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@@ -2,30 +2,36 @@ sub_section preamble question unit details field_type choices item_pref_label vi
Acquisition software In this section you will descibe acquisition set-up, which software you have used, impedance upper treschold, what type of online reference, recording channels, VEOG and HEOG and online filters. NOTE: If you notice a bug, or have a suggestion, we'd be grateful if you posted an issue on GitHub: What software did you use for the acquisition? select preset:meeg_acquisition_softwares acquisition_software 1 1 1 1 Acquisition 4 SoftwareVersions *_eeg.json
Acquisition software Specify software version if applicable, and software name and version if "other" was selected. text acquisition_software_details 1 2 1 1 Acquisition 4 SoftwareVersions *_eeg.json
Data quality Did you document impedances, or an alternative data aquisition quality measure? radio preset:boolean acquisition_quality_measure_exists 1 3 1 1 Acquisition 4
Data quality What is the appropriate acquisition data quality measure for your recording equipment? radio impedance upper threshold | impedance range | a data quality measure alternative to impedances acquisition_quality_measure acquisition_quality_measure_exists == 1 4 1 1 Acquisition 4 status *_channels.tsv
Data quality What was the upper threshold of impedance that you registered in your study? kilo-ohms integer impedance_threshold acquisition_quality_measure == 0 5 1 1 Acquisition 4
Data quality What was the lowest impedance you registered in this study? kilo-ohms integer impedance_lower_end acquisition_quality_measure == 1 6 1 1 Acquisition 4
Data quality What was the highest impedance you registered in this study? kilo-ohms integer impedance_higher_end acquisition_quality_measure == 1 7 1 1 Acquisition 4
Data quality Report data quality measures provided by your recording system alternative to impedances. textarea impedance_alternative acquisition_quality_measure == 2 8 1 1 Acquisition 4
Electrode positioning What type of placement/naming convention have you used for the electrode locations? radio five percent electrode system (extension of the International 10-20 system by Oostenveld & Praamstra (2001)) | commercial geodesic net | other named system | custom locations electrode_location_naming_convention 1 9 1 1 Acquisition 4 EEGPlacementScheme ?? *_eeg.json
Electrode positioning Specify the electrode placement/naming convention used Either the name of a standardized placement system (for example, 10-20) or a list of standardized electrode names (for example, [Cz, Pz]) text electrode_location_naming_convention_other electrode_location_naming_convention == 2 10 1 1 Acquisition 4
Electrode positioning Describe the custom placement of your electrodes relative to anatomical markers or electrode naming/placement systems E.g. "One electrode, half way between Cz and CP1, was used." text electrode_location_naming_convention_custom electrode_location_naming_convention == 3 11 1 1 Acquisition 4
Electrode positioning In a later version of the app you will be able to upload here your electrode location file to report the exact position. radio great! | bring it on! | no need... locations_active_channels 1 12 0 1 Acquisition 4 x,y,z *_electrodes.tsv
Electrode positioning Number of scalp electrodes including reference channels, but excluding ground channel, VEOG and HEOG. integer number_active_channels 1 13 1 1 Acquisition 4 EEGChannelCount *_eeg.json
Electrode positioning Did you use an online reference (as opposed to alternative solutions such as Driven Right Leg (DRL))? radio preset:boolean online_reference_exists 1 14 1 1 Acquisition 4
Electrode positioning Where did you place reference electrode(s)? select preset:eeg_reference_electrodes online_reference_type online_reference_exists == 1 15 1 1 Acquisition 4 EEGReference // reference *_eeg.json // *_channels.tsv
Electrode positioning What alternative to an online reference (for example DRL) did you use? Please describe it. text alternatives_to_reference online_reference_exists == 0 16 1 1 Acquisition 4
Electrode positioning Online reference location other than listed text online_reference_type_other online_reference_type == 9 17 1 1 Acquisition 4
Electrode positioning Where did you place ground electrode during the recording? text location_ground online_reference_exists == 1 18 1 1 Acquisition 4 EEGGround *_eeg.json
Electrode positioning How many EOG channels did you use to record eye movement-dependent voltage? radio two HEOG channels only | two VEOG channels only | two HEOG and two VEOG channels | no EOG channels | other eog_channels 1 19 1 1 Acquisition 4 EOGChannelCount *_eeg.json
Electrode positioning Specify the position of EOG channels you used for the recording For example, where were they placed? How were they positioned in ajdunct to the rest of the electrodes? text other_eog_channels eog_channels == 4 20 1 1 Acquisition 4 EOGChannelCount *_eeg.json
Online filters Which of the following online filters have you used? radio_multiple high pass | low pass | pass band | stop band | notch | none online_filters 1 21 1 1 Acquisition 4 online_filters *_eeg.json
Online filters Specify the high-pass filter cut-off used during recording. Hz float online_filters_high_pass_cut_off online_filters.includes(0) 22 1 1 Acquisition 4 high_cutoff *_channels.tsv
Online filters Type of high-pass filter cut-off radio half-amplitude | half-power online_filters_high_pass_cutoff_unit online_filters.includes(0) 23 1 1 Acquisition 4
Online filters Specify the high-pass filter roll off used during recording dB/octave float online_filters_high_pass_roll_off online_filters.includes(0) 24 1 1 Acquisition 4
Online filters Type of low-pass filter cut-off radio half-amplitude | half-power online_filters_low_pass_cutoff_unit online_filters.includes(1) 25 1 1 Acquisition 4
Online filters Specify the low-pass filter cut-off used during recording. Hz float online_filters_low_pass_cut_off online_filters.includes(1) 26 1 1 Acquisition 4
Online filters Specify the low-pass filter roll off used during recording dB/octave float online_filters_low_pass_roll_off online_filters.includes(1) 27 1 1 Acquisition 4 low_cutoff *_channels.tsv
Online filters What online notch filter have you applied after the recording? radio 50 Hz | 60 Hz | other online_notch_filter_type online_filters.includes(4) 28 1 1 Acquisition 4 notch *_channels.tsv
Online filters Describe the stopband frequency of the online notch filter you applied text online_notch_filter_type_details online_notch_filter_type == 2 29 1 1 Acquisition 4 notch *_channels.tsv
Sampling What was your acquisition sampling rate? Hz float recording_samping_frequency 1 30 1 1 Acquisition 4 sampling_frequency *_channels.tsv
Data quality What is the appropriate acquisition data quality measure for the recording equipment? radio impedance upper threshold | impedance range | a data quality measure alternative to impedances acquisition_quality_measure acquisition_quality_measure_exists == 1 4 1 1 Acquisition 4 status *_channels.tsv
Data quality What was the upper threshold of impedance that was registered in this study? kilo-ohms integer impedance_threshold acquisition_quality_measure == 0 5 1 1 Acquisition 4
Data quality What was the lowest impedance registered in this study? kilo-ohms integer impedance_lower_end acquisition_quality_measure == 1 6 1 1 Acquisition 4
Data quality What was the highest impedance registered in this study? kilo-ohms integer impedance_higher_end acquisition_quality_measure == 1 7 1 1 Acquisition 4
Data quality Report data quality measures provided by the recording system alternative to impedances. textarea impedance_alternative acquisition_quality_measure == 2 8 1 1 Acquisition 4
Online (recording) reference Was voltage measured relative to an online reference for EEG electrodes (as opposed to alternative solutions such as Driven Right Leg (DRL))? radio preset:boolean online_reference_exists 1 14 1 1 Acquisition 4
Online (recording) reference Location of the EEG online reference electrode(s) select preset:eeg_reference_electrodes online_reference_type online_reference_exists == 1 15 1 1 Acquisition 4 EEGReference // reference *_eeg.json // *_channels.tsv
Online (recording) reference What alternative to an EEG online reference (for example DRL) was used? text alternatives_to_reference online_reference_exists == 0 16 1 1 Acquisition 4
Online (recording) reference EEG online reference location other than listed text online_reference_type_other online_reference_type == 9 17 1 1 Acquisition 4
Online (recording) reference Location of the ground electrode during recording text location_ground online_reference_exists == 1 18 1 1 Acquisition 4 EEGGround *_eeg.json
Online (recording) reference Online reference for VEOG electrodes radio bipolar (lower - upper VEOG) | the same reference as EEG electrodes | other | VEOG was not recorded online_reference_VEOG 1 19 1 1 Acquisition 4
Online (recording) reference Which other reference was used for VEOG recording? text online_reference_VEOG_other online_reference_VEOG == 2 20 1 1 Acquisition 4
Online (recording) reference Online reference for HEOG electrodes radio bipolar (left - right HEOG) | bipolar (right - left HEOG) | the same reference as EEG electrodes | other | HEOG was not recorded online_reference_HEOG 1 21 1 1 Acquisition 4
Online (recording) reference Which other reference was used for HEOG recording? text online_reference_HEOG_other online_reference_HEOG == 3 22 1 1 Acquisition 4
Online (recording) reference Online reference for other non-EEG electrodes text the same reference as EEG electrodes | other | no other non-EEG electrodes were used online_reference_other_non-EEG 1 23 1 1 Acquisition 4
Online (recording) reference Which other reference was used for other non-EEG electrodes? text online_reference_other_non-EEG_other online_reference_other_non-EEG == 1 24 1 1 Acquisition 4
Online filters Which of the following online filters were used? radio_multiple high pass | low pass | notch | none online_filters 1 25 1 1 Acquisition 4 online_filters *_eeg.json
Online filters High-pass filter cut-off used during recording Hz float online_filters_high_pass_cut_off online_filters.includes(0) 26 1 1 Acquisition 4 high_cutoff *_channels.tsv
Online filters Type of online high-pass filter cut-off radio half-amplitude | half-power online_filters_high_pass_cutoff_unit online_filters.includes(0) 27 1 1 Acquisition 4
Online filters High-pass filter roll off used during recording dB/octave float online_filters_high_pass_roll_off online_filters.includes(0) 28 1 1 Acquisition 4
Online filters High-pass filter impulse response during recording radio finite impulse response (FIR) | infinite impulse response (IIR) online_filters_high_pass_impulse online_filters.includes(0) 29 1 1 Acquisition 4
Online filters Type of online low-pass filter cut-off radio half-amplitude | half-power online_filters_low_pass_cutoff_unit online_filters.includes(1) 30 1 1 Acquisition 4
Online filters Low-pass filter cut-off used during recording Hz float online_filters_low_pass_cut_off online_filters.includes(1) 31 1 1 Acquisition 4
Online filters Low-pass filter roll off used during recording dB/octave float online_filters_low_pass_roll_off online_filters.includes(1) 32 1 1 Acquisition 4 low_cutoff *_channels.tsv
Online filters Low-pass filter impulse response during recording radio finite impulse response (FIR) | infinite impulse response (IIR) online_filters_low_pass_impulse online_filters.includes(1) 33 1 1 Acquisition 4
Offline filters What notch filter was applied online (during recording)? radio 50 Hz | 60 Hz | other online_notch_filter_type online_filters.includes(2) 34 1 1 Acquisition 4
Offline filters Center frequency of the online notch filter Hz text online_notch_filter_type_details online_notch_filter_type == 2 35 1 1 Acquisition 4
Offline filters In which format do you want to report the width of the offline notch filter? radio distance between 3 dB points | number of removed frequencies in a decrete Fourier transform online_notch_filter_width online_filters.includes(2) 36 1 1 Acquisition 4
Offline filters Distance between 3 dB points Hz float online_notch_filter_width_distance online_notch_filter_width == 0 37 1 1 Acquisition 4
Offline filters Number of removed frequencies in a descrete Fourier transform float online_notch_filter_width_number_frequencies online_notch_filter_width == 1 38 1 1 Acquisition 4
Offline filters Were any harmonics also removed by the online notch filter? radio preset:boolean online_notch_filter_harmonics online_filters.includes(2) 39 1 1 Acquisition 4
Offline filters Which harmonics were removed by the online notch filter? List center frequencies separated by a semicolon and a space text online_notch_filter_harmonics_which online_notch_filter_harmonics == 1 40 1 1 Acquisition 4
Sampling Acquisition sampling rate Hz float recording_samping_frequency 1 41 1 1 Acquisition 4 sampling_frequency *_channels.tsv

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