-> Was fixed tests and was added validator for input source.
-> Was added ToEnum<T>
from the string.
-> Was added check methods IsTypeOfNullableInt
, IsTypeOfFloatingPoint
, IsTypeOfNullableFloatingPoint
from property type.
-> Was added new byte extension: ToStringFromByteUnicode
, ToHexByte
-> Was added new string extension: ToBytesUnicode
-> Was added new DateTime extension: StartOfWeek
, EndOfWeek
, StartOfMonth
, EndOfMonth
, StartOfPreviousMonth
, EndOfPreviousMonth
, StartOfYear
, EndOfYear
, DaysInMonth
, DaysInYear
, GetIso8601WeekOfYear
-> Was added new string extension: ReplaceExact
-> Was added new Exception extension: GetFullError
-> Was added new ExpandoObject extension: AddProperty
, UpdateValue
, GetValue
-> Was added new string extension: IfNullOrWhiteSpace
, IfNullOrEmpty
-> Was added new TExtensions extension: IfNotNull
-> Was renamed Utils
to GeneralUtils
-> Was added new EnumerateUtils
with methods: FromTo<int>
, FromTo<DateTime>
and PowersOf
-> Was added new DirectoryHelper
with methods: CreateDirectory
, CopyDirectory
and DeleteDirectory
-> Was added new DisposablesCollectionHelper
with methods: Dispose
, Add
-> Was added new InsensitiveCaseHashtableHelper
with methods: ContainsKey
, Add
, Remove
-> Was added new byte extension: CompareTo
, GZipCompress
-> Was added new datetime extension: ToEpochTime
, ToExcelTime
-> Was added new DecimalExtensions
with methods: IsNullOrZero
, IsZero
, IsLessOrEqualZero
, IsGreaterThanOrEqualZero
, IsGreaterThanZero
-> Was cleaned IntExtension
and removed unrelated type extension (moved to specific type class).
-> Was added new LongExtensions
with methods: IsNullOrZero
, IsZero
, IsLessOrEqualZero
, IsGreaterThanOrEqualZero
, IsGreaterThanZero
, SetFlag
, IsFlagSet
-> Was added new object extension: In
, ToDictionary
, ThrowIfNull
, ToString
, To
-> Was added new string extension: ToLines
, Chunked
, ThrowIfNullOrEmpty
, ThrowIfNull
, ThrowIfEmpty
, IsEmpty
, XmlEncode
, XmlDecode
-> Was added new TimeSpanExtension
with methods: Absolute
-> Was added new LongExtensions
with methods: IsNullOrZero
, IsZero
, IsGreaterThanZero
-> Was added new type extension: GetPropertyPath
, IsAsType
-> Was added new number extension: IsBetween
(double, int), GetNumberSuffix
-> Was added new memory stream extension: WriteAll
-> Was added new exception extension: WithData
-> Was added new QueueExtensions
with methods: DequeueOrDefault
-> Was added new ListExtensions
with methods: ToDataSet
, RemoveFirst
, RemoveLast
-> Was added new HashExtensions
with methods: AddRange
-> Was added new EnumerableExtensions
with methods: Replace
, Join
, IsLast
, IsFirst
, GetDifferences
, ContainsAny
, AnyStartWith
(input: IEnumerable, string), ToObservableCollection
, Randomize
, Transpose
, ToCollection
, Combinations
, ToDataTable
, ToDataTableDynamic
, IsNullOrEmptyEnumerable
, WithIndex
, ListToString
, CloneCollection
, NotNull
-> Was added new ArrayExtensions
with methods: IndexOf
-> Was added new object extension: SerializeToString
-> Was added new string extension: DeserializeToObject
-> Was added new T extension: SerializeToXmlDoc
-> Added support for net framework.
-> Added string extension Contains
-> Added int/long extension IsLessZero
-> Was added new Type extension: GetStringPropertyNames
, GetStringPropertyInfos
, GetPropertyInfos
-> Added string extension ParseToInt
, ParseNullableInt
, TryParseInt
-> Added list extension ActionForEach
-> Update vulnerable library version.
-> Add in directory helper new methods: FileCount
x3, DirectoryFileCount
-> Added string extension GetHashSha512String
, FromSpaceSeparatedString
, IsMissing
, IsNullOrEmpty
, AddQueryString
, AddHashFragment
, GetOrigin
, Obfuscate
-> Added Enumerable extension ToSpaceSeparatedString
, HasDuplicates
, GetDuplicates
-> Added object extensions ThrowIfArgNull
, ThrowArgIfNull
-> Added bool extensions IsTrue
, IsFalse
-> Added null check extensions IsNotNull
, IsDbNull
-> Added string extensions ThrowArgIfNull
, ThrowArgIfNullOrEmpty
, ThrowIfArgNull
, ThrowIfArgNullOrEmpty
-> Adjust validation for input params at some methods.
-> Small code refactor.
-> Update lib version. Add option to sign the new version of the files.
-> Small code refactor.
-> Fix wrong modification.
-> Add IDataReader extensions to convert object in specific type.
-> Add excel column name generator GetExcelColumnName
-> Adjust method modifier for GetDuplicates
-> Fix tests.
-> Fix some enums extensions.
-> Add new methods (AppendTo
, GetPropertiesInfoFromSource
) in TExtensions
-> Remove unused packages.
-> Downgrade some package versions to cover target frameworks.
-> Fix some warnings and disposable objects.
-> Adjust and clean up code execution.
-> Reorganize typeparam extensions.
-> Add new typeparam extensions: IfIsNull
, IfIsNotNull
, IfIsNullOrFuncIsTrue
, IfIsNullAndFuncIsTrue
, IfFuncIsTrue
, IfFuncIsFalse
, IfFunc
, IfNull
, IfNotNull
-> Add new string extensions: AsRedacted
, TrimPrefix
, TrimSuffix
-> Add/adjust input validations in the DataTypeExtensions
foler with extensions;
-> Add new string extensions: IfNullThenEmpty
-> Fix test for CalculateAge
-> Add new string extensions: IsValidJson
, IsValidJsonObject
, IsValidJsonArray
-> Fix test for CalculateAge
-> Add DateTime extension method AsNotNull
-> Add new tests for AsNotNull
-> Add EnumerateUtils
enumerable utils some tests;
-> Adjust AES encryption(AesEncryptString
, AesDecryptString
) and expose iv as input;
-> Adjust dynamic property/ies select avoid System.Linq.Dynamic.Core
-> Remove unused package Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Common
-> Add new string extensions: ToStringArray
, ArrayToString
-> Add new array extensions: AppendItem
, AppendIfNotExists
, RemoveItem
, RemoveAtIdx
-> Add new enumerable extensions: GetDuplicates
, ForEach
, ForEachAndReturn
-> Add passcode/password generation util;
-> Add new string extension: FormatWith
-> Add new Guid/Guid? extension: IsEmpty
-> Relocate several string extensions: IsGuid
, ToGuid
, FromDoubleQuotesWithBackSlashesToGuid