This guidance is intended for developers who want to contribute to improving or creating technical solutions for publishing and using IATI data.
There are several ways in which developers can get involved in IATI, including:
- accessing APIs to access complex IATI data
- contributing to the code of existing IATI products
- contributing to improving existing IATI technical guidance and support
- building new IATI tools that enable people to publish or access and use IATI data
- providing technical solutions to automate and integrate an organisation’s internal data systems with the process of publishing data according to the IATI Standard.
.. toctree:: :titlesonly: tools community-about contribute code-of-conduct code-of-practice design-principles guidance codelist-api code-python security xquery normative-content non-functional-requirements software-versioning software-deprecation-process code-examples datastore-and-data-pipelines