Releases: IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm
IBM Cloud Provider v0.13.0
Added support for the following new resource:
- IBM Compute Placement Group (ibm_compute_placement_group).
- IBM DNS Domain Registration Nameservers (ibm_dns_domain_registration_nameservers).
Added support for the following new datasources:
- IBM Compute Placement Group (ibm_compute_placement_group).
- IBM DNS Domain Registration (ibm_dns_domain_registration).
Enhancement to order the following on existing resources:
- Support placement group for IBM Compute Virtual Instance.
- Support for retry IBM Compute Virtual Instance on different datacenters and vlans.
- Support provider level resource group.
- Support for single vlan FSA firewall.
- K8s config/network.
- Remove subnet_size attribute for IBM Network vlan.
Bug fixes
IBM Cloud Provider v0.12.0
Added support for the following new resource:
- IBM IAM Access Group (ibm_iam_access_group)
- IBM IAM Access Group Members (ibm_iam_access_group_members)
- IBM IAM Access Group Policy (ibm_iam_access_group_policy)
- IBM Multi Vlan Firewall (ibm_multi_vlan_firewall)
Enhancement to order the following on existing resources:
- Enable softlayer endpoint in order to connect to other clouds
- Support evault for monthly based VM
- Support resource group for IKS
Bug fixes
IBM Cloud Provider v0.11.3
Enhancement to order the following on existing resources:
- Support health check attributes for IBM Cloud App
- Support extended hardware testing for baremetal
Bug fixes
IBM Cloud Provider v0.11.2
Enhancement to order the following on existing resources:
- Support region as an optional attribute for IBM Container resources
- Support Backward compatibility for IBM Container Cluster resource (Standalone,MultiAZ)
- Export Alb's attribute in ibm_container_cluster
- SRIOV Enabled for Network gateway Appliances
Bug fixes
IBM Cloud Provider v0.11.1
Added support for the following new resource:
- IBM Resource Group (ibm_resource_group)
Added support for the following new datasource:
- IBM Resource Quota (ibm_resource_quota)
Enhancement to order the following on existing resources:
- Made account_guid as an optional attribute for IBM Container resources
Bug fixes
IBM Cloud Provider v0.11.0
Added support for the following new resource:
- IBM Container worker pool (ibm_container_worker_pool)
- IBM Container worker pool zone attachment (ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment)
Enhancement to order the following on existing resources:
- Deprecated workers and isolation attribute on resource cluster
Bug fixes
IBM Cloud Provider v0.10.0
Added support for the following new resource:
- IBM DNS secondary zone (ibm_dns_secondary)
- IBM IAM ServiceID (ibm_iam_service_id)
- IBM IAM Service Policy (ibm_iam_service_policy)
- IBM IAM User Policy (ibm_iam_user_policy)
- IBM Lbass Health Monitor (ibm_lbaas_health_monitor)
Add support for the below datasource
- IBM DNS secondary zone (ibm_dns_secondary)
- IBM IAM ServiceID (ibm_iam_service_id)
- IBM IAM Service Policy (ibm_iam_service_policy)
- IBM IAM User Policy (ibm_iam_user_policy)
Enhancement to order the following on existing resources:
- Add computed IP Address Id (public, private, IPV6) to bare metal
- Bump up terraform [email protected]
- Made attributes org guid and space guid as optional for container cluster
- Remove the support for nas/ftp
- Support Lbaas private
- Update IOPS range for monthly file storage
- Update cluster bind service with latest API changes
Bug fixes
IBM Cloud Provider v0.9.1
Added support for the following new resource:
- IBM Lbaas Service Instance Attachement (ibm_lbaas_server_instance_attachment)
Bug fixes
IBM Cloud Provider v0.9.0
Added support for the following new resource:
- IBM Resource Instance (ibm_resource_instance)
- IBM Resource Key (ibm_resource_key)
Add support for the below datasource
- IBM Resource Group (ibm_resource_group)
- IBM Resource Instance (ibm_resource_instance)
- IBM Resource Key (ibm_resource_key)
Enhancement to order the following on exising resources:
- Upgrade flavor for virtual instance
- Added support to retrieve subnets ids attachmend to vlan in datasource
- Added support to retrieve snapshot_schedules of file storage
- Added worker_num attribute for cluster
Bug fixes
IBM Cloud Provider v0.8.0
Added support for the following new resource:
Add support for the below datasource
- IBM Bare Metal Server (ibm_compute_bare_metal)
- IBM Container Cluster k8s version (ibm_container_cluster_versions)
Enhancement to order the following on exising resources:
- Added flavor for virtual instance
- Added NAS/FTP support for file storage
- Added Dual Processor Multi-Core Servers support for network gateway
- Added k8s version support for container cluster
- Made attributes org guid and space guid as optional for container cluster
- Add notes field for vlan
- Added gateway ip and cidr attribute for vlan
- Added support to retrieve exiting vlan attachment for gateway
Bug fixes