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jezekp edited this page Feb 23, 2014 · 11 revisions

Nexus Repository

A custom nexus repository for own libraries was installed at web page. In case you need an accees let me know (jezekp [at] kiv [dot] zcu [dot] cz) I will create an account.

A repository "releases" is prepared for released libraries. You can create a new artifact using "Artifact Upload" tab.

To use your arfifact you need to do following.

Add a plugin repository to your pom.xml

  <!-- Local repository for plugins not available in public repos -->
    <!-- (for maven-processor-plugin) -->

Add a repository

        <!-- Local repository for in-house libs and jars not available in public repos -->

Finally, you can add a dependency to the artifact you created (A demonstration artifact "test" was created).

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