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The application will automatically reload whenever you modify any of the source files. + +## Code scaffolding + +Angular CLI includes powerful code scaffolding tools. To generate a new component, run: + +```bash +ng generate component component-name +``` + +For a complete list of available schematics (such as `components`, `directives`, or `pipes`), run: + +```bash +ng generate --help +``` + +## Building + +To build the project run: + +```bash +ng build +``` + +This will compile your project and store the build artifacts in the `dist/` directory. By default, the production build optimizes your application for performance and speed. + +## Running unit tests + +To execute unit tests with the [Karma](https://karma-runner.github.io) test runner, use the following command: + +```bash +ng test +``` + +## Running end-to-end tests + +For end-to-end (e2e) testing, run: + +```bash +ng e2e +``` + +Angular CLI does not come with an end-to-end testing framework by default. You can choose one that suits your needs. + +## Additional Resources + +For more information on using the Angular CLI, including detailed command references, visit the [Angular CLI Overview and Command Reference](https://angular.dev/tools/cli) page. diff --git a/projects/fleet-management-grid/angular.json b/projects/fleet-management-grid/angular.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..78eb233 --- /dev/null +++ b/projects/fleet-management-grid/angular.json @@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ +{ + "$schema": "./node_modules/@angular/cli/lib/config/schema.json", + "version": 1, + "newProjectRoot": "projects", + "projects": { + "master-detail-grid": { + "projectType": "application", + "schematics": { + "@schematics/angular:component": { + "style": "scss" + } + }, + "root": "", + "sourceRoot": "src", + "prefix": "app", + "architect": { + "build": { + "builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:application", + "options": { + "outputPath": "dist/master-detail-grid", + "index": "src/index.html", + "browser": 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--git a/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/12.jpg b/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/12.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d96f10a Binary files /dev/null and b/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/12.jpg differ diff --git a/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/13.jpg b/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/13.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a7f2d3b Binary files /dev/null and b/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/13.jpg differ diff --git a/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/14.jpg b/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/14.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6f9902a Binary files /dev/null and b/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/14.jpg differ diff --git a/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/15.jpg b/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/15.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ea1956a Binary files /dev/null and b/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/15.jpg differ diff --git a/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/16.jpg b/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/16.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..35501e8 Binary files /dev/null and b/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/16.jpg differ diff --git a/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/17.jpg b/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/17.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..40bb0d4 Binary files /dev/null and b/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/17.jpg differ diff --git a/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/18.jpg b/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/18.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..97b0f70 Binary files /dev/null and b/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/18.jpg differ diff --git a/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/19.jpg b/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/19.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3c73b8e Binary files /dev/null and b/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/19.jpg differ diff --git a/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/2.jpg b/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/2.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0747991 Binary files /dev/null and b/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/2.jpg differ diff --git a/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/20.jpg b/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/20.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bf45655 Binary files /dev/null and b/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/20.jpg differ diff --git a/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/21.jpg b/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/21.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f8059ff Binary files /dev/null and b/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/21.jpg differ diff --git a/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/22.jpg b/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/22.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fafc42a Binary files /dev/null and b/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/22.jpg differ diff --git a/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/23.jpg b/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/23.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e65b11d Binary files /dev/null and b/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/23.jpg differ diff --git a/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/24.jpg b/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/24.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a3bd962 Binary files /dev/null and b/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/24.jpg differ diff --git a/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/25.jpg b/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/25.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b96c09e Binary files /dev/null and b/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/25.jpg differ diff --git a/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/26.jpg b/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/26.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bbea0c2 Binary files /dev/null and b/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/26.jpg differ diff --git a/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/3.jpg b/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/3.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bd471f2 Binary files /dev/null and b/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/3.jpg differ diff --git a/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/4.jpg b/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/4.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ae42478 Binary files /dev/null and b/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/4.jpg differ diff --git a/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/5.jpg b/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/5.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..89ac0e6 Binary files /dev/null and b/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/5.jpg differ diff --git a/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/6.jpg b/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/6.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d001e15 Binary files /dev/null and b/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/6.jpg differ diff --git a/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/7.jpg b/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/7.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..53f97d1 Binary files /dev/null and b/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/7.jpg differ diff --git a/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/8.jpg b/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/8.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9072054 Binary files /dev/null and b/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/8.jpg differ diff --git a/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/9.jpg b/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/9.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a4ebc3b Binary files /dev/null and b/projects/fleet-management-grid/public/people/women/9.jpg differ diff --git a/projects/fleet-management-grid/src/app/app.component.html b/projects/fleet-management-grid/src/app/app.component.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c458e4e --- /dev/null +++ b/projects/fleet-management-grid/src/app/app.component.html @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + diff --git a/projects/fleet-management-grid/src/app/app.component.scss b/projects/fleet-management-grid/src/app/app.component.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/projects/fleet-management-grid/src/app/app.component.ts b/projects/fleet-management-grid/src/app/app.component.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..363bebe --- /dev/null +++ b/projects/fleet-management-grid/src/app/app.component.ts @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +import { Component } from '@angular/core'; +import { FleetManagementGridComponent } from "./fleet-management-grid/fleet-management-grid.component"; + +@Component({ + selector: 'app-root', + imports: [ FleetManagementGridComponent], + templateUrl: './app.component.html', + styleUrl: './app.component.scss' +}) +export class AppComponent { + title = 'master-detail-grid'; +} diff --git a/projects/fleet-management-grid/src/app/app.config.ts b/projects/fleet-management-grid/src/app/app.config.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4d822a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/projects/fleet-management-grid/src/app/app.config.ts @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +import { ApplicationConfig, provideZoneChangeDetection } from '@angular/core'; +import { provideRouter } from '@angular/router'; + +import { routes } from './app.routes'; +import { provideClientHydration, withEventReplay } from '@angular/platform-browser'; +import { provideAnimations } from '@angular/platform-browser/animations'; + +export const appConfig: ApplicationConfig = { + providers: [ + provideZoneChangeDetection({ eventCoalescing: true }), + provideRouter(routes), + provideClientHydration(withEventReplay()), + provideAnimations() + ] +}; diff --git a/projects/fleet-management-grid/src/app/app.routes.ts b/projects/fleet-management-grid/src/app/app.routes.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dc39edb --- /dev/null +++ b/projects/fleet-management-grid/src/app/app.routes.ts @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +import { Routes } from '@angular/router'; + +export const routes: Routes = []; diff --git a/projects/fleet-management-grid/src/app/fleet-management-grid/fleet-management-grid.component.html b/projects/fleet-management-grid/src/app/fleet-management-grid/fleet-management-grid.component.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d47c18b --- /dev/null +++ b/projects/fleet-management-grid/src/app/fleet-management-grid/fleet-management-grid.component.html @@ -0,0 +1,490 @@ + + + Actions + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + {{ value }} + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + {{ value }} + + + + + + {{ cell.value }} + + + + + + + + + Details + + + +
+ + +
+ Make: +
+ +
+ Generation: +
+ +
+ Year of Manufacture: +
+ +
+ Fuel Type: +
+ +
+ Doors: +
+ +
+ Seats: +
+ +
+ Transmission: +
+ +
+ {{ dataItem.make }} +
+ +
+ {{ dataItem.details.generation }} +
+ +
+ {{ dataItem.details.yearOfManufacture }} +
+ +
+ {{ dataItem.details.fuelType }} +
+ +
+ {{ dataItem.details.doors }} +
+ +
+ {{ dataItem.details.seats }} +
+ +
+ {{ dataItem.details.transmission }} +
+ +
+ Engine: +
+ +
+ Power: +
+ +
+ Mileage: +
+ +
+ Cubature: +
+ +
+ Color: +
+ +
+ MSRP: +
+ +
+ Toll Pass ID: +
+ +
+ {{ dataItem.details.engine }} +
+ +
+ {{ dataItem.details.power }} +
+ +
+ {{ dataItem.details.mileage }} +
+ +
+ {{ dataItem.details.cubature }} +
+ +
+ {{ dataItem.details.color }} +
+ +
+ {{ dataItem.details.msrp }} +
+ +
+ {{ dataItem.details.tollPassId }} +
+ +
+ + + + Trip History + + + +
+ +
+ + + + Maintenance + + + +
+ +
+ + + + Cost + + + +
+ Costs per Type + + + YTD + Last 3 Months + Last 6 Months + Last 12 Months + +
+ + +
+ +
+ Costs per Meter, per Quarter + + + YTD + 2023 + 2022 + 2021 + 2020 + +
+ + +
+ +
+ Fuel Costs per Month + + + YTD + Last 3 Months + Last 6 Months + Last 12 Months + +
+ + +
+ +
+ + + + Utilization + + + +
Utilization per Month
+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + {{ cell.value }} + + Current + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + {{ value }} + + + + + + +
+ + + +
{{ make }} {{ model }}
+ Mileage: {{ mileage }} +
+ + + + + + + +
+ +
+ + + +
{{ driverDetails.name }}
+ +
+ Driver's License: +
+ +
+ Address: +
+ +
+ City: +
+ +
+ Phone: +
+ +
+ Email: +
+ +
+ {{ driverDetails.license }} +
+ +
+ {{ driverDetails.address }} +
+ +
+ {{ driverDetails.city }} +
+ +
+ {{ driverDetails.phone }} +
+ +
+ {{ driverDetails.email }} +
+ +
+ + + +
diff --git a/projects/fleet-management-grid/src/app/fleet-management-grid/fleet-management-grid.component.scss b/projects/fleet-management-grid/src/app/fleet-management-grid/fleet-management-grid.component.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d7d867a --- /dev/null +++ b/projects/fleet-management-grid/src/app/fleet-management-grid/fleet-management-grid.component.scss @@ -0,0 +1,267 @@ +@use "igniteui-angular/theming" as *; + +igx-tabs { + flex: 1; + width: 100%; +} + +igx-divider { + color: var(--ig-gray-200); + opacity: 24%; +} + +igx-card { + border: 0px; + border-radius: 4px; +} +.grid-container { + padding: 16px; +} + +.details-container { + display: flex; + align-items: flex-start; + padding: 16px; + width: 100%; +} + +.carousel-container { + width: 420px; + height: 240px; +} + +.image-container img { + width: 100%; + height: auto; + object-fit: cover; +} + +.details-table { + display: flex; + flex-direction: row; + width: calc(100% * (2 / 3)); + height: auto; + justify-content: space-around; +} + +.detail-block-container { + display: flex; + flex-direction: row; + justify-content: space-around; + align-items: center; + width: 50%; +} + +.detail-category-container { + width: 50%; + padding-left: 25px; +} + +.detail-content-container { + width: 50%; +} + +.detail-item { + padding-top: 5px; + padding-bottom: 5px; + font-size: 0.8125rem; + +} + +.detail-category { + font-weight: bold; +} + +.dashboard { + display: grid; + grid-template-columns: 1fr 2.5fr; + grid-template-rows: 1fr 1fr; + padding: 16px; + height: 100%; +} + +.chart-container { + display: grid; + grid-template-rows: 40px auto; + height: 100%; + padding: 10px; + padding-top: 20px; +} + +.chart-header { + display: flex; + justify-content: space-between; + align-items: center; + padding-bottom: 20px; +} + +.chart-select { + width: 40%; +} + +.chart-content { + display: flex; + justify-content: center; + align-items: center; + height: 100%; + padding: 15px; + border-radius: 6px; + border: 1px solid #8A8A8A; +} + +.content-wrapper { + padding: 16px; +} + +.pie-chart { + grid-column: 1; + grid-row: 1; +} + +.area-chart { + grid-column: 1; + grid-row: 2; +} + +.column-chart { + grid-column: 2; + grid-row: 1 / span 2; +} + +.column-chart-two-series { + align-self: center; +} + +.utilization-chart { + flex-direction: column; + align-items: start; +} + +.status-value { + padding-left: 8px; +} + +.overlay { + display: flex; + flex-direction: column; + align-items: center; + justify-content: center; + justify-items: center; + align-content: center; + width: 360px; + height: 396px; + box-shadow: var(--ig-elevation-24); +} + +.igx-card { + display: flex; + flex-direction: column; + align-items: center; + justify-content: center; + justify-items: center; + align-content: center; + width: 100%; + height: 396px; +} + +.overlay-location-header { + height: 38%; + width: 100%; + flex-direction: column; + justify-content: space-around; + align-items: center; + align-content: space-around; +} + +.overlay-title { + padding-top: 8px; +} + +.overlay-text { + font-size: 14px; +} + +.overlay-driver { + width: 327px; + height: 344px; + padding: 0px; + margin: 0px; +} + +.overlay-driver-header { + height: 38%; + width: 100%; + flex-direction: column; + justify-content: space-around; + align-items: center; + align-content: space-around; +} + +.overlay-location-content { + height: 48%; + width: 100%; + padding: 0px; +} + +.overlay-driver-content { + height: 48%; + width: 100%; + padding: 0px; + justify-content: center; +} + +.overlay-location-actions { + height: 13%; + width: 100%; + justify-content: end; + margin: 0px; +} + +.overlay-driver-actions { + height: 13%; + width: 100%; + justify-content: end; + margin: 8px; +} + +.driver-block-container { + display: flex; + flex-direction: row; + justify-self: center; + width: 85%; +} + +.driver-category-container { + width: 50%; +} + +.driver-detail-container { + width: 50%; +} + +::ng-deep .igx-card-header__thumbnail { + align-self: center; + margin-inline-end: 0px; +} + +.driver-avatar { + --size: 22px +} + +.overlay-avatar {} + +.driver-overlay-avatar { + //--size: 64px +} + +.logo-avatar { + --size: 22px; + border-radius: 0.25rem; + +} + +.driver-badge { + margin-left: 10px; + padding-left: 8px; + padding-right: 8px; +} diff --git a/projects/fleet-management-grid/src/app/fleet-management-grid/fleet-management-grid.component.ts b/projects/fleet-management-grid/src/app/fleet-management-grid/fleet-management-grid.component.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..761acfe --- /dev/null +++ b/projects/fleet-management-grid/src/app/fleet-management-grid/fleet-management-grid.component.ts @@ -0,0 +1,311 @@ +import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common'; +import { Component, ElementRef, Inject, OnInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core'; +import { check, delivery, gitIssue, wrench } from '@igniteui/material-icons-extended'; +import { AutoPositionStrategy, DefaultSortingStrategy, IgxAvatarComponent, IgxBadgeComponent, IgxButtonDirective, IgxButtonModule, IgxCardActionsComponent, IgxCardComponent, IgxCardContentDirective, IgxCardHeaderComponent, IgxCarouselComponent, IgxCellTemplateDirective, IgxColumnComponent, IgxDividerDirective, IgxGridComponent, IgxGridDetailTemplateDirective, IgxGridToolbarActionsComponent, IgxGridToolbarAdvancedFilteringComponent, IgxGridToolbarComponent, IgxGridToolbarExporterComponent, IgxGridToolbarHidingComponent, IgxGridToolbarPinningComponent, IgxGridToolbarTitleComponent, IgxIconComponent, IgxIconService, IgxLabelDirective, IgxOverlayService, IgxSelectComponent, IgxSelectItemComponent, IgxSlideComponent, IgxTabContentComponent, IgxTabHeaderComponent, IgxTabItemComponent, IgxTabsComponent, RelativePosition, RelativePositionStrategy, SortingDirection } from 'igniteui-angular'; +import { IgxCategoryChartModule, IgxDataChartInteractivityModule, IgxLegendDynamicModule, IgxPieChartModule } from 'igniteui-angular-charts'; +import CAR_PHOTO_MANIFEST from '../../assets/car_photo_manifest.json'; +import CAR_IMAGES from '../../assets/car_images.json' +import { IgDataTemplate, IgxShapeDataSourceModule } from 'igniteui-angular-core'; +import { IgxGeographicMapComponent, IgxGeographicMapModule, IgxGeographicSymbolSeriesComponent } from 'igniteui-angular-maps'; +import { useAnimation } from '@angular/animations'; +import { fadeIn, fadeOut } from 'igniteui-angular/animations'; +import { DataService } from '../services/data.service'; + +@Component({ + selector: 'app-fleet-management-grid', + imports: [ + CommonModule, + IgxPieChartModule, + IgxCategoryChartModule, + IgxGridComponent, + IgxColumnComponent, + IgxGridToolbarComponent, + IgxGridToolbarTitleComponent, + IgxGridToolbarActionsComponent, + IgxGridToolbarHidingComponent, + IgxGridToolbarPinningComponent, + IgxGridToolbarExporterComponent, + IgxGridToolbarAdvancedFilteringComponent, + IgxTabsComponent, + IgxTabItemComponent, + IgxTabHeaderComponent, + IgxTabContentComponent, + IgxGridDetailTemplateDirective, + IgxCarouselComponent, + IgxSlideComponent, + IgxBadgeComponent, + IgxCellTemplateDirective, + IgxDividerDirective, + IgxIconComponent, + IgxButtonDirective, + IgxButtonModule, + IgxAvatarComponent, + IgxCardComponent, + IgxCardHeaderComponent, + IgxCardContentDirective, + IgxGeographicMapModule, + IgxDataChartInteractivityModule, + IgxShapeDataSourceModule, + IgxCardActionsComponent, + IgxLegendDynamicModule, + IgxSelectComponent, + IgxSelectItemComponent, + IgxLabelDirective + ], + templateUrl: './fleet-management-grid.component.html', + styleUrl: './fleet-management-grid.component.scss' +}) +export class FleetManagementGridComponent implements OnInit { + + //view childs + @ViewChild('grid', { static: true }) public grid!: IgxGridComponent; + @ViewChild(`locationOverlay`) private locationOverlay!: ElementRef; + @ViewChild(`driverOverlay`) private driverOverlay!: ElementRef; + @ViewChild("map", { static: true }) public map!: IgxGeographicMapComponent; + + //overlay IDs + private locationOverlayId: string | null = null; + private driverOverlayId: string | null = null; + + //overlay toggle flags + public isLocationOverlayActive = false; + public isDriverOverlayActive = false; + + //car details for location overlay + public vehiclePhoto: string = ''; + public make: string = ''; + public model: string = ''; + public mileage: string = ''; + public markerLocations: any[] = []; + + //chart periods + public periods = { + costPerTypePeriod: "ytd", + costPerMeterPeriod: "ytd", + fuelCostPeriod: "ytd" + } + + //driver details for detail overlay + public driverDetails = { + name: "", + license: "", + address: "", + city: "", + phone: "", + email: "", + photo: "" + } + + constructor( + private iconService: IgxIconService, + @Inject(IgxOverlayService) private overlayService: IgxOverlayService, + public dataService: DataService, + @Inject(ElementRef) public hostRef: ElementRef) {} + + public ngOnInit(): void { + this.iconService.addSvgIconFromText(check.name, check.value, 'imx-icons'); + this.iconService.addSvgIconFromText(wrench.name, wrench.value, 'imx-icons'); + this.iconService.addSvgIconFromText(delivery.name, delivery.value, 'imx-icons'); + this.iconService.addSvgIconFromText(gitIssue.name, gitIssue.value, 'imx-icons'); + + this.grid.sortingExpressions = [ + { + dir: SortingDirection.Asc, fieldName: 'vehicleId', + ignoreCase: true, strategy: DefaultSortingStrategy.instance() + } + ]; + } + + public ngOnDestroy(): void { + if (this.locationOverlayId) { + this.overlayService.detach(this.locationOverlayId); + this.locationOverlayId = null; + } + if (this.driverOverlayId) { + this.overlayService.detach(this.driverOverlayId); + this.driverOverlayId = null; + } + } + + //handling for chart periods + public onPeriodChange(event: any, chart: string): void { + if (chart == "costsPerType") { + this.periods.costPerTypePeriod = event.newSelection.value; + } else if (chart == "costsPerMeter") { + this.periods.costPerMeterPeriod = event.newSelection.value; + } else if (chart == "fuelCosts") { + this.periods.fuelCostPeriod = event.newSelection.value; + } + + } + + //getters for image paths + public getPathToLogoImage(value: string): string { + return `/cars/logos/${value}.png`; + } + + public getPathToCarImage(vehicleId: string): string[] { + const carEntry = CAR_PHOTO_MANIFEST.find(car => car.id === vehicleId); + + if (!carEntry) { + console.warn(`No vehicle found with ID: ${vehicleId}`); + return []; + } + + const folderName = carEntry.folder; + + const carPhotoNames = (CAR_IMAGES as Record)[folderName]; + + const carPathsToPhotos = carPhotoNames.map(photo => `/cars/photos/${folderName}/${photo}`); + + return carPathsToPhotos; + } + + public getPathToDriverPhoto(cell: any) { + return `/people/${this.dataService.getDriverPhoto(cell.row.data.driverName)}.jpg`; + } + + //overlay logic + public showLocationOverlay(event: MouseEvent, cell: any) { + + const vehicleId = cell.row?.cells?.find((c: any) => c.column.field === 'vehicleId')?.value; + + if (vehicleId === undefined) { + console.error('Vehicle ID not found in data'); + return; + } + + const vehicle = this.dataService.getVehiclesData().find(v => v.vehicleId === vehicleId) + + if (!vehicle) { + console.error(`No vehicle found for ID: ${vehicleId}`); + return; + } + this.vehiclePhoto = this.getPathToCarImage(vehicleId)[0]; + this.make = vehicle.make; + this.model = vehicle.model; + this.mileage = vehicle.details.mileage; + this.markerLocations = [ + { latitude: parseFloat(vehicle.locationGps.split(',')[0]), longitude: parseFloat(vehicle.locationGps.split(',')[1]) }, + ]; + + this.map.series.clear(); + this.addSeriesWith(this.markerLocations, "Red"); + const centerPoint = { + left: this.markerLocations[0].longitude - 0.01, + top: this.markerLocations[0].latitude - 0.01, + width: 0.01, + height: 0.01 + }; + this.map.zoomToGeographic(centerPoint); + + const overlaySettings = IgxOverlayService.createRelativeOverlaySettings( + event.target as HTMLElement, + RelativePosition.Before, + RelativePositionStrategy.Auto, + ); + + overlaySettings.outlet = this.hostRef; + + (overlaySettings.positionStrategy as AutoPositionStrategy).settings.openAnimation = useAnimation(fadeIn, { params: { duration: '500ms', fromOpacity: 0, toOpacity: 1 } }); + (overlaySettings.positionStrategy as AutoPositionStrategy).settings.closeAnimation = useAnimation(fadeOut, { params: { duration: '500ms', fromOpacity: 1, toOpacity: 0 } }); + + if (this.locationOverlayId) { + this.overlayService.detach(this.locationOverlayId); + } + + this.isLocationOverlayActive = true; + this.locationOverlayId = this.overlayService.attach(this.locationOverlay, overlaySettings); + this.overlayService.show(this.locationOverlayId); + } + + public closeLocationOverlay() { + this.isLocationOverlayActive = false; + if (this.locationOverlayId) { + this.overlayService.hide(this.locationOverlayId); + } + } + + public showDriverOverlay(event: MouseEvent, cell: any) { + + const driverName = cell.row?.cells?.find((c: any) => c.column.field === 'driverName')?.value; + + if (driverName === undefined) { + console.error('Driver not found in data'); + return; + } + + const driverDetails = this.dataService.getDriverData(driverName); + + this.driverDetails.name = driverDetails?.name as string; + this.driverDetails.license = driverDetails?.license as string; + this.driverDetails.address = driverDetails?.address as string; + this.driverDetails.city = driverDetails?.city as string; + this.driverDetails.phone = driverDetails?.phone as string; + this.driverDetails.email = driverDetails?.email as string; + this.driverDetails.photo = `/people/${driverDetails?.photo}.jpg`; + + const overlaySettings = IgxOverlayService.createRelativeOverlaySettings( + event.target as HTMLElement, + RelativePosition.After, + RelativePositionStrategy.Auto, + ); + + overlaySettings.outlet = this.hostRef; + + (overlaySettings.positionStrategy as AutoPositionStrategy).settings.openAnimation = useAnimation(fadeIn, { params: { duration: '500ms', fromOpacity: 0, toOpacity: 1 } }); + (overlaySettings.positionStrategy as AutoPositionStrategy).settings.closeAnimation = useAnimation(fadeOut, { params: { duration: '500ms', fromOpacity: 1, toOpacity: 0 } }); + + if (this.driverOverlayId) { + this.overlayService.detach(this.driverOverlayId); + } + + this.isDriverOverlayActive = true; + this.driverOverlayId = this.overlayService.attach(this.driverOverlay, overlaySettings); + this.overlayService.show(this.driverOverlayId); + } + + public closeDriverOverlay() { + this.isDriverOverlayActive = false; + if (this.driverOverlayId) { + this.overlayService.hide(this.driverOverlayId); + } + } + + //util function for adding map series + private addSeriesWith(locations:any[], brush: string) { + const symbolSeries = new IgxGeographicSymbolSeriesComponent(); + symbolSeries.dataSource = locations; + symbolSeries.latitudeMemberPath = "latitude"; + symbolSeries.longitudeMemberPath = "longitude"; + symbolSeries.markerBrush = "White"; + symbolSeries.markerOutline = brush; + symbolSeries.markerTemplate = { + measure: (measureInfo) => { + measureInfo.width = 24; + measureInfo.height = 24; + }, + render: (renderInfo) => { + const ctx = renderInfo.context; + const x = renderInfo.xPosition; + const y = renderInfo.yPosition; + + const img = new Image(); + img.src = 'location_pin.svg'; + img.onload = () => { + ctx.drawImage(img, x - 12, y - 12, 32, 32); + }; + } + } as IgDataTemplate; + this.map.series.add(symbolSeries); + } + + rightAlignedCellStyles = { + 'justify-content': 'flex-end', + 'display': 'flex' + }; + + rightAlignedHeaderStyles = { + 'text-align': 'right' + }; +} diff --git a/projects/fleet-management-grid/src/app/services/data.service.ts b/projects/fleet-management-grid/src/app/services/data.service.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..11bf510 --- /dev/null +++ b/projects/fleet-management-grid/src/app/services/data.service.ts @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; +import VEHICLES_DATA from '../../assets/data/vehicles.json'; +import DRIVERS_DATA from '../../assets/data/drivers.json'; +import TRIP_HISTORY_DATA from '../../assets/data/trip_history.json'; +import MAINTENANCE_DATA from '../../assets/data/maintenance.json'; +import COST_DATA from '../../assets/data/cost.json'; +import UTILIZATION_DATA from '../../assets/data/utilization.json'; + +@Injectable({ + providedIn: 'root' +}) +export class DataService { + private vehiclesData = VEHICLES_DATA; + private driversData = DRIVERS_DATA; + private tripHistoryData = TRIP_HISTORY_DATA; + private maintenanceData = MAINTENANCE_DATA; + private costData = COST_DATA; + private utilizationData = UTILIZATION_DATA; + + private bind: () => void; + + private fuelCostsCache: { [key: string]: any[] } = {}; + + constructor() { + this.bind = () => { + this.utilizationData.forEach(vehicle => { + (vehicle.utilization as any).__dataIntents = { + "'2023'": ["SeriesTitle/2023"], + "'2024'": ["SeriesTitle/2024"] + }; + }) + }; + this.bind(); + } + + public getVehiclesData() { + return this.vehiclesData; + } + + public getDriverData(driverName: string) { + return this.driversData.find(data => data.name == driverName); + } + + public getDriverPhoto(driverName: string) { + return this.getDriverData(driverName)?.photo; + } + + public getTripHistoryData(vehicleId: string) { + return this.tripHistoryData.find(data => data.vehicleId === vehicleId)?.tripHistory; + } + + public getMaintenanceData(vehicleId: string) { + return this.maintenanceData.find(data => data.vehicleId === vehicleId)?.maintenance; + } + + public getCostsPerTypeData(vehicleId: string, period: any) { + const dataItem = this.costData.find(data => data.vehicleId === vehicleId) as any; + const costPerTypeData = dataItem.costPerType; + + return costPerTypeData[period]; + } + + public getCostsPerMeterData(vehicleId: string, period: any) { + const dataItem = this.costData.find(data => data.vehicleId === vehicleId) as any; + const costPerMeterData = dataItem.costsPerMeterPerQuarter; + + return costPerMeterData[period]; + } + + public getFuelCostsData(vehicleId: string, period: any) { + const dataItem = this.costData.find(data => data.vehicleId === vehicleId) as any; + const fuelCostsPerMonth = dataItem.fuelCostsPerMonth; + + if (this.fuelCostsCache[vehicleId + period]) { + return this.fuelCostsCache[vehicleId + period]; + } + + let fuelCostsPerMonthPeriod: any[]; + + switch (period) { + case 'ytd': + case '12months': + fuelCostsPerMonthPeriod = fuelCostsPerMonth; + break; + case '6months': + fuelCostsPerMonthPeriod = [...fuelCostsPerMonth].splice(-6); + break; + case '3months': + fuelCostsPerMonthPeriod = [...fuelCostsPerMonth].splice(-3); + break; + default: + console.warn("Invalid period:", period); + return []; + } + + this.fuelCostsCache[vehicleId + period] = fuelCostsPerMonthPeriod; + + return fuelCostsPerMonthPeriod; + } + + public getUtilizationData(vehicleId: string) { + const dataItem = this.utilizationData.find(data => data.vehicleId === vehicleId); + return dataItem ? dataItem.utilization : [] + } +} diff --git a/projects/fleet-management-grid/src/assets/car_images.json b/projects/fleet-management-grid/src/assets/car_images.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..74f1190 --- /dev/null +++ b/projects/fleet-management-grid/src/assets/car_images.json @@ -0,0 +1,182 @@ +{ + "Ford F-150 blue": [ + "Ford-F150-caleb-white-XGJBSkoqX_I-unsplash.jpg", + "Ford-F150-caleb-white-XGJBSkoqX_I-unsplash1.jpg", + "Ford-F150-caleb-white-XGJBSkoqX_I-unsplash2.jpg" + ], + "Ford F-150 red": [ + "Ford-f150-7572360_1920.jpg", + "Ford-f150-7572360_19201.jpg", + "Ford-f150-7572360_19202.jpg" + ], + "Ford Focus blue": [ + "ford-focus-5167838_1280.jpg", + "ford-focus-5167838_12801.jpg", + "ford-focus-5167838_12802.jpg" + ], + "Ford Focus dark gray": [ + "1-1-Ford-Focus-car-3300587_1280.jpg", + 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+ "summary": "Fuel: 50%" + }, + { + "value": 30, + "category": "Maintenance", + "summary": "Maintenance: 30%" + }, + { + "value": 20, + "category": "Other", + "summary": "Other: 20%" + } + ], + "6months": [ + { + "value": 52, + "category": "Fuel", + "summary": "Fuel: 52%" + }, + { + "value": 28, + "category": "Maintenance", + "summary": "Maintenance: 28%" + }, + { + "value": 20, + "category": "Other", + "summary": "Other: 20%" + } + ], + "12months": [ + { + "value": 53, + "category": "Fuel", + "summary": "Fuel: 53%" + }, + { + "value": 27, + "category": "Maintenance", + "summary": "Maintenance: 27%" + }, + { + "value": 20, + "category": "Other", + "summary": "Other: 20%" + } + ] + }, + "costsPerMeterPerQuarter": { + "ytd": [ + { + "quarter": "Q1", + "costPerMeter": 10 + }, + { + "quarter": "Q2", + "costPerMeter": 28 + }, + { + "quarter": "Q3", + "costPerMeter": 55 + } + ], + "'2023'": [ + { + "quarter": "Q1", + "costPerMeter": 12 + }, + { + "quarter": "Q2", + "costPerMeter": 25 + }, + 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"Nov", + "cost": 310 + }, + { + "month": "Dec", + "cost": 295 + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/projects/fleet-management-grid/src/assets/data/drivers.json b/projects/fleet-management-grid/src/assets/data/drivers.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..33c558a --- /dev/null +++ b/projects/fleet-management-grid/src/assets/data/drivers.json @@ -0,0 +1,407 @@ +[ + { + "name": "John Davidson", + "license": "JD-12345", + "address": "123 Main St", + "city": "Boston, MA", + "phone": "(555) 123-4567", + "email": "john.davidson@example.com", + "photo": "men/1" + }, + { + "name": "Peter Jackson", + "license": "PJ-67890", + "address": "456 Elm St", + "city": "Cranbury, NJ", + "phone": "(555) 987-6543", + "email": "peter.jackson@example.com", + "photo": "men/2" + }, + { + "name": "J.J. Swan", + "license": "JS-23456", + "address": "789 Oak St", + "city": "Boston, MA", + "phone": "(555) 234-5678", + "email": "jj.swan@example.com", + "photo": "men/3" + }, + { + "name": "Mike Sousan", + "license": "MS-54321", + "address": "321 Oak St", + "city": "Hartford, CT", + "phone": "(555) 654-3210", + "email": "mike.sousan@example.com", + "photo": "men/4" + }, + { + "name": "Alex Robinson", + "license": "AR-12345", + "address": "321 Oak St", + "city": "Newark, NJ", + "phone": "(555) 987-6543", + "email": "alex.robinson@sample.com", + "photo": "men/5" + }, + { + "name": "Liam Carter", + "license": "LC-98765", + "address": "456 Elm St", + "city": "Camden, NJ", + "phone": "(555) 222-3344", + "email": "liam.carter@sample.com", + "photo": "men/6" + }, + { + "name": "Noah Adams", + "license": "NA-23456", + "address": "789 Maple St", + "city": "Trenton, NJ", + "phone": "(555) 654-3210", + "email": "noah.adams@sample.com", + "photo": "men/7" + }, + { + "name": "Ethan Brown", + "license": "EB-33333", + "address": "303 Cedar St", + "city": "Cranbury, NJ", + "phone": "(555) 345-3333", + "email": "ethan.brown@example.com", + "photo": "men/8" + }, + { + "name": "David Miller", + "license": "DM-00123", + "address": "12 Maple Lane", + "city": "Newark, NJ", + "phone": "(555) 345-9876", + "email": "david.miller@example.com", + "photo": "men/9" + }, + { + "name": "Ethan Johnson", + "license": "EJ-34567", + "address": "56 Birch Rd", + "city": "New York, NY", + "phone": "(555) 432-8765", + "email": "ethan.johnson@example.com", + "photo": "men/10" + }, + { + "name": "Michael Carter", + "license": "MC-76543", + "address": "123 Oak St", + "city": "Albany, NY", + "phone": "(555) 678-1234", + "email": "michael.carter@example.com", + "photo": "men/11" + }, + { + "name": "Ethan Carter", + "license": "EC-33456", + "address": "333 Birch St", + "city": "Denver, CO", + "phone": "(555) 345-6789", + "email": "ethan.carter@example.com", + "photo": "men/12" + }, + { + "name": "Liam Johnson", + 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"photo": "women/8" + }, + { + "name": "Emma White", + "license": "EW-45678", + "address": "90 Pine St", + "city": "Hartford, CT", + "phone": "(555) 876-5432", + "email": "emma.white@example.com", + "photo": "women/9" + }, + { + "name": "Sophia Loren", + "license": "SL-98765", + "address": "987 Maple St", + "city": "Albany, NY", + "phone": "(555) 876-5432", + "email": "sophia.loren@example.com", + "photo": "women/10" + }, + { + "name": "Emily Taylor", + "license": "ET-67890", + "address": "456 Maple St", + "city": "Newark, NJ", + "phone": "(555) 456-7890", + "email": "emily.taylor@example.com", + "photo": "women/11" + }, + { + "name": "Alice Johnson", + "license": "AJ-11234", + "address": "222 Maple St", + "city": "Seattle, WA", + "phone": "(555) 678-1234", + "email": "alice.johnson@example.com", + "photo": "women/12" + }, + { + "name": "Emily Carter", + "license": "EC-12345", + "address": "123 Walnut St", + "city": "New York, NY", + "phone": "(555) 678-9012", + "email": "emily.carter@example.com", + "photo": "women/13" + }, + { + "name": "Sarah Williams", + "license": "SW-12345", + "address": "456 Maple Ave", + "city": "Cranbury, NJ", + "phone": "(555) 876-5432", + "email": "sarah.williams@example.com", + "photo": "women/14" + }, + { + "name": "Sarah Taylor", + "license": "ST-87654", + "address": "456 Birch St", + "city": "Newark, NJ", + "phone": "(555) 789-4561", + "email": "sarah.taylor@example.com", + "photo": "women/15" + }, + { + "name": "Sophia Martinez", + "license": "SM-76543", + "address": "444 Walnut St", + "city": "San Francisco, CA", + "phone": "(555) 456-7891", + "email": "sophia.martinez@example.com", + "photo": "women/16" + }, + { + "name": "Emma Clarkson", + "license": "EC-45678", + "address": "321 Birch Rd", + "city": "Boston, MA", + "phone": "(555) 678-1234", + "email": "emma.clarkson@example.com", + "photo": "women/17" + }, + { + "name": "Maria Gonzalez", + "license": "MG-22222", + "address": "202 Pine St", + "city": "Philadelphia, PA", + "phone": "(555) 234-2222", + "email": "maria.gonzalez@example.com", + "photo": "women/18" + }, + { + "name": "Sophia Wilson", + "license": "SW-67890", + "address": "456 Pine St", + "city": "Camden, NJ", + "phone": "(555) 987-6543", + "email": "sophia.wilson@example.com", + "photo": "women/19" + }, + { + "name": "Sarah Miller", + "license": "SM-54321", + "address": "789 Oak Ave", + "city": "Hartford, CT", + "phone": "(555) 345-6789", + "email": "sarah.miller@example.com", + "photo": "women/20" + }, + { + "name": "Emily White", + "license": "EW-67890", + "address": "123 Maple Ln", + "city": "Newark, NJ", + "phone": "(555) 432-9876", + "email": "emily.white@example.com", + "photo": "women/21" + } +] diff --git a/projects/fleet-management-grid/src/assets/data/maintenance.json b/projects/fleet-management-grid/src/assets/data/maintenance.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2f941bf --- /dev/null +++ b/projects/fleet-management-grid/src/assets/data/maintenance.json @@ -0,0 +1,1127 @@ +[ + { + "vehicleId": "A00101", + "maintenance": [ + { + "id": 1, + "event": "Oil Change", + "date": "2024-10-31", + "location": "Cranbury, NJ", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Documented oil change with 5W-20." + }, + { + "id": 2, + "event": "Tire Replacement", + "date": "2024-10-30", + "location": "Cranbury, NJ", + "type": "Incident", + "remarks": "Installed new front left tire, including brand and mileage." + }, + { + "id": 3, + "event": "Brake Inspection", + "date": "2024-10-01", + "location": "Cranbury, NJ", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Checked and serviced brake system." + }, + { + "id": 4, + "event": "General Maintenance", + "date": "2024-08-20", + "location": "Cranbury, NJ", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Comprehensive vehicle checkup, including fluids and filters." + }, + { + "id": 5, + "event": "Alignment and Suspension", + "date": "2024-08-19", + "location": "Cranbury, NJ", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Documented wheel alignment and suspension service." + } + ] + }, + { + "vehicleId": "A00102", + "maintenance": [ + { + "id": 1, + "event": "Oil Change", + "date": "2024-10-31", + "location": "Cranbury, NJ", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Documented oil change with 5W-20." + }, + { + "id": 2, + "event": "Tire Replacement", + "date": "2024-10-30", + "location": "Cranbury, NJ", + "type": "Incident", + "remarks": "Installed new front left tire, including brand and mileage." + }, + { + "id": 3, + "event": "Brake Fluid Refill", + "date": "2024-09-15", + "location": "Boston, MA", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Brake fluid replaced and system flushed." + }, + { + "id": 4, + "event": "Battery Check", + "date": "2024-08-20", + "location": "Boston, MA", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Battery tested and terminals cleaned." + }, + { + "id": 5, + "event": "Air Filter Replacement", + "date": "2024-07-10", + "location": "Boston, MA", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Engine air filter replaced with new OEM part." + } + ] + }, + { + "vehicleId": "A00103", + "maintenance": [ + { + "id": 1, + "event": "Battery Replacement", + "date": "2024-10-01", + "location": "Camden, NJ", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Replaced car battery with a new one." + }, + { + "id": 2, + "event": "Engine Tuning", + "date": "2024-09-15", + "location": "Hoboken, NJ", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Engine performance tuning and diagnostics." + }, + { + "id": 3, + "event": "Tire Rotation", + "date": "2024-08-05", + "location": "Buffalo, NY", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Rotated all tires to ensure even wear." + }, + { + "id": 4, + "event": "AC System Check", + "date": "2024-07-12", + "location": "Trenton, NJ", + "type": "Incident", + "remarks": "Inspected and refilled AC refrigerant." + }, + { + "id": 5, + "event": "Brake Pad Replacement", + "date": "2024-06-20", + "location": "Camden, NJ", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Replaced front and rear brake pads." + } + ] + }, + { + "vehicleId": "A00104", + "maintenance": [ + { + "id": 1, + "event": "Engine Diagnostics", + "date": "2024-09-10", + "location": "Buffalo, NY", + "type": "Incident", + "remarks": "Performed diagnostics on the engine due to irregular performance." + }, + { + "id": 2, + "event": "Transmission Check", + "date": "2024-08-22", + "location": "Albany, NY", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Routine transmission fluid level check and refill." + }, + { + "id": 3, + "event": "Battery Replacement", + "date": "2024-07-30", + "location": "Newark, NJ", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Installed a new battery to replace the old one." + }, + { + "id": 4, + "event": "AC Repair", + "date": "2024-07-15", + "location": "Trenton, NJ", + "type": "Incident", + "remarks": "Fixed an issue with the air conditioning system cooling capacity." + }, + { + "id": 5, + "event": "Tire Rotation", + "date": "2024-06-10", + "location": "Camden, NJ", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Rotated all tires to ensure even wear." + } + ] + }, + { + "vehicleId": "A00105", + "maintenance": [ + { + "id": 1, + "event": "Engine Tune-Up", + "date": "2024-11-15", + "location": "Camden, NJ", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Engine performance optimization and diagnostics." + }, + { + "id": 2, + "event": "Tire Balancing", + "date": "2024-10-22", + "location": "Newark, NJ", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Adjusted tire balancing to improve stability." + }, + { + "id": 3, + "event": "Brake Pad Replacement", + "date": "2024-09-30", + "location": "Philadelphia, PA", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Installed new front brake pads." + }, + { + "id": 4, + "event": "Oil Change", + "date": "2024-09-10", + "location": "Trenton, NJ", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Replaced engine oil with 5W-30 grade." + }, + { + "id": 5, + "event": "Battery Replacement", + "date": "2024-08-25", + "location": "Camden, NJ", + "type": "Incident", + "remarks": "Replaced old battery due to starting issues." + } + ] + }, + { + "vehicleId": "A00106", + "maintenance": [ + { + "id": 1, + "event": "Battery Replacement", + "date": "2024-12-01", + "location": "Seattle, WA", + "type": "Incident", + "remarks": "Replaced battery with high-performance model." + }, + { + "id": 2, + "event": "Coolant Refill", + "date": "2024-11-15", + "location": "Denver, CO", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Performed coolant system flush and refill." + }, + { + "id": 3, + "event": "Windshield Repair", + "date": "2024-10-30", + "location": "San Francisco, CA", + "type": "Incident", + "remarks": "Repaired small crack on the windshield." + }, + { + "id": 4, + "event": "Air Filter Replacement", + "date": "2024-09-25", + "location": "Austin, TX", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Replaced cabin and engine air filters." + }, + { + "id": 5, + "event": "Transmission Service", + "date": "2024-08-15", + "location": "Dallas, TX", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Serviced transmission and replaced fluid." + } + ] + }, + { + "vehicleId": "A00107", + "maintenance": [ + { + "id": 1, + "event": "Battery Replacement", + "date": "2024-11-01", + "location": "Newark, NJ", + "type": "Incident", + "remarks": "Replaced the car battery with a high-capacity model." + }, + { + "id": 2, + "event": "Tire Rotation", + "date": "2024-10-15", + "location": "Cranbury, NJ", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Rotated all four tires to ensure even wear." + }, + { + "id": 3, + "event": "Brake Pad Replacement", + "date": "2024-09-20", + "location": "Cranbury, NJ", + "type": "Incident", + "remarks": "Replaced front brake pads due to wear." + }, + { + "id": 4, + "event": "Oil and Filter Change", + "date": "2024-08-10", + "location": "New York, NY", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Changed engine oil and replaced oil filter." + }, + { + "id": 5, + "event": "Coolant Flush", + "date": "2024-07-25", + "location": "Philadelphia, PA", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Performed a coolant flush and replaced with fresh fluid." + } + ] + }, + { + "vehicleId": "A00108", + "maintenance": [ + { + "id": 1, + "event": "Battery Replacement", + "date": "2024-11-01", + "location": "Newark, NJ", + "type": "Incident", + "remarks": "Replaced the car battery with a high-capacity model." + }, + { + "id": 2, + "event": "Tire Rotation", + "date": "2024-10-15", + "location": "Cranbury, NJ", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Rotated all four tires to ensure even wear." + }, + { + "id": 3, + "event": "Brake Pad Replacement", + "date": "2024-09-20", + "location": "Cranbury, NJ", + "type": "Incident", + "remarks": "Replaced front brake pads due to wear." + }, + { + "id": 4, + "event": "Oil and Filter Change", + "date": "2024-08-10", + "location": "New York, NY", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Changed engine oil and replaced oil filter." + }, + { + "id": 5, + "event": "Coolant Flush", + "date": "2024-07-25", + "location": "Philadelphia, PA", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Performed a coolant flush and replaced with fresh fluid." + } + ] + }, + { + "vehicleId": "A00109", + "maintenance": [ + { + "id": 1, + "event": "Battery Replacement", + "date": "2024-11-03", + "location": "Detroit, MI", + "type": "Incident", + "remarks": "Replaced old battery with a high-performance model." + }, + { + "id": 2, + "event": "Tire Rotation", + "date": "2024-10-20", + "location": "Cleveland, OH", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Rotated all tires to ensure even wear." + }, + { + "id": 3, + "event": "Brake Fluid Replacement", + "date": "2024-09-30", + "location": "Pittsburgh, PA", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Replaced brake fluid as part of regular maintenance." + }, + { + "id": 4, + "event": "Coolant System Flush", + "date": "2024-08-15", + "location": "Philadelphia, PA", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Flushed coolant system and replaced with fresh coolant." + }, + { + "id": 5, + "event": "Engine Oil and Filter Change", + "date": "2024-07-20", + "location": "Chicago, IL", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Performed oil change and replaced engine oil filter." + } + ] + }, + { + "vehicleId": "A00110", + "maintenance": [ + { + "id": 1, + "event": "Battery Replacement", + "date": "2024-11-12", + "location": "Boston, MA", + "type": "Incident", + "remarks": "Replaced the car battery with a high-performance model." + }, + { + "id": 2, + "event": "Tire Rotation", + "date": "2024-10-20", + "location": "New York, NY", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Rotated all tires to ensure even wear." + }, + { + "id": 3, + "event": "Brake Fluid Replacement", + "date": "2024-09-25", + "location": "Hartford, CT", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Replaced brake fluid as part of scheduled maintenance." + }, + { + "id": 4, + "event": "Coolant System Flush", + "date": "2024-08-28", + "location": "Buffalo, NY", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Flushed and replaced coolant for optimal engine performance." + }, + { + "id": 5, + "event": "Oil and Filter Change", + "date": "2024-08-15", + "location": "Newark, NJ", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Changed engine oil and replaced the oil filter." + } + ] + }, + { + "vehicleId": "A00111", + "maintenance": [ + { + "id": 1, + "event": "Engine Tune-Up", + "date": "2024-12-10", + "location": "Boston, MA", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Performed routine engine tune-up and replaced spark plugs." + }, + { + "id": 2, + "event": "Tire Balancing", + "date": "2024-11-25", + "location": "New York, NY", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Balanced all four tires to improve driving stability." + }, + { + "id": 3, + "event": "Battery Replacement", + "date": "2024-11-05", + "location": "Hartford, CT", + "type": "Incident", + "remarks": "Replaced car battery due to failure." + }, + { + "id": 4, + "event": "Brake Pad Replacement", + "date": "2024-10-30", + "location": "Newark, NJ", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Replaced front brake pads and inspected rotors." + }, + { + "id": 5, + "event": "Oil Change", + "date": "2024-10-15", + "location": "Cranbury, NJ", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Changed engine oil and replaced oil filter." + } + ] + }, + { + "vehicleId": "A00112", + "maintenance": [ + { + "id": 1, + "event": "Brake Pad Replacement", + "date": "2024-09-15", + "location": "Buffalo, NY", + "type": "Incident", + "remarks": "Replaced worn brake pads and inspected rotors." + }, + { + "id": 2, + "event": "Oil Change", + "date": "2024-08-20", + "location": "Cranbury, NJ", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Performed oil change using synthetic 5W-30." + }, + { + "id": 3, + "event": "Tire Alignment", + "date": "2024-07-30", + "location": "Albany, NY", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Adjusted tire alignment and rotated tires." + }, + { + "id": 4, + "event": "Battery Replacement", + "date": "2024-07-01", + "location": "Boston, MA", + "type": "Incident", + "remarks": "Installed a new battery and checked charging system." + }, + { + "id": 5, + "event": "Air Filter Replacement", + "date": "2024-06-15", + "location": "Albany, NY", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Replaced air filter and inspected intake system." + } + ] + }, + { + "vehicleId": "A00113", + "maintenance": [ + { + "id": 1, + "event": "Oil Change", + "date": "2024-10-31", + "location": "Cranbury, NJ", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Documented oil change with 5W-20." + }, + { + "id": 2, + "event": "Tire Replacement", + "date": "2024-10-30", + "location": "Cranbury, NJ", + "type": "Incident", + "remarks": "Installed new front left tire, including brand and mileage." + }, + { + "id": 3, + "event": "Brake Inspection", + "date": "2024-10-01", + "location": "Cranbury, NJ", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Checked and serviced brake system." + }, + { + "id": 4, + "event": "General Maintenance", + "date": "2024-08-20", + "location": "Cranbury, NJ", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Comprehensive vehicle checkup, including fluids and filters." + }, + { + "id": 5, + "event": "Alignment and Suspension", + "date": "2024-08-19", + "location": "Cranbury, NJ", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Documented wheel alignment and suspension service." + } + ] + }, + { + "vehicleId": "A00114", + "maintenance": [ + { + "id": 1, + "event": "Oil Change", + "date": "2024-10-31", + "location": "Cranbury, NJ", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Documented oil change with 5W-20." + }, + { + "id": 2, + "event": "Tire Replacement", + "date": "2024-10-30", + "location": "Cranbury, NJ", + "type": "Incident", + "remarks": "Installed new front left tire, including brand and mileage." + }, + { + "id": 3, + "event": "Brake Fluid Refill", + "date": "2024-09-15", + "location": "Boston, MA", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Brake fluid replaced and system flushed." + }, + { + "id": 4, + "event": "Battery Check", + "date": "2024-08-20", + "location": "Boston, MA", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Battery tested and terminals cleaned." + }, + { + "id": 5, + "event": "Air Filter Replacement", + "date": "2024-07-10", + "location": "Boston, MA", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Engine air filter replaced with new OEM part." + } + ] + }, + { + "vehicleId": "A00115", + "maintenance": [ + { + "id": 1, + "event": "Battery Replacement", + "date": "2024-10-01", + "location": "Camden, NJ", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Replaced car battery with a new one." + }, + { + "id": 2, + "event": "Engine Tuning", + "date": "2024-09-15", + "location": "Hoboken, NJ", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Engine performance tuning and diagnostics." + }, + { + "id": 3, + "event": "Tire Rotation", + "date": "2024-08-05", + "location": "Buffalo, NY", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Rotated all tires to ensure even wear." + }, + { + "id": 4, + "event": "AC System Check", + "date": "2024-07-12", + "location": "Trenton, NJ", + "type": "Incident", + "remarks": "Inspected and refilled AC refrigerant." + }, + { + "id": 5, + "event": "Brake Pad Replacement", + "date": "2024-06-20", + "location": "Camden, NJ", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Replaced front and rear brake pads." + } + ] + }, + { + "vehicleId": "A00116", + "maintenance": [ + { + "id": 1, + "event": "Engine Diagnostics", + "date": "2024-09-10", + "location": "Buffalo, NY", + "type": "Incident", + "remarks": "Performed diagnostics on the engine due to irregular performance." + }, + { + "id": 2, + "event": "Transmission Check", + "date": "2024-08-22", + "location": "Albany, NY", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Routine transmission fluid level check and refill." + }, + { + "id": 3, + "event": "Battery Replacement", + "date": "2024-07-30", + "location": "Newark, NJ", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Installed a new battery to replace the old one." + }, + { + "id": 4, + "event": "AC Repair", + "date": "2024-07-15", + "location": "Trenton, NJ", + "type": "Incident", + "remarks": "Fixed an issue with the air conditioning system cooling capacity." + }, + { + "id": 5, + "event": "Tire Rotation", + "date": "2024-06-10", + "location": "Camden, NJ", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Rotated all tires to ensure even wear." + } + ] + }, + { + "vehicleId": "A00117", + "maintenance": [ + { + "id": 1, + "event": "Engine Tune-Up", + "date": "2024-11-15", + "location": "Camden, NJ", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Engine performance optimization and diagnostics." + }, + { + "id": 2, + "event": "Tire Balancing", + "date": "2024-10-22", + "location": "Newark, NJ", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Adjusted tire balancing to improve stability." + }, + { + "id": 3, + "event": "Brake Pad Replacement", + "date": "2024-09-30", + "location": "Philadelphia, PA", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Installed new front brake pads." + }, + { + "id": 4, + "event": "Oil Change", + "date": "2024-09-10", + "location": "Trenton, NJ", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Replaced engine oil with 5W-30 grade." + }, + { + "id": 5, + "event": "Battery Replacement", + "date": "2024-08-25", + "location": "Camden, NJ", + "type": "Incident", + "remarks": "Replaced old battery due to starting issues." + } + ] + }, + { + "vehicleId": "A00118", + "maintenance": [ + { + "id": 1, + "event": "Battery Replacement", + "date": "2024-12-01", + "location": "Seattle, WA", + "type": "Incident", + "remarks": "Replaced battery with high-performance model." + }, + { + "id": 2, + "event": "Coolant Refill", + "date": "2024-11-15", + "location": "Denver, CO", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Performed coolant system flush and refill." + }, + { + "id": 3, + "event": "Windshield Repair", + "date": "2024-10-30", + "location": "San Francisco, CA", + "type": "Incident", + "remarks": "Repaired small crack on the windshield." + }, + { + "id": 4, + "event": "Air Filter Replacement", + "date": "2024-09-25", + "location": "Austin, TX", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Replaced cabin and engine air filters." + }, + { + "id": 5, + "event": "Transmission Service", + "date": "2024-08-15", + "location": "Dallas, TX", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Serviced transmission and replaced fluid." + } + ] + }, + { + "vehicleId": "A00119", + "maintenance": [ + { + "id": 1, + "event": "Battery Replacement", + "date": "2024-11-01", + "location": "Newark, NJ", + "type": "Incident", + "remarks": "Replaced the car battery with a high-capacity model." + }, + { + "id": 2, + "event": "Tire Rotation", + "date": "2024-10-15", + "location": "Cranbury, NJ", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Rotated all four tires to ensure even wear." + }, + { + "id": 3, + "event": "Brake Pad Replacement", + "date": "2024-09-20", + "location": "Cranbury, NJ", + "type": "Incident", + "remarks": "Replaced front brake pads due to wear." + }, + { + "id": 4, + "event": "Oil and Filter Change", + "date": "2024-08-10", + "location": "New York, NY", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Changed engine oil and replaced oil filter." + }, + { + "id": 5, + "event": "Coolant Flush", + "date": "2024-07-25", + "location": "Philadelphia, PA", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Performed a coolant flush and replaced with fresh fluid." + } + ] + }, + { + "vehicleId": "A00120", + "maintenance": [ + { + "id": 1, + "event": "Battery Replacement", + "date": "2024-11-01", + "location": "Newark, NJ", + "type": "Incident", + "remarks": "Replaced the car battery with a high-capacity model." + }, + { + "id": 2, + "event": "Tire Rotation", + "date": "2024-10-15", + "location": "Cranbury, NJ", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Rotated all four tires to ensure even wear." + }, + { + "id": 3, + "event": "Brake Pad Replacement", + "date": "2024-09-20", + "location": "Cranbury, NJ", + "type": "Incident", + "remarks": "Replaced front brake pads due to wear." + }, + { + "id": 4, + "event": "Oil and Filter Change", + "date": "2024-08-10", + "location": "New York, NY", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Changed engine oil and replaced oil filter." + }, + { + "id": 5, + "event": "Coolant Flush", + "date": "2024-07-25", + "location": "Philadelphia, PA", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Performed a coolant flush and replaced with fresh fluid." + } + ] + }, + { + "vehicleId": "A00121", + "maintenance": [ + { + "id": 1, + "event": "Battery Replacement", + "date": "2024-11-03", + "location": "Detroit, MI", + "type": "Incident", + "remarks": "Replaced old battery with a high-performance model." + }, + { + "id": 2, + "event": "Tire Rotation", + "date": "2024-10-20", + "location": "Cleveland, OH", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Rotated all tires to ensure even wear." + }, + { + "id": 3, + "event": "Brake Fluid Replacement", + "date": "2024-09-30", + "location": "Pittsburgh, PA", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Replaced brake fluid as part of regular maintenance." + }, + { + "id": 4, + "event": "Coolant System Flush", + "date": "2024-08-15", + "location": "Philadelphia, PA", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Flushed coolant system and replaced with fresh coolant." + }, + { + "id": 5, + "event": "Engine Oil and Filter Change", + "date": "2024-07-20", + "location": "Chicago, IL", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Performed oil change and replaced engine oil filter." + } + ] + }, + { + "vehicleId": "A00122", + "maintenance": [ + { + "id": 1, + "event": "Battery Replacement", + "date": "2024-11-12", + "location": "Boston, MA", + "type": "Incident", + "remarks": "Replaced the car battery with a high-performance model." + }, + { + "id": 2, + "event": "Tire Rotation", + "date": "2024-10-20", + "location": "New York, NY", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Rotated all tires to ensure even wear." + }, + { + "id": 3, + "event": "Brake Fluid Replacement", + "date": "2024-09-25", + "location": "Hartford, CT", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Replaced brake fluid as part of scheduled maintenance." + }, + { + "id": 4, + "event": "Coolant System Flush", + "date": "2024-08-28", + "location": "Buffalo, NY", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Flushed and replaced coolant for optimal engine performance." + }, + { + "id": 5, + "event": "Oil and Filter Change", + "date": "2024-08-15", + "location": "Newark, NJ", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Changed engine oil and replaced the oil filter." + } + ] + }, + { + "vehicleId": "A00123", + "maintenance": [ + { + "id": 1, + "event": "Engine Tune-Up", + "date": "2024-12-10", + "location": "Boston, MA", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Performed routine engine tune-up and replaced spark plugs." + }, + { + "id": 2, + "event": "Tire Balancing", + "date": "2024-11-25", + "location": "New York, NY", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Balanced all four tires to improve driving stability." + }, + { + "id": 3, + "event": "Battery Replacement", + "date": "2024-11-05", + "location": "Hartford, CT", + "type": "Incident", + "remarks": "Replaced car battery due to failure." + }, + { + "id": 4, + "event": "Brake Pad Replacement", + "date": "2024-10-30", + "location": "Newark, NJ", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Replaced front brake pads and inspected rotors." + }, + { + "id": 5, + "event": "Oil Change", + "date": "2024-10-15", + "location": "Cranbury, NJ", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Changed engine oil and replaced oil filter." + } + ] + }, + { + "vehicleId": "A00124", + "maintenance": [ + { + "id": 1, + "event": "Brake Pad Replacement", + "date": "2024-09-15", + "location": "Buffalo, NY", + "type": "Incident", + "remarks": "Replaced worn brake pads and inspected rotors." + }, + { + "id": 2, + "event": "Oil Change", + "date": "2024-08-20", + "location": "Cranbury, NJ", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Performed oil change using synthetic 5W-30." + }, + { + "id": 3, + "event": "Tire Alignment", + "date": "2024-07-30", + "location": "Albany, NY", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Adjusted tire alignment and rotated tires." + }, + { + "id": 4, + "event": "Battery Replacement", + "date": "2024-07-01", + "location": "Boston, MA", + "type": "Incident", + "remarks": "Installed a new battery and checked charging system." + }, + { + "id": 5, + "event": "Air Filter Replacement", + "date": "2024-06-15", + "location": "Albany, NY", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Replaced air filter and inspected intake system." + } + ] + }, + { + "vehicleId": "A00125", + "maintenance": [ + { + "id": 1, + "event": "Oil Change", + "date": "2024-10-31", + "location": "Cranbury, NJ", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Documented oil change with 5W-20." + }, + { + "id": 2, + "event": "Tire Replacement", + "date": "2024-10-30", + "location": "Cranbury, NJ", + "type": "Incident", + "remarks": "Installed new front left tire, including brand and mileage." + }, + { + "id": 3, + "event": "Brake Inspection", + "date": "2024-10-01", + "location": "Cranbury, NJ", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Checked and serviced brake system." + }, + { + "id": 4, + "event": "General Maintenance", + "date": "2024-08-20", + "location": "Cranbury, NJ", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Comprehensive vehicle checkup, including fluids and filters." + }, + { + "id": 5, + "event": "Alignment and Suspension", + "date": "2024-08-19", + "location": "Cranbury, NJ", + "type": "Regular", + "remarks": "Documented wheel alignment and suspension service." + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/projects/fleet-management-grid/src/assets/data/trip_history.json b/projects/fleet-management-grid/src/assets/data/trip_history.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..75904aa --- /dev/null +++ b/projects/fleet-management-grid/src/assets/data/trip_history.json @@ -0,0 +1,1495 @@ +[ + { + "vehicleId": "A00101", + "tripHistory": [ + { + "id": 1, + "driverName": "John Davidson", + "start": "2024-11-17", + "end": "N/A", + "startLocation": "Boston, MA", + "endLocation": "New York, NY", + "startMeter": "73,321.0 mi", + "endMeter": "N/A", + "distance": "N/A", + "totalTime": "N/A" + }, + { + "id": 2, + "driverName": "Peter Jackson", + "start": "2024-10-13", + "end": "2024-10-23", + "startLocation": "Cranbury, NJ", + "endLocation": "Boston, MA", + "startMeter": "72,801.9 mi", + "endMeter": "73,321.0 mi", + "distance": "519.1 mi", + "totalTime": "23h 15m" + }, + { + "id": 3, + "driverName": "J.J. Swan", + "start": "2024-10-03", + "end": "2024-10-12", + "startLocation": "Boston, MA", + "endLocation": "Cranbury, NJ", + "startMeter": "72,475.9 mi", + "endMeter": "72,801.9 mi", + "distance": "326.0 mi", + "totalTime": "18h 30m" + }, + { + "id": 4, + "driverName": "Natalie Simson", + "start": "2024-09-23", + "end": "2024-09-29", + "startLocation": "Cranbury, NJ", + "endLocation": "Boston, MA", + "startMeter": "71,545.1 mi", + "endMeter": "72,475.9 mi", + "distance": "930.8 mi", + "totalTime": "45h 30m" + }, + { + "id": 5, + "driverName": "Peter Jackson", + "start": "2024-08-23", + "end": "2024-09-22", + "startLocation": "Boston, MA", + "endLocation": "Cranbury, NJ", + "startMeter": "70,581.0 mi", + "endMeter": "71,545.1 mi", + "distance": "964.1 mi", + "totalTime": "44h 45m" + }, + { + "id": 6, + "driverName": "Mike Sousan", + "start": "2024-08-15", + "end": "2024-08-20", + "startLocation": "Buffalo, NY", + "endLocation": "Boston, MA", + "startMeter": "69,971.9 mi", + "endMeter": "70,581.0 mi", + "distance": "609.1 mi", + "totalTime": "38h 30m" + } + ] + }, + { + "vehicleId": "A00102", + "tripHistory": [ + { + "id": 1, + "driverName": "John Davidson", + "start": "2024-11-17", + "end": "N/A", + "startLocation": "Boston, MA", + "endLocation": "New York, NY", + "startMeter": "73,321.0 mi", + "endMeter": "N/A", + "distance": "N/A", + "totalTime": "N/A" + }, + { + "id": 2, + "driverName": "Peter Jackson", + "start": "2024-10-13", + "end": "2024-10-23", + "startLocation": "Cranbury, NJ", + "endLocation": "Boston, MA", + "startMeter": "72,801.9 mi", + "endMeter": "73,321.0 mi", + "distance": "519.1 mi", + "totalTime": "23h 15m" + }, + { + "id": 3, + "driverName": "Natalie Simson", + "start": "2024-09-01", + "end": "2024-09-10", + "startLocation": "Boston, MA", + "endLocation": "Providence, RI", + "startMeter": "71,900.0 mi", + "endMeter": "72,300.0 mi", + "distance": "400.0 mi", + "totalTime": "15h 30m" + }, + { + "id": 4, + "driverName": "Mike Sousan", + "start": "2024-08-15", + "end": "2024-08-18", + "startLocation": "Boston, MA", + "endLocation": "Hartford, CT", + "startMeter": "71,500.0 mi", + "endMeter": "71,900.0 mi", + "distance": "400.0 mi", + "totalTime": "18h 00m" + }, + { + "id": 5, + "driverName": "Sophia Loren", + "start": "2024-07-10", + "end": "2024-07-15", + "startLocation": "Albany, NY", + "endLocation": "Boston, MA", + "startMeter": "70,800.0 mi", + "endMeter": "71,500.0 mi", + "distance": "700.0 mi", + "totalTime": "22h 45m" + } + ] + }, + { + "vehicleId": "A00103", + "tripHistory": [ + { + "id": 1, + "driverName": "Alex Robinson", + "start": "2024-10-01", + "end": "2024-10-04", + "startLocation": "Newark, NJ", + "endLocation": "Trenton, NJ", + "startMeter": "73,000.0 mi", + "endMeter": "73,500.0 mi", + "distance": "500.0 mi", + "totalTime": "14h 30m" + }, + { + "id": 2, + "driverName": "Emily Green", + "start": "2024-09-12", + "end": "2024-09-15", + "startLocation": "Hoboken, NJ", + "endLocation": "Albany, NY", + "startMeter": "72,700.0 mi", + "endMeter": "73,000.0 mi", + "distance": "300.0 mi", + "totalTime": "10h 15m" + }, + { + "id": 3, + "driverName": "Liam Carter", + "start": "2024-08-20", + "end": "2024-08-25", + "startLocation": "Camden, NJ", + "endLocation": "Buffalo, NY", + "startMeter": "72,200.0 mi", + "endMeter": "72,700.0 mi", + "distance": "500.0 mi", + "totalTime": "20h 10m" + }, + { + "id": 4, + "driverName": "Sophia Moore", + "start": "2024-07-10", + "end": "2024-07-15", + "startLocation": "Buffalo, NY", + "endLocation": "Newark, NJ", + "startMeter": "71,700.0 mi", + "endMeter": "72,200.0 mi", + "distance": "500.0 mi", + "totalTime": "18h 45m" + }, + { + "id": 5, + "driverName": "Noah Adams", + "start": "2024-06-18", + "end": "2024-06-20", + "startLocation": "Trenton, NJ", + "endLocation": "Camden, NJ", + "startMeter": "71,000.0 mi", + "endMeter": "71,700.0 mi", + "distance": "700.0 mi", + "totalTime": "12h 30m" + } + ] + }, + { + "vehicleId": "A00104", + "tripHistory": [ + { + "id": 1, + "driverName": "Michael Carter", + "start": "2024-11-20", + "end": "N/A", + "startLocation": "Albany, NY", + "endLocation": "Syracuse, NY", + "startMeter": "34,000.0 mi", + "endMeter": "N/A", + "distance": "N/A", + "totalTime": "N/A" + }, + { + "id": 2, + "driverName": "Sarah Taylor", + "start": "2024-10-15", + "end": "2024-10-17", + "startLocation": "Newark, NJ", + "endLocation": "Philadelphia, PA", + "startMeter": "33,000.0 mi", + "endMeter": "33,500.0 mi", + "distance": "500.0 mi", + "totalTime": "10h 45m" + }, + { + "id": 3, + "driverName": "Emily Davis", + "start": "2024-09-10", + "end": "2024-09-12", + "startLocation": "Buffalo, NY", + "endLocation": "Rochester, NY", + "startMeter": "32,000.0 mi", + "endMeter": "32,400.0 mi", + "distance": "400.0 mi", + "totalTime": "11h 00m" + }, + { + "id": 4, + "driverName": "James Brown", + "start": "2024-08-05", + "end": "2024-08-07", + "startLocation": "Trenton, NJ", + "endLocation": "Camden, NJ", + "startMeter": "31,000.0 mi", + "endMeter": "31,500.0 mi", + "distance": "500.0 mi", + "totalTime": "8h 45m" + }, + { + "id": 5, + "driverName": "Olivia Martinez", + "start": "2024-07-18", + "end": "2024-07-20", + "startLocation": "Hoboken, NJ", + "endLocation": "Newark, NJ", + "startMeter": "30,500.0 mi", + "endMeter": "31,000.0 mi", + "distance": "500.0 mi", + "totalTime": "7h 30m" + } + ] + }, + { + "vehicleId": "A00105", + "tripHistory": [ + { + "id": 1, + "driverName": "Michael Carter", + "start": "2024-12-01", + "end": "N/A", + "startLocation": "Trenton, NJ", + "endLocation": "Newark, NJ", + "startMeter": "40,000.0 mi", + "endMeter": "N/A", + "distance": "N/A", + "totalTime": "N/A" + }, + { + "id": 2, + "driverName": "Emily Taylor", + "start": "2024-11-20", + "end": "2024-11-21", + "startLocation": "Newark, NJ", + "endLocation": "Camden, NJ", + "startMeter": "39,800.0 mi", + "endMeter": "40,000.0 mi", + "distance": "200.0 mi", + "totalTime": "4h 30m" + }, + { + "id": 3, + "driverName": "James Brown", + "start": "2024-11-01", + "end": "2024-11-02", + "startLocation": "Camden, NJ", + "endLocation": "Philadelphia, PA", + "startMeter": "39,500.0 mi", + "endMeter": "39,800.0 mi", + "distance": "300.0 mi", + "totalTime": "6h 10m" + }, + { + "id": 4, + "driverName": "Olivia Martinez", + "start": "2024-10-10", + "end": "2024-10-12", + "startLocation": "Philadelphia, PA", + "endLocation": "Camden, NJ", + "startMeter": "39,000.0 mi", + "endMeter": "39,500.0 mi", + "distance": "500.0 mi", + "totalTime": "9h 45m" + }, + { + "id": 5, + "driverName": "Sophia Wilson", + "start": "2024-09-15", + "end": "2024-09-17", + "startLocation": "Camden, NJ", + "endLocation": "New York, NY", + "startMeter": "38,500.0 mi", + "endMeter": "39,000.0 mi", + "distance": "500.0 mi", + "totalTime": "10h 30m" + } + ] + }, + { + "vehicleId": "A00106", + "tripHistory": [ + { + "id": 1, + "driverName": "Alice Johnson", + "start": "2024-11-25", + "end": "2024-11-30", + "startLocation": "Seattle, WA", + "endLocation": "Portland, OR", + "startMeter": "74,500.0 mi", + "endMeter": "74,800.0 mi", + "distance": "300.0 mi", + "totalTime": "14h 50m" + }, + { + "id": 2, + "driverName": "Ethan Carter", + "start": "2024-10-22", + "end": "2024-10-28", + "startLocation": "Denver, CO", + "endLocation": "Salt Lake City, UT", + "startMeter": "73,900.0 mi", + "endMeter": "74,300.0 mi", + "distance": "400.0 mi", + "totalTime": "20h 10m" + }, + { + "id": 3, + "driverName": "Sophia Martinez", + "start": "2024-09-15", + "end": "2024-09-20", + "startLocation": "San Francisco, CA", + "endLocation": "Los Angeles, CA", + "startMeter": "72,100.0 mi", + "endMeter": "72,600.0 mi", + "distance": "500.0 mi", + "totalTime": "23h 30m" + }, + { + "id": 4, + "driverName": "Liam Brown", + "start": "2024-08-18", + "end": "2024-08-25", + "startLocation": "Austin, TX", + "endLocation": "Dallas, TX", + "startMeter": "71,500.0 mi", + "endMeter": "72,000.0 mi", + "distance": "500.0 mi", + "totalTime": "24h 10m" + } + ] + }, + { + "vehicleId": "A00107", + "tripHistory": [ + { + "id": 1, + "driverName": "Emily Carter", + "start": "2024-11-10", + "end": "2024-11-15", + "startLocation": "New York, NY", + "endLocation": "Boston, MA", + "startMeter": "74,000.0 mi", + "endMeter": "74,500.0 mi", + "distance": "500.0 mi", + "totalTime": "25h 00m" + }, + { + "id": 2, + "driverName": "Liam Johnson", + "start": "2024-10-25", + "end": "2024-10-30", + "startLocation": "Cranbury, NJ", + "endLocation": "Philadelphia, PA", + "startMeter": "73,500.0 mi", + "endMeter": "74,000.0 mi", + "distance": "500.0 mi", + "totalTime": "24h 45m" + }, + { + "id": 3, + "driverName": "Sophia Martinez", + "start": "2024-09-15", + "end": "2024-09-20", + "startLocation": "Boston, MA", + "endLocation": "Hartford, CT", + "startMeter": "73,000.0 mi", + "endMeter": "73,500.0 mi", + "distance": "500.0 mi", + "totalTime": "22h 30m" + }, + { + "id": 4, + "driverName": "James Smith", + "start": "2024-08-20", + "end": "2024-08-25", + "startLocation": "Cranbury, NJ", + "endLocation": "Newark, NJ", + "startMeter": "72,500.0 mi", + "endMeter": "73,000.0 mi", + "distance": "500.0 mi", + "totalTime": "24h 15m" + } + ] + }, + { + "vehicleId": "A00108", + "tripHistory": [ + { + "id": 1, + "driverName": "Alex Johnson", + "start": "2024-10-01", + "end": "2024-10-05", + "startLocation": "New York, NY", + "endLocation": "Boston, MA", + "startMeter": "73,000.0 mi", + "endMeter": "73,500.0 mi", + "distance": "500.0 mi", + "totalTime": "20h 00m" + }, + { + "id": 2, + "driverName": "Maria Gonzalez", + "start": "2024-09-15", + "end": "2024-09-20", + "startLocation": "Philadelphia, PA", + "endLocation": "Cranbury, NJ", + "startMeter": "72,500.0 mi", + "endMeter": "73,000.0 mi", + "distance": "500.0 mi", + "totalTime": "25h 00m" + }, + { + "id": 3, + "driverName": "Ethan Brown", + "start": "2024-08-20", + "end": "2024-08-25", + "startLocation": "Cranbury, NJ", + "endLocation": "Hartford, CT", + "startMeter": "72,000.0 mi", + "endMeter": "72,500.0 mi", + "distance": "500.0 mi", + "totalTime": "22h 30m" + }, + { + "id": 4, + "driverName": "Sophia Martinez", + "start": "2024-07-10", + "end": "2024-07-15", + "startLocation": "Hartford, CT", + "endLocation": "Buffalo, NY", + "startMeter": "71,500.0 mi", + "endMeter": "72,000.0 mi", + "distance": "500.0 mi", + "totalTime": "23h 15m" + } + ] + }, + { + "vehicleId": "A00109", + "tripHistory": [ + { + "id": 1, + "driverName": "Chris Taylor", + "start": "2024-11-01", + "end": "N/A", + "startLocation": "Chicago, IL", + "endLocation": "Detroit, MI", + "startMeter": "85,100.0 mi", + "endMeter": "N/A", + "distance": "N/A", + "totalTime": "N/A" + }, + { + "id": 2, + "driverName": "Rachel Adams", + "start": "2024-10-15", + "end": "2024-10-18", + "startLocation": "Detroit, MI", + "endLocation": "Cleveland, OH", + "startMeter": "84,600.0 mi", + "endMeter": "85,100.0 mi", + "distance": "500.0 mi", + "totalTime": "20h 00m" + }, + { + "id": 3, + "driverName": "Michael Green", + "start": "2024-09-25", + "end": "2024-09-28", + "startLocation": "Cleveland, OH", + "endLocation": "Pittsburgh, PA", + "startMeter": "84,100.0 mi", + "endMeter": "84,600.0 mi", + "distance": "500.0 mi", + "totalTime": "18h 30m" + }, + { + "id": 4, + "driverName": "Sarah Johnson", + "start": "2024-09-01", + "end": "2024-09-05", + "startLocation": "Pittsburgh, PA", + "endLocation": "Philadelphia, PA", + "startMeter": "83,600.0 mi", + "endMeter": "84,100.0 mi", + "distance": "500.0 mi", + "totalTime": "22h 15m" + } + ] + }, + { + "vehicleId": "A00110", + "tripHistory": [ + { + "id": 1, + "driverName": "David Miller", + "start": "2024-11-10", + "end": "2024-11-14", + "startLocation": "Newark, NJ", + "endLocation": "Boston, MA", + "startMeter": "28,000.0 mi", + "endMeter": "28,500.0 mi", + "distance": "500.0 mi", + "totalTime": "25h 00m" + }, + { + "id": 2, + "driverName": "Sophia Brown", + "start": "2024-10-01", + "end": "2024-10-05", + "startLocation": "Boston, MA", + "endLocation": "New York, NY", + "startMeter": "27,500.0 mi", + "endMeter": "28,000.0 mi", + "distance": "500.0 mi", + "totalTime": "22h 30m" + }, + { + "id": 3, + "driverName": "Ethan Johnson", + "start": "2024-09-15", + "end": "2024-09-20", + "startLocation": "New York, NY", + "endLocation": "Hartford, CT", + "startMeter": "27,000.0 mi", + "endMeter": "27,500.0 mi", + "distance": "500.0 mi", + "totalTime": "20h 45m" + }, + { + "id": 4, + "driverName": "Emma White", + "start": "2024-08-25", + "end": "2024-08-30", + "startLocation": "Hartford, CT", + "endLocation": "Buffalo, NY", + "startMeter": "26,500.0 mi", + "endMeter": "27,000.0 mi", + "distance": "500.0 mi", + "totalTime": "21h 15m" + } + ] + }, + { + "vehicleId": "A00111", + "tripHistory": [ + { + "id": 1, + "driverName": "James Carter", + "start": "2024-12-01", + "end": "2024-12-05", + "startLocation": "New York, NY", + "endLocation": "Boston, MA", + "startMeter": "39,500.0 mi", + "endMeter": "40,000.0 mi", + "distance": "500.0 mi", + "totalTime": "21h 35m" + }, + { + "id": 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b/projects/fleet-management-grid/src/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ + + + + + MasterDetailGrid + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/projects/fleet-management-grid/src/main.ts b/projects/fleet-management-grid/src/main.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..35b00f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/projects/fleet-management-grid/src/main.ts @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +import { bootstrapApplication } from '@angular/platform-browser'; +import { appConfig } from './app/app.config'; +import { AppComponent } from './app/app.component'; + +bootstrapApplication(AppComponent, appConfig) + .catch((err) => console.error(err)); diff --git a/projects/fleet-management-grid/src/styles.scss b/projects/fleet-management-grid/src/styles.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a8b54f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/projects/fleet-management-grid/src/styles.scss @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +@use "igniteui-angular/theming" as *; + +@include core(); +@include typography(); +@include theme( + $palette: $dark-material-palette, + $schema: $dark-material-schema +); + diff --git a/projects/fleet-management-grid/tsconfig.app.json b/projects/fleet-management-grid/tsconfig.app.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3775b37 --- /dev/null +++ b/projects/fleet-management-grid/tsconfig.app.json @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +/* To learn more about Typescript configuration file: https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/tsconfig-json.html. */ +/* To learn more about Angular compiler options: https://angular.dev/reference/configs/angular-compiler-options. */ +{ + "extends": "./tsconfig.json", + "compilerOptions": { + "outDir": "./out-tsc/app", + "types": [] + }, + "files": [ + "src/main.ts" + ], + "include": [ + "src/**/*.d.ts" + ] +} diff --git a/projects/fleet-management-grid/tsconfig.json b/projects/fleet-management-grid/tsconfig.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5525117 --- /dev/null +++ b/projects/fleet-management-grid/tsconfig.json @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +/* To learn more about Typescript configuration file: https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/tsconfig-json.html. */ +/* To learn more about Angular compiler options: https://angular.dev/reference/configs/angular-compiler-options. */ +{ + "compileOnSave": false, + "compilerOptions": { + "outDir": "./dist/out-tsc", + "strict": true, + "noImplicitOverride": true, + "noPropertyAccessFromIndexSignature": true, + "noImplicitReturns": true, + "noFallthroughCasesInSwitch": true, + "skipLibCheck": true, + "isolatedModules": true, + "esModuleInterop": true, + "experimentalDecorators": true, + "moduleResolution": "bundler", + "importHelpers": true, + "target": "ES2022", + "module": "ES2022" + }, + "angularCompilerOptions": { + "enableI18nLegacyMessageIdFormat": false, + "strictInjectionParameters": true, + "strictInputAccessModifiers": true, + "strictTemplates": true + } +} diff --git a/projects/fleet-management-grid/tsconfig.spec.json b/projects/fleet-management-grid/tsconfig.spec.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5fb748d --- /dev/null +++ b/projects/fleet-management-grid/tsconfig.spec.json @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +/* To learn more about Typescript configuration file: https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/tsconfig-json.html. */ +/* To learn more about Angular compiler options: https://angular.dev/reference/configs/angular-compiler-options. */ +{ + "extends": "./tsconfig.json", + "compilerOptions": { + "outDir": "./out-tsc/spec", + "types": [ + "jasmine" + ] + }, + "include": [ + "src/**/*.spec.ts", + "src/**/*.d.ts" + ] +} diff --git a/src/app/views/fleet-management/fleet-management-view.component.html b/src/app/views/fleet-management/fleet-management-view.component.html index e69de29..c458e4e 100644 --- a/src/app/views/fleet-management/fleet-management-view.component.html +++ b/src/app/views/fleet-management/fleet-management-view.component.html @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + diff --git a/src/app/views/fleet-management/fleet-management-view.component.scss b/src/app/views/fleet-management/fleet-management-view.component.scss index 68bf19d..cdc97cd 100644 --- a/src/app/views/fleet-management/fleet-management-view.component.scss +++ b/src/app/views/fleet-management/fleet-management-view.component.scss @@ -1,5 +1,22 @@ +@use "igniteui-angular/theming" as *; + +@include core(); +@include typography(); +@include theme( + $palette: $dark-material-palette, + $schema: $dark-material-schema +); + :host { display: block; height: 100%; width: 100%; + + ::ng-deep { + @include typography(); + @include theme( + $palette: $dark-material-palette, + $schema: $dark-material-schema + ); + } } diff --git a/src/app/views/fleet-management/fleet-management-view.component.ts b/src/app/views/fleet-management/fleet-management-view.component.ts index 2d12f11..9755546 100644 --- a/src/app/views/fleet-management/fleet-management-view.component.ts +++ b/src/app/views/fleet-management/fleet-management-view.component.ts @@ -1,9 +1,10 @@ import { Component, ViewEncapsulation } from '@angular/core'; +import { FleetManagementGridComponent } from 'projects/fleet-management-grid/src/app/fleet-management-grid/fleet-management-grid.component'; @Component({ standalone: true, selector: 'fleet-management-view', - imports: [], + imports: [FleetManagementGridComponent], templateUrl: './fleet-management-view.component.html', styleUrl: './fleet-management-view.component.scss', encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.Emulated