IATI-Stats is a python application for generating JSON stats files from IATI data. An example of this outputted JSON can be found at http://dashboard.iatistandard.org/stats/
These stats are used to build the IATI Dashboard, and also to produce some of the stats for the Transparency Indicator and the IATI Annual report.
- Git
- Python 3.x
- pip
- Bash
- gcc
- Development files for libxml, libxslt and libz e.g.
(alternatively, you can install the python dependencies in requirements.txt using your package manager, and skip the pip install step below)
For example, on Ubuntu these requirements can be installed by running:
sudo apt-get install git python-dev python-virtualenv python-pip
sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt-dev
This stats code expects a data/
directory, containing a subdirectory for each publisher. Each publisher subdirectory contains that publisher's raw XML files. All the data on the registry can be downloaded in this structure using the IATI-Registry-Refresher.
The IATI Tech Team maintains an archive with a snapshot of this data taken every night, from which aggregate stats are produced for the dashboard, using the code in this repository. For political and security reasons this snapshot archive is not publicly available, but is available on request to others wishing to use it for aggregate calculations. Please email code [at] iatistandard [dot] org
# Get the code
git clone https://github.com/codeforIATI/IATI-Stats.git
cd IATI-Stats
# Put some IATI data in the 'data' directory
# (see previous section)
# Create a virtual environment (recommended)
python3 -m venv pyenv
source pyenv/bin/activate
# Install python depencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Fetch helper data
cd helpers
git clone --branch version-2.03 https://github.com/IATI/IATI-Rulesets.git
ln -s IATI-Rulesets/rulesets .
wget "http://dashboard.iatistandard.org/stats/ckan.json"
wget "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/codeforIATI/IATI-Dashboard/main/registry_id_relationships.csv"
cd ..
# Calculate some stats
python calculate_stats.py loop [--folder publisher-registry-id]
python calculate_stats.py aggregate
python calculate_stats.py invert
# You will now have some JSON stats in the out/ directory
You can run python calculate_stats.py --help
for a full list of command line options.
produces json for each file, in the out
directory. This
contains the stats calculated for each individual Activity and
Organisation, as well as by file.
produces json aggregated at the publisher level, in
the aggregated
directory. It also produces aggregated.json
which is the same, but for the entire dataset.
produces inverted.json
, which has a list of publishers
for each stat.
Stats definitions are located in a python module, by default stats.dashboard
). This can be changed with the --stats-module
flag. This module must contain the following classes:
See ./stats/countonly.py for the structure of a simple stats module.
Each function within these classes is considered to be a stats function,
unless it begins with an underscore (_
). In the appropriate context,
an object is created from the class, and each stats functions is called.
The functions will also be called with self.blank = True
, and should
return an empty version of their normal output, for aggregation
purposes. The returns_numberdict
and returns_number
decorators are
provided for this purpose.
To calculate a new stat, add a function to the appropriate class in
(or a different stats module).
If the data directory is a git repository (e.g. as a result of running IATI-Registry-Refresher's git.sh), you can run the code:
# WARNING: This takes a long time (hours) and produces a lot of data (GBs)
mkdir gitout
ALL_COMMITS=1 ./git.sh
The behaviour of git.sh can be modified using environment variables. git_dashboard.sh contains the two different runs of git.sh that are now used to generate data for the dashboard, each run with different environment variables.
The availible environment variables are:
- This is the output directory for git.sh (note that it uses the out directory for each commit, and then moves that to the appropriate place). Defaults to "gitout".
- By default git.sh only computes stats for the most recent commit. To override this, set this environment variable to any non-empty value.
- If this evironment variable has a non-empty value, a commit will be skipped if a directory already exists in $GITOUT_DIR/commits
- The name of a file that will be grepped for the commit hash. If the hash exists in the file, the commit will be skipped. Defaults to "$GITOUT_DIR/gitaggregate/activities.json".
Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Ben Webb <bjwebb67@googlemail.com> This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
(these are not released under the same license as the software)
derived from Exchange rates.xls