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Josh Horton edited this page Apr 7, 2020 · 17 revisions
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
  xmlns:xsi="" creationDate="2005-07-11T11:30:47.0Z" schemaVersion="1.2">
        <!--MANDATORY. UTC time (ISO 8601) when event occurred.-->
        <!--MANDATORY. Time-zone of location, as an offset from UTC.-->
          <!--OPTIONAL. A unique ID (UUID) for the event. If not specified, the system generates an event ID.-->
          <!--RECOMMENDED. Supply a unique eventID (UUID) for disambiguation.-->
        <!--OPTIONAL. Unique ID to identify ongoing transformation.-->
        <!--All inputs in all transformation events with same transformationID contribute to-->
        <!--all outputs in all transformation events with that transformationID.-->
          <!--Additional entries go here-->
        <!--MANDATORY that either inputEPCList or inputQuantityList (see below) be present.-->
        <!--List of instance-level objects (SSCC, SGTIN) which are input to transformation.--> 
        <!--LGTINs and other class-level objects go in quantityList (see below)-->
        <!--General SGTIN syntax: urn:epc:id:sgtin:CompanyPrefix.IndicatorDigitAndItemRef.SerialNumber-->
        <!--CompanyPrefix.ItemRefAndIndicator should have 13 digits (without counting dots).-->
        <!--CompanyPrefix is equal to the CompanyPrefix derived from GTIN-14.-->
        <!--ItemRefAndIndicator is formed by concatenating the first digit (Indicator) from GTIN-14 with ItemRef digits from GTIN-14.-->
        <!--GTIN-14 check digit is dropped.--> 
        <!--GTIN-12 or GTIN-13 should first be converted to GTIN-14 by adding leading 0s before above conversion.-->
        <!--General EPC SSCC syntax: urn:epc:id:sscc:CompanyPrefix.SerialRefAndExtension-->
        <!--EPC SSCC is 17 digits-->
        <!--CompanyPrefix is equal to the CompanyPrefix in GS1 SSCC-->
        <!--SerialReferenceAndExtension is formed by concatenating the first digit (Extension) from GS1 SSCC with SerialRef digits from GS1 SSCC.-->
        <!--GS1 SSCC check digit is dropped.-->
        <!--IBM Food Trust IDs-->
        <!--IBM Food Trust Product with Serial #: urn:ibm:ift:product:serial:obj:<Company Prefix>.<Item Reference>.<Serial Number>-->
        <!--IBM Food Trust Logistic Unit: urn:ibm:ift:lpn:obj:<Company Prefix>.<Serial Reference>-->
              <!--MANDATORY for quantityElement. Class-level EPCs like LGTINs. See note below for description.--> 
              <!--MANDATORY for quantityElement.-->
              <!--Meaning: 10 cases of LGTIN '0614141.107346' belonging to lot '101'-->
              <!--MANDATORY for quantityElement. Item quantity unit of measurement. "CS" = Case.-->
              <!--Two or three-charater codes from UN/CEFACT Recommendation 20.--> 
              <!--Other examples: EA (each), LBR (pound), KGM (kilogram).-->
              <!--See and-->
	          <!--Additional quantityElement entries go here.-->
        <!--MANDATORY that either inputEPCList or inputQuantityList be present.-->
        <!--List of class-level objects like LGTINS (GTIN+lot) which are input to the transformation, along with quantity and unit of measure.-->
        <!--LGTINs should be constructed to be as unique as possible; by concatenating time/date of creation with object id, e.g.-->
        <!--General LGTIN syntax: urn:epc:class:lgtin:CompanyPrefix.IndicatorDigitAndItemRef.Lot-->
        <!--CompanyPrefix.ItemRefAndIndicator should have 13 digits (without counting dots).-->
        <!--CompanyPrefix is equal to the CompanyPrefix derived from GTIN.-->
        <!--ItemRefAndIndicator is formed by concatenating the first digit (Indicator) from GTIN with ItemRef digits from GTIN.-->
        <!--GTIN check digit is dropped.-->
        <!--If a GTIN (without lot) is to be represented, the following syntax is used:-->
        <!--From Page 35 of>
        <!--urn:epc:idpat:sgtin:CompanyPrefix.ItemRefAndIndicator.* where -->
        <!--CompanyPrefix.ItemRefAndIndicator is 13 digits as above.-->
        <!--IBM Food Trust IDs-->
        <!--IBM Food Trust Product with Lot #: urn:ibm:ift:product:lot:class:<Company Prefix>.<Item Reference>.<Lot Number>-->
        <!--IBM Food Trust Product without Lot/Serial: urn:ibm:ift:product:class:<Company Prefix>.<Item Reference>-->
          <!--Additional entries go here-->
              <!--MANDATORY for quantityElement. Class-level EPCs like LGTINs. See note below for description.--> 
              <!--MANDATORY for quantityElement.-->
              <!--Meaning: 10 cases of LGTIN '0614141.107346' belonging to lot '101'-->
              <!--MANDATORY for quantityElement. Item quantity unit of measurement. "CS" = Case.-->
              <!--Two or three-charater codes from UN/CEFACT Recommendation 20.--> 
              <!--Other examples: EA (each), LBR (pound), KGM (kilogram).-->
              <!--See and-->
	          <!--Additional quantityElement entries go here.-->
        <!--MANDATORY that either outputEPCList or outputQuantityList be present.-->
        <!--Lists of instance-level or class-level outputs of transformation.-->
        <!--OPTIONAL. From Section 7.1.3 of>
        <!--The business step that this event was a part of.-->
        <!--OPTIONAL. From Section 7.2.3 of>
        <!--The condition of the objects after this event.-->
        <!--OPTIONAL: SGLN, FTLI, SFTLI, or geo location where the read occurred. Used to indicate an event location other than the mandatory bizLocation.--> 
        <!--General syntax of SGLN: urn:epc:id:sgln:CompanyPrefix.LocationReference.Extension-->
        <!--CompanyPrefix.LocationReference are the first 12 digits of GLN (13th check digit is not included).-->
        <!--Extension can be a single 0 digit (denoting no extension), or can be any number of digits without leading zeros-->
        <!--IBM Food Trust Location with Extension ID: urn:ibm:ift:location:extension:loc:<Company Prefix>.<Location Reference>.<Extension>-->
        <!--Geo location example: <geo>30.2672,-97.7431</geo> for latitude and longitude or <geo>30.2672,-97.7431,532.67</geo> for latitude, longitude, and altitude.-->
        <!--MANDATORY: SGLN (extensible global location number), FTLI, or SFTLI for the business location where the event occurred.-->
        <!--See above for SGLN and IBM Food Trust location formats--> 
          <bizTransaction type="urn:epcglobal:cbv:btt:desadv">urn:epcglobal:cbv:bt:5412345000037:3352-349875</bizTransaction>
          <!--Additional entries go here-->
        <!--OPTIONAL. From Page 28 of -->
        <!--List of business transactions associated with this event.-->
        <!--The example above shows a despatch advice (ASN)-->
        <!--General EPCIS transaction id format: urn:epcglobal:cbv:bt:GLN:TransactionID-->
        <!--See transaction XMLs for TransactionID format.-->
        <!--IBM Food Trust transaction id format: urn:ibm:ift:bt:<Company Prefix>.<Location Reference>.<Transaction Id>-->
	          <source type="urn:epcglobal:cbv:sdt:owning_party">urn:epc:id:sgln:0614141.00001.0</source>
            <!--Additional source entries go here.-->
	          <!--OPTIONAL: SGLN of the facility or facilities that inputs are in at the beginning of this step.-->
            <!--MANDATORY if this event involves a transfer of goods.--> 
	          <destination type="urn:epcglobal:cbv:sdt:owning_party">urn:epc:id:sgln:5012345.00001.0</destination>
            <!--Additional destination entries go here.-->
	          <!--OPTIONAL: SGLN of the facility or facilities that outputs are in at the end of this step.-->
            <!--MANDATORY if this event involves a transfer of goods. -->
          <!--OPTIONAL in general: Master data associated with the created item instances or lots.-->
          <!--Expiration/sell-by/best-before dates are especially important from a query perspective, and should be included wherever applicable.-->
          <!--Dates must follow ISO 8601 format yyyy-mm-dd and dates with times must follow ISO 8601 format in UTC time.-->
          <!--ILMD applies to all objects in outputEPCList and outputQuantityList (SGTIN/LGTIN/SSCC/...)--> 
          <!--ILMD should include one or more elements from Section 9.2 in:-->
          <!--Elements from Section 9.2 (e.g. expiration date) are allowed to be directly specified for both item instances and lots.-->
          <!--countryOfOrigin should use ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 (per CBV 1.2) or numeric-3 (for script-independence) code.-->
        <!--NOTE: if sourceList, destinationList and ilmd are all omitted, remove the inner extension and /extension tags.-->
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