Laboratory groups have their own numbers, as follows:
- 1 - XAI-1
- 2 - XAI-2
- 3 - DL-1
- 4 - DL-2
- 5 - ML
- 6 - RashomonML
An Rmd file should start with a group number, a team number and a name.
For group XAI-1, first team should be named 1-1-name.Rmd
Each Rmd file should start with the chapter title and the authors.
## Name of section
*Authors: Name Surname, Name Surname, Name Surname (Warsaw University of Techcnology)*
In the images
directory we put images for chapters, name them like Rmd files, group number - team number - file name.png/.jpg/...
For group XAI-1, first team should be named 1-1-startplot.png
The bibliography is added in the book.bib
file, the citation reference should also start with group number - team number - reference
Example For group XAI-1, first team should be named
A group submits a chapter via pull request, the pull request title starts with the group name, i.e. for the group XAI 1 and group 1 respectively, the title will start as follows
Pull requests without a group and team identification will not be accepted.