node-annotator queries current CPU & memory utilization of the nodes using Prometheus deployed in the Kubernetes Cluster. Please set these values in node-annotator.yaml to collect performance metrics into node resources
PROMETHEUS_PORT (default is 9090)
NODE_EXPORTER_PORT (default is 8445)
How to get the Prometheus IP address: Run the following command where monitoring-prometheus-xxxxx must be the correct prometheus pod name
kubectl get pods monitoring-prometheus-xxxxx -n=kube-system -o wide
How to get the Prometheus port number
kubectl get svc -n kube-system | grep monitoring-prometheus
How to get the Node Exporter port number
kubectl get svc -n kube-system | grep monitoring-prometheus-nodeexporter
$ docker build . -t node-annotator:1.13.5
2. push image into image repository (e.g. sample push to
$ docker push myrepository/node-annotator:1.13.5
$ kubectl create -f node-annotator.yaml