Name | Type | Description |
Get OAuth token | Snippet | The SDK supports the ROPC grant flow. |
Certificate pinning | Snippet | Compares a certificate stored in the mobile app as being the same certificate presented by the web server that provides the HTTPS connection. |
Key pair generation | Snippet | Key pairs are used in the SDK to sign challenges, coming from IBM Security Access Manager. The private key remains on the device, whereas the public key gets uploaded to the server as part of the mechanisms enrollment. |
Signing data | Snippet | The public key would be stored on a server and provide the challenge text to the client. The client uses the private key to sign the data which is sent back to the server. The server validates the signed data against the public key to verify the keys have not been tampered with. |
let hostname = URL(string: "https://yourserver/mga/sps/oauth/oauth20/token")!
let clientId = "yourClientId"
let username = "yourUserName"
let password = "yourPassword"
OAuthContext.sharedInstance.authorize(hostname, clientId, username: username, password: password)
token, error in
guard let _ = error else
print("Error: \(error.errorDescription)")
if let token = token
// We got the token.
print("Token: \(token)")
Assign the class implmentating
argument in function of theOAuthContext
To obtain the certificate chain to include into your Xcode project, run the following command:
input=tmpinput && touch $input && openssl s_client -connect -showcerts 2>/dev/null <$input | openssl x509 -inform pem -outform der -out sdk_cert.der && rm $input
Ensure the certifcate has been copied into the project folder and added to the project in Xcode. This example demonstrates a custom implementation of
. The IBMVerifySDK supports the sample below inPinnedCertificateDelegate
public class MyPinnedCertificateDelegate: NSObject, URLSessionDelegate
let pinnedCertificateData: Data
// Initialized with the name of the file and the file extension.
init?(forResource: String, withExtension: String)
guard let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: forResource, withExtension: withExtension) else
return nil
self.pinnedCertificateData = try Data(contentsOf: url)
return nil
public func urlSession(_ session: URLSession, didReceive challenge: URLAuthenticationChallenge, completionHandler: @escaping (URLSession.AuthChallengeDisposition, URLCredential?) -> Void)
guard let serverTrust = challenge.protectionSpace.serverTrust, let presentedCertificate = SecTrustGetCertificateAtIndex(serverTrust, 0) else
// Terminate further processing, no certificate at index 0
completionHandler(.cancelAuthenticationChallenge, nil)
// Compare the presented certificate to the pinned certificate.
let presentedCertificateData: NSData = SecCertificateCopyData(presentedCertificate)
if presentedCertificateData.isEqual(to: pinnedCertificateData)
completionHandler(.useCredential, URLCredential(trust: serverTrust))
// Don't trust the presented certificate by default.
completionHandler(.cancelAuthenticationChallenge, nil)
private func execute()
let hostname = "https://yourserver/mga/sps/oauth/oauth20/token"
let clientId = "yourClientId"
let username = "yourUserName"
let password = "yourPassword"
let publicKeyCertificate = "MIIGETCCBPmgAwIBAgISA3NETe9ib0wR69vFjz9Vfil ..."
guard let myPinnedCertificate = MyPinnedCertificateDelegate(forResource: "MyCertficate", withExtension: "cer") else
print("invalid certificate.")
OAuthContext.sharedInstance.authorize(hostname, clientId, username: username, password: password, serverTrustDelegate: myPinnedCertificate)
token, error in
guard let _ = error else
print("Error: \(error.errorDescription)")
if let token = token
// We got the token.
print("Token: \(token)")
// Create the private and public keys.
success, publicKeyData in
if success && let data = publicKeyData
print("Public key: \(KeychainHelper.export(data)!)")
// Delete the private key.
result in
print("Private key deleted successful: \(result).")
// Create the private and public keys.
success, _ in
print("Private and public keys created successfully: \(success).")
// Sign the data.
guard let value = KeychainHelper.sign("sample", value: "hello world") else
print("Unable to sign data with private key.")
print("Signed data: \(value)")
// Delete the private key.
result in
print("Private key deleted successful: \(result).")