencies, various build systems will not let you do so
-because each module has to depend on the other.
-Replace modules that create circular dependency imports with `Any`. Set an
-[alias](#typing-aliases) with a meaningful name, and use the real type name from
-this module (any attribute of Any is Any). Alias definitions should be separated
-from the last import by one line.
-from typing import Any
-some_mod = Any # some_mod.py imports this module.
-def my_method(self, var: "some_mod.SomeType") -> None:
- ...
-#### 3.19.15 Generics
-When annotating, prefer to specify type parameters for generic types; otherwise,
-[the generics' parameters will be assumed to be `Any`](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0484/#the-any-type).
-def get_names(employee_ids: List[int]) -> Dict[int, Any]:
- ...
-# These are both interpreted as get_names(employee_ids: List[Any]) -> Dict[Any, Any]
-def get_names(employee_ids: list) -> Dict:
- ...
-def get_names(employee_ids: List) -> Dict:
- ...
-If the best type parameter for a generic is `Any`, make it explicit, but
-remember that in many cases [`TypeVar`](#typing-type-var) might be more
-def get_names(employee_ids: List[Any]) -> Dict[Any, Text]:
- """Returns a mapping from employee ID to employee name for given IDs."""
-T = TypeVar('T')
-def get_names(employee_ids: List[T]) -> Dict[T, Text]:
- """Returns a mapping from employee ID to employee name for given IDs."""
-## 4 Parting Words
-If you're editing code, take a few minutes to look at the code around you and
-determine its style. If they use spaces around all their arithmetic operators,
-you should too. If their comments have little boxes of hash marks around them,
-make your comments have little boxes of hash marks around them too.
-The point of having style guidelines is to have a common vocabulary of coding so
-people can concentrate on what you're saying rather than on how you're saying
-it. We present global style rules here so people know the vocabulary, but local
-style is also important. If code you add to a file looks drastically different
-from the existing code around it, it throws readers out of their rhythm when
-they go to read it. Avoid this.
diff --git a/docs/coding/python/snippets/.pages b/docs/coding/python/snippets/.pages
deleted file mode 100644
index 3508a45b0..000000000
--- a/docs/coding/python/snippets/.pages
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
- - 网易云音乐NCM转换: ncm_decrypt.md
- - 公历农历转换: cn_date.md
- - CSV文件合并: merge_csv.md
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deleted file mode 100644
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-# 公历转换为农历
-详情参见[:fontawesome-brands-github: GitHub](https://github.com/HuangFuSL/python-snippets/blob/main/cn_date.py)
-{{ remote_content('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HuangFuSL/python-snippets/main/cn_date.py') }}
diff --git a/docs/coding/python/snippets/merge_csv.md b/docs/coding/python/snippets/merge_csv.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 2405ba207..000000000
--- a/docs/coding/python/snippets/merge_csv.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-# CSV文件合并
-详情参见[:fontawesome-brands-github: GitHub](https://github.com/HuangFuSL/python-snippets/blob/main/merge_csv.py)
-{{ remote_content('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HuangFuSL/python-snippets/main/merge_csv.py') }}
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deleted file mode 100644
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-# 网易云音乐NCM转换
-详情参见[:fontawesome-brands-github: GitHub](https://github.com/HuangFuSL/python-snippets/blob/main/ncm_decrypt.py)
-{{ remote_content('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HuangFuSL/python-snippets/main/ncm_decrypt.py') }}
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index be5e8344f..3a308d826 100644
--- a/docs/coding/rust/.pages
+++ b/docs/coding/rust/.pages
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
- index.md
- - Basics:
- - 0. Introduction: 0.md
- - 1. Variables: 1.md
- - 2. Control Flows: 2.md
- - 3. Complex Objects: 3.md
- - 4. Lifetimes: 4.md
- - 5. Error Handling: 5.md
- - 6. Supplements: 6.md
+ - 0. Introduction: 0.md
+ - 1. Variables: 1.md
+ - 2. Control Flows: 2.md
+ - 3. Complex Objects: 3.md
+ - 4. Lifetimes: 4.md
+ - 5. Error Handling: 5.md
+ - 6. Supplements: 6.md
diff --git a/docs/coding/rust/index.md b/docs/coding/rust/index.md
index 2dad0923b..bf504b922 100644
--- a/docs/coding/rust/index.md
+++ b/docs/coding/rust/index.md
@@ -1,10 +1,3 @@
- - navigation
- - toc
# Rust
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--- a/docs/index.md
+++ b/docs/index.md
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ hide:
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* [LaTeX](latex/index.md)
* [数学](math/index.md)
-* [写代码](coding/index.md)
+* [Coding](coding/index.md)
* [日语](japanese/index.md)
* [关于我](about.md)
@@ -162,11 +162,7 @@ The blog relies on the following open-source projects:
* [mkdocs](https://github.com/mkdocs/mkdocs)
* [Python Markdown](https://github.com/Python-Markdown/markdown)
* [Python Markdown Extension](https://github.com/facelessuser/pymdown-extensions)
-* [matplotlib](https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib)
-* [pandas](https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas)
* [jupyter](https://github.com/jupyter/jupyter)
-* [requests](https://github.com/psf/requests)
-* [lxml](https://github.com/lxml/lxml)
The blog uses the following mkdocs plugins to function correctly.
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@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ hide:
### 表格排版
-* [tabular环境](floats/table.md.md)
+* [tabular环境](floats/table.md)
## 其他
diff --git a/main/__init__.py b/main/__init__.py
index 5ab863172..e06890bcc 100644
--- a/main/__init__.py
+++ b/main/__init__.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
from mkdocs_macros import plugin
-from . import latex, leetcode, metadata, network, coding
+from . import latex, leetcode, metadata, coding
on_pre_page_macros = metadata.collect_meta
on_post_build = metadata.write_meta
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ def define_env(env: plugin.MacrosPlugin):
- env.macro(network.remote_content)
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deleted file mode 100644
index 6a1c35d1b..000000000
--- a/main/network.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-import requests
- 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 '\
- '(Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) '\
- 'AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) '\
- 'Chrome/70.0.3538.77 Safari/537.36',
-def remote_content(url):
- try:
- print('Downloading content from:', url)
- response = requests.get(url, headers=HEADERS, timeout=5)
- if response.status_code == 200:
- return response.text
- else:
- return None
- except:
- return None
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