cvpr zhihu pytorch SiamRPN算法汇总
- tracker分类
- 基于correlation filter
- 同时online跟踪并更新filter的参数
- 可以基于传统feature或deep feature
- model更新影响跟踪速度
- 基于很强的deep feature
- 不需要 model更新
- 精度受到data domain影响
- 基于correlation filter
- This paper:把跟踪看做one-shot detection
- 一个空间位置上有$k$个anchor
- 分类输出size为$wh2k$
- 回归输出size为$wh4k$
one-shot detection:仅仅根据初始信息来定位
Because the local detection task is based on the category information only given by the template on initial frame, it can be
viewed as one-shot detection
- 排除太远的框
- 用 cosine window 和从尺度变化来re-rank the proposals’ score