Main flow of the page per each day word:
flowchart LR
A(Start) --> B{Attempts is 0?}
B ------> |Yes| E(Defeat)
B --> |No| D[Try a word]
D --> F{Same length as answer?}
F --> |Yes| H{Is the answer?}
H ----> |yes| I(Win)
H --> |No| J[Give feedback]
J --> |Attempts--|B
F --> |No| G[Invalid word]
G --> D
Main sequence of the page, including layers interaction (browser, endpoints, db):
Client->> LVServer: Get /
loop Schedule every day
LVServer->> Words: get_todays_word/0
activate Words
Words-->> LVServer: {ok, %{word, clue, description}}
deactivate Words
LVServer -->> Client: /
loop Attempts > 0
Client->> LVServer: Submit guess
LVServer ->> Wordle: feedback(guess, word)
activate Wordle
Wordle -->> LVServer: feedback
deactivate Wordle
LVServer -->> Client: Guess feedback
For the MVP feature like setting the language, color-blind model, keyboard feedback, only valid words and dark theme, are not necessary.
Table displaying wallaby screenshots with 640px width:
To examine additional widths, please refer to the screenshots folder.
Wallaby is used for end-to-end testing and for taking these screenshots (with Chrome drivers).
To produce the screenshots and evaluate client-server cross-functional behaviors comprehensively:
mix test --only wallaby
Take into account ...
- Words considered valid are extracted using regex from a specific version of the Elixir repository, specified in the .env file.