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IBM Security Verify SSO integration

This repo contains resources for integrating IBM Security Verify with OpenLiberty using IBM Application Gateway as a web reverse proxy to manage authentication and authorization. Identity is supplied to the OpenLiberty application server using a signed JWT.

Detailed documentation on this integration can be found at


  • Kubernetes

Demo Web Application

This deployment relies on the JSP application built in this directory, a compiled application is available from the releases tab. The Liberty application should be copied to an archive called LIBERTY_SecTestWeb.war to be compatible with the provided shell scripts.

Domain name

The IBM Security Verify application must be configured with a redirect uri for the demo deployment. For this demo a hosts file entry entry was used to set the Kubernetes cluster IPv4 address to route to the domain.

Environment variables

  • CLIENT_SECRET: IBM Security Verify application client secret
  • CLIENT_ID: IBM Security Verify application client id
  • DOCKER_SECRET: docker.hub password to fetch IBM Application Gateway container
  • DOCKER_ID: docker.hub username to fetch IBM Application Gateway container
  • VERIFY_TENANT: domain name of IBM Security Verify tenant


The deployment of this demonstration is broken into three steps:

  1. Generate or request the required PKI
    For demonstration and testing, self signed certificates will suffice for securing connections between containers and IBM Security Verify.
# IBM Application Gateway
openssl req -x509 -sha256 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout iag.key -out iag.pem \
        -subj "/C=AU/ST=QLD/L=Gold Coast/O=IBM/CN=demo.iag.server"
# Websphere Liberty application server
openssl req -x509 -sha256 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout liberty.key -out liberty.pem \
        -subj "/C=AU/ST=QLD/L=Gold Coast/O=IBM/CN=demo.liberty.server"
openssl pkcs12 -export -out liberty.p12 -inkey liberty.key -in liberty.pem -passout pass:demokeystore
keytool -importcert -keystore liberty.p12 -file iag.pem -alias isvajwt -storepass demokeystore -noprompt
# IBM Security Verify
echo -n | openssl s_client -connect $VERIFY_TENANT:443 | openssl x509 > verify_ca.pem
  1. Deploy the Demo application with IBM Application Gateway
    Once the PKI and server xml configuration is defined; the resulting files can be added to a Kubernetes ConfigMap and deployed alongside the containers. The template yaml files used for this use the .tmpl suffix; The bash script is used to replace %%MACRO%% macros in the template files with the required configuration using Perl. There is a trick to this where the indentation when adding the values to the template files must match the expected yaml indentation.

  2. Test out the integration
    To test out the integration open a new web browser and navigate to