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71 lines (58 loc) · 3.31 KB

File metadata and controls

71 lines (58 loc) · 3.31 KB

compatible with QBCore and keeping the basic maintained. im not offering support or adding any extra things to it.

Just keeping it alive as i know alot of people really like this script. Please read what ever is underneath here carefully.


Download either the latest release or the latest repo. Just drag and drop.
Ensure you set Config.Debug to false so cops don't trigger a bunch of warnings, and to disable debug information printing into the console.
If you want 100% report chance then leave Config.DebugChance, though I recommend disabling it.
Share any feedback on the thread


Download my Hypaste mdt fork or modify the original release (read below).

Hypaste mdt original git
Open mdt/sv_mdt.lua and locate RegisterServerEvent("mdt:newCall"), replace with:

AddEventHandler("mdt:newCall", function(details, caller, coords, sendNotification)
call_index = call_index + 1
local xPlayers = ESX.GetPlayers()
for i= 1, #xPlayers do
	local source = xPlayers[i]
	local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
	if == 'police' then
  	if sendNotification ~= false then
  		TriggerClientEvent("InteractSound_CL:PlayOnOne", source, 'demo', 1.0)
  		TriggerClientEvent("mythic_notify:client:SendAlert", source, {type="inform", text="You have received a new call.", 5000, style = { ['background-color'] = '#ffffff', ['color'] = '#000000' }})
		TriggerClientEvent("mdt:newCall", source, details, caller, coords, call_index)

Custom alerts

Check the for existing examples.
For example, if we were to edit one of the jewelry heist scripts, you can replace the default method for alerting the police with the following

local data = {displayCode = '211', description = 'Robbery', isImportant = 0, recipientList = {'police'}, length = '10000', infoM = 'fa-info-circle', info = 'Vangelico Jewelry Store'}
local dispatchData = {dispatchData = data, caller = 'Alarm', coords = vector3(-633.9, -241.7, 38.1)}
TriggerEvent('wf-alerts:svNotify', dispatchData)

You can define infoM2 and info2 for an additional line of text. If you are triggering the event from a client make sure you use TriggerServerEvent.

You can use the below code to use the report chance export. Setting the last number higher will reduce the likelihood of a notification being sent.

if exports['linden_outlawalert']:zoneChance('Custom', 2) then
	do stuff

gcphone 911 support

Locate function notifyAlertSMS in esxaddonsgcphone-s.lua. Below local messText = alert.message add

    if number == 'police' or number == 'ambulance' then
      TriggerEvent('wf-alerts:svNotify911', messText, alert.numero, GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(alert.source)))


Jager_bom for esx_outlawalert
Stroudy for WF_Alerts
distritic for Hypaste RP's MDT