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+title: {Platform} Hierarchical Data Grid | Material Table | {ProductName} | Infragistics
+_description: The Ignite UI for {Platform} Hierarchical Grid provides the necessary tools to load data on demand for each child grid that is expanded. That way the volume of data would be greatly reduced and can be retrieved only when the user needs it.
+_keywords: {Platform} data grid, igniteui for {Platform}, infragistics
+# Hierarchical Grid Load On Demand
+The Ignite UI for {Platform} `HierarchicalGrid` allows fast rendering by requesting the minimum amount of data to be retrieved from the server so that the user can see the result in view and interact with the visible data as quickly as possible. Initially only the root grid’s data is retrieved and rendered, only after the user expands a row containing a child grid, he will receive the data for that particular child grid. This mechanism, also known as Load on Demand, can be easily configured to work with any remote data.
+This topic demonstrates how to configure Load on Demand by creating a Remote Service Provider that communicates with an already available remote oData v4 Service. Here's the working demo and later we will go through it step by step and describe the process of creating it.
+## {Platform} Hierarchical Grid Load On Demand Example
+### Remote Service Provider
+First we will prepare our service provider so we will be ready to get the data we would need for the hierarchical grid.
+#### Getting basic data
+We will be communicating with our backend service over HTTP protocol using the XMLHttpRequest interface the browsers provide. In order to achieve this more easily we will use {Platform}'s `HttpClient` module that offers a simplified client HTTP API. That way in order to get our data we will need this simple method in our service:
+public getData(dataState): Observable {
+ return this.http.get(this.buildUrl(dataState)).pipe(
+ map(response => response['value']),
+ );
+As you can see `this.http` will be a reference to our `HttpCLient` module, and `buildUrl()` will be the method that will generate our url based on the data that we have received. We map our response so we get only the value of our result and return an Observable, since this is executed asynchronously. That way we can later subscribe to it, process it further in our application and pass it to our grid.
+#### Building our request url
+Next we will define how we should build our URL for the GET request. This is where we will be able to get the data for our main grid but also for any child grid inside it. We will use the `Customers` data from [here](https://services.odata.org/V4/Northwind/Northwind.svc/) for our root level and use `Order` and `Order_Details` for the lower levels. The model will differ per application but we will use the following one:
+ What we first need is the `key` of our table to determine from where to get the data for the desired grid, the primary key of the parent row and its unique ID. We will define all this in an interface called `IDataState`. An example:
+export interface IDataState {
+ key: string;
+ parentID: any;
+ parentKey: string;
+ rootLevel: boolean;
+public buildUrl(dataState: IDataState): string {
+ let qS = "";
+ if (dataState) {
+ qS += `${dataState.key}?`;
+ if (!dataState.rootLevel) {
+ if (typeof dataState.parentID === "string") {
+ qS += `$filter=${dataState.parentKey} eq '${dataState.parentID}'`;
+ } else {
+ qS += `$filter=${dataState.parentKey} eq ${dataState.parentID}`;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return `${this.url}${qS}`;
+#### Result
+Finally, this is how our `remote-lod.service.ts` would look like:
+import { HttpClient } from '@{Platform}/common/http';
+import { Injectable } from '@{Platform}/core';
+import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
+import { map } from 'rxjs/operators';
+export interface IDataState {
+ key: string;
+ parentID: any;
+ parentKey: string;
+ rootLevel: boolean;
+export class RemoteLoDService {
+ url = `https://services.odata.org/V4/Northwind/Northwind.svc/`;
+ constructor(private http: HttpClient) { }
+ public getData(dataState: IDataState): Observable {
+ return this.http.get(this.buildUrl(dataState)).pipe(
+ map((response) => response['value'])
+ );
+ }
+ public buildUrl(dataState: IDataState): string {
+ let qS = "";
+ if (dataState) {
+ qS += `${dataState.key}?`;
+ if (!dataState.rootLevel) {
+ if (typeof dataState.parentID === "string") {
+ qS += `$filter=${dataState.parentKey} eq '${dataState.parentID}'`;
+ } else {
+ qS += `$filter=${dataState.parentKey} eq ${dataState.parentID}`;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return `${this.url}${qS}`;
+ }
+### Hierarchical Grid Setup
+Next we will setup our hierarchical grid and connect it to our remote service provider.
+#### Template defining
+First we will define our hierarchical grid template with the levels of hierarchy that we expect to have. We know that our root grid `primaryKey` for the customers is their `CustomerID`, for their orders on the first level - `OrderID` and respectively for order details - `ProductID`. Knowing each database table and their keys allows us to define our initial template:
+<-hierarchical-grid #hGrid [primaryKey]="'CustomerID'" [autoGenerate]="false" [height]="'600px'" [width]="'100%'">
+ <-column field="CustomerID" [hidden]="true">-column>
+ <-column field="CompanyName">-column>
+ <-column field="ContactName">-column>
+ <-column field="ContactTitle">-column>
+ <-column field="Country">-column>
+ <-column field="Phone">-column>
+ <-row-island [key]="'Orders'" [primaryKey]="'OrderID'" [autoGenerate]="false" >
+ <-column field="OrderID" [hidden]="true">-column>
+ <-column field="ShipCountry">-column>
+ <-column field="ShipCity">-column>
+ <-column field="ShipAddress">-column>
+ <-column field="OrderDate">-column>
+ <-row-island [key]="'Order_Details'" [primaryKey]="'ProductID'" [autoGenerate]="false" >
+ <-column field="ProductID" [hidden]="true">-column>
+ <-column field="Quantity">-column>
+ <-column field="UnitPrice">-column>
+ <-column field="Discount">-column>
+ -row-island>
+ -row-island>
+There is one thing missing in our template though, and that is the data for our root level hierarchical grid, and eventually its children. We will easily set the data of the root grid after getting its data from the service in our code later, since we can use the `#hGrid` reference. Setting the data for any child that has been expanded is a bit different.
+When a row is expanded for the first time, a new child `HierarchicalGrid` is rendered for it and we need to get the reference for the newly created grid to set its data. That is why each `RowIsland` component provides the `gridCreated` event that is fired when a new child grid is created for that specific row island. We can use that to get the reference we need for the new grid, request its data from the service, and apply it.
+We can use one method for all row islands since we built our service so that it needs only information if it is the root level, the key of the row island, the primary key of the parent row, and its unique identifier. All this information can be accessed either directly from the event arguments, or from the row island responsible for triggering the event.
+Let's name the method that we will use `gridCreated`. Since the event `gridCreated` provides the `parentID` property, a reference to the row island as `owner` and the new child `grid` property, it will be passed as the first argument. We are only missing information about the parent row's `primaryKey`, but we can easily pass that as a second argument, depending on which row island we bind.
+The template file `hierarchical-grid-lod.component.html`, with these changes added, would look like this:
+<-hierarchical-grid #hGrid [primaryKey]="'CustomerID'" [autoGenerate]="false" [height]="'600px'" [width]="'100%'">
+ <-column field="CustomerID" [hidden]="true">-column>
+ <-column field="CompanyName">-column>
+ <-column field="ContactName">-column>
+ <-column field="ContactTitle">-column>
+ <-column field="Country">-column>
+ <-column field="Phone">-column>
+ <-row-island [key]="'Orders'" [primaryKey]="'OrderID'" [autoGenerate]="false" (gridCreated)="gridCreated($event, 'CustomerID')">
+ <-column field="OrderID" [hidden]="true">-column>
+ <-column field="ShipCountry">-column>
+ <-column field="ShipCity">-column>
+ <-column field="ShipAddress">-column>
+ <-column field="OrderDate">-column>
+ <-row-island [key]="'Order_Details'" [primaryKey]="'ProductID'" [autoGenerate]="false" (gridCreated)="gridCreated($event, 'OrderID')">
+ <-column field="ProductID" [hidden]="true">-column>
+ <-column field="Quantity">-column>
+ <-column field="UnitPrice">-column>
+ <-column field="Discount">-column>
+ -row-island>
+ -row-island>
+#### Connecting our service
+One of our final steps now will be to connect our previously created service to our hierarchical grid. Since we defined it as an `Injectable`, we can pass it as a provider to our application. We will get a reference to our root grid as well, by using `ViewChild` query to set its data:
+ providers: [RemoteLoDService],
+ selector: "app-hierarchical-grid-lod",
+ styleUrls: ["./hierarchical-grid-lod.component.scss"],
+ templateUrl: "./hierarchical-grid-lod.component.html"
+export class HierarchicalGridLoDSampleComponent {
+ @ViewChild("hGrid")
+ public hGrid: HierarchicalGridComponent;
+ constructor(private remoteService: RemoteLoDService) { }
+In order to make sure that out grid is rendered before we request its data from the service and assign it, we will use the `AfterViewInit` lifecycle hook. As it doesn't have any parents we can only pass that `rootLevel` is `true`, and the key for it, to the `getData` of our service. Since it returns an observable we will need to subscribe to it:
+public ngAfterViewInit() {
+ this.remoteService.getData({ parentID: null, rootLevel: true, key: "Customers" }).subscribe((data) => {
+ this.hGrid.data = data;
+ this.hGrid.cdr.detectChanges();
+ });
+Next, we only need to create our `gridCreated` method that will request data for any new child grid created. It will be similar to getting the root level grid data, just this time we will need to pass more information, like `parentID` and `parentKey`. `rootLevel` will be `false` for any child:
+public gridCreated(event: IGridCreatedEventArgs, _parentKey: string) {
+ const dataState = {
+ key: event.owner.key,
+ parentID: event.parentID,
+ parentKey: _parentKey,
+ rootLevel: false
+ };
+ this.remoteService.getData(dataState).subscribe(
+ (data) => {
+ event.grid.data = data;
+ event.grid.cdr.detectChanges();
+ }
+ );
+With this, the setup of our application is almost done. This last step aims to improve the user experience by informing the user that the data is still loading so he doesn't have to look at an empty grid in the meantime. That's why the `HierarchicalGrid` supports a loading indicator that can be displayed while the grid is empty. If new data is received, the loading indicator will hide and the data will be rendered.
+#### Setup of loading indication
+The `HierarchicalGrid` can display a loading indicator by setting the `isLoading` property to `true` while there is no data. We need to set it initially for the root grid and also when creating new child grids, until their data is loaded. We could always set it to `true` in our template, but we want to hide it and display that the grid has no data if the service returns an empty array by setting it to `false`.
+In this case the final version of our `hierarchical-grid-lod.component.ts` would look like this:
+import { AfterViewInit, Component, ViewChild } from "@{Platform}/core";
+import {
+ IGridCreatedEventArgs,
+ HierarchicalGridComponent,
+ RowIslandComponent
+} from "igniteui-{Platform}";
+import { RemoteLoDService } from "../services/remote-lod.service";
+ providers: [RemoteLoDService],
+ selector: "app-hierarchical-grid-lod",
+ styleUrls: ["./hierarchical-grid-lod.component.scss"],
+ templateUrl: "./hierarchical-grid-lod.component.html"
+export class HierarchicalGridLoDSampleComponent implements AfterViewInit {
+ @ViewChild("hGrid")
+ public hGrid: HierarchicalGridComponent;
+ constructor(private remoteService: RemoteLoDService) { }
+ public ngAfterViewInit() {
+ this.hGrid.isLoading = true;
+ this.remoteService.getData({ parentID: null, rootLevel: true, key: "Customers" }).subscribe((data) => {
+ this.hGrid.isLoading = false;
+ this.hGrid.data = data;
+ this.hGrid.cdr.detectChanges();
+ });
+ }
+ public gridCreated(event: IGridCreatedEventArgs, _parentKey: string) {
+ const dataState = {
+ key: event.owner.key,
+ parentID: event.parentID,
+ parentKey: _parentKey,
+ rootLevel: false
+ };
+ event.grid.isLoading = true;
+ this.remoteService.getData(dataState).subscribe(
+ (data) => {
+ event.grid.isLoading = false;
+ event.grid.data = data;
+ event.grid.cdr.detectChanges();
+ }
+ );
+ }
+### API References
+* `HierarchicalGridComponent`
+* `RowIslandComponent`
+### Additional Resources
+* [Hierarchical Grid Component](hierarchical-grid.md)
+Our community is active and always welcoming to new ideas.
+* [Ignite UI for {Platform} **Forums**](https://www.infragistics.com/community/forums/f/ignite-ui-for-{Platform})
+* [Ignite UI for {Platform} **GitHub**](https://github.com/IgniteUI/igniteui-{Platform})
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diff --git a/doc/en/components/grids/hierarchical-grid/overview.md b/doc/en/components/grids/hierarchical-grid/overview.md
index 8f6ec9821..c7a36605c 100644
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title: {Platform} Hierarchical Data Grid | Material Table | {ProductName} | Infragistics
-_description: Learn how to use {ProductName} data grid, based on {Platform} Material Table and create a touch-responsive angular component with variety of angular events.
-_keywords: angular data grid, igniteui for angular, infragistics
+_description: Learn how to use {ProductName} data grid, based on {Platform} Material Table and create a touch-responsive {Platform} component with variety of {Platform} events.
+_keywords: {Platform} data grid, igniteui for {Platform}, infragistics
# Hierarchical Data Grid Overview and Configuration
{ProductName} Hierarchical Data Grid is used to display and manipulate hierarchical data with ease. Quickly bind your data with very little code or use a variety of events to customize different behaviors. This component provides a rich set of features like data selection, excel style filtering, sorting, paging, templating and column moving. The Hierarchical Grid builds upon the Flat Grid Component and extends its functionality by allowing the users to expand or collapse the rows of the parent grid, revealing the corresponding child grid, when more detailed information is needed. Displaying of hierarchical data has never been easier and beautiful thanks to the Material Table-based UI Grid.
+## {Platform} Hierarchical Data Grid Example
+In this {Platform} grid example you can see how users can visualize hierarchical sets of data and use cell templating to add other visual components like [Sparkline](../charts/types/sparkline-chart.md).
+## Dependencies
+>**This component requires `HammerModule` to be imported in the root module of the application in order for touch interactions to work as expected.**.
+To get started with the Hierarchical Data Grid, first you need to install Ignite UI for {Platform} by typing the following command:
+ng add igniteui-{Platform}
+For a complete introduction to the Ignite UI for {Platform}, read the [*getting started*](../general/getting-started.md) topic.
+The Hierarchical Grid is exported as an `NgModule` - all you need to do in your application is import the _HierarchicalGridModule_ inside your `AppModule`.
+// app.module.ts
+import { HierarchicalGridModule } from 'igniteui-{Platform}';
+ imports: [
+ ...
+ HierarchicalGridModule,
+ ...
+ ]
+export class AppModule {}
+We can obtain a reference to the Hierarchical Grid in TypeScript the following way:
+@ViewChild('hgrid1', { read: HierarchicalGridComponent })
+public hgrid1: HierarchicalGridComponent;
+## Data Binding
+**hierarchical-grid** derives from **grid** and shares most of its functionality. The main difference is that it allows multiple levels of hierarchy to be defined. They are configured through a separate tag within the definition of **hierarchical-grid**, called **row-island**. The **row-island** component defines the configuration for each child grid for the particular level. Multiple row islands per level are also supported.
+The Hierarchical Grid supports two ways of binding to data:
+### Using hierarchical data
+If the application loads the whole hierarchical data as an array of objects referencing children arrays of objects, then the Hierarchical Grid can be configured to read it and bind to it automatically. Here is an example of a properly structured hierarchical data source:
+export const singers = [{
+ "Artist": "Naomí Yepes",
+ "Photo": "assets/images/hgrid/naomi.png",
+ "Debut": "2011",
+ "Grammy Nominations": 6,
+ "Grammy Awards": 0,
+ "Tours": [{
+ "Tour": "Faithful Tour",
+ "Started on": "Sep-12",
+ "Location": "Worldwide",
+ "Headliner": "NO",
+ "Toured by": "Naomí Yepes"
+ }],
+ "Albums": [{
+ "Album": "Dream Driven",
+ "Launch Date": new Date("August 25, 2014"),
+ "Billboard Review": "81",
+ "US Billboard 200": "1",
+ "Artist": "Naomí Yepes",
+ "Songs": [{
+ "No.": "1",
+ "Title": "Intro",
+ "Released": "*",
+ "Genre": "*",
+ "Album": "Dream Driven"
+ }]
+ }]
+Each **row-island** should specify the key of the property that holds the children data.
+> [!NOTE]
+> Note that instead of `data` the user configures only the `key` that the **hierarchical-grid** needs to read to set the data automatically.
+### Using Load-On-Demand
+Most applications are designed to load as little data as possible initially, which results in faster load times. In such cases **hierarchical-grid** may be configured to allow user-created services to feed it with data on demand. The following configuration uses a special `@Output` and a newly introduced loading-in-progress template to provide a fully-featured load-on-demand.
+// hierarchicalGridSample.component.ts
+export class HierarchicalGridLoDSampleComponent implements AfterViewInit {
+ @ViewChild("hGrid")
+ public hGrid: HierarchicalGridComponent;
+ constructor(private remoteService: RemoteLoDService) { }
+ public ngAfterViewInit() {
+ this.hGrid.isLoading = true;
+ this.remoteService.getData({ parentID: null, rootLevel: true, key: "Customers" }).subscribe((data) => {
+ this.hGrid.isLoading = false;
+ this.hGrid.data = data;
+ this.hGrid.cdr.detectChanges();
+ });
+ }
+ public gridCreated(event: IGridCreatedEventArgs, _parentKey: string) {
+ const dataState = {
+ key: event.owner.key,
+ parentID: event.parentID,
+ parentKey: _parentKey,
+ rootLevel: false
+ };
+ event.grid.isLoading = true;
+ this.remoteService.getData(dataState).subscribe(
+ (data) => {
+ event.grid.isLoading = false;
+ event.grid.data = data;
+ event.grid.cdr.detectChanges();
+ }
+ );
+ }
+// remote-load-on-demand.service.ts
+export class RemoteLoDService {
+ public url = `https://services.odata.org/V4/Northwind/Northwind.svc/`;
+ constructor(private http: HttpClient) { }
+ public getData(dataState?: any): Observable {
+ return this.http.get(this.buildUrl(dataState)).pipe(
+ map((response) => response["value"])
+ );
+ }
+ public buildUrl(dataState) {
+ let qS = "";
+ if (dataState) {
+ qS += `${dataState.key}?`;
+ if (!dataState.rootLevel) {
+ if (typeof dataState.parentID === "string") {
+ qS += `$filter=${dataState.parentKey} eq '${dataState.parentID}'`;
+ } else {
+ qS += `$filter=${dataState.parentKey} eq ${dataState.parentID}`;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return `${this.url}${qS}`;
+ }
+## Hide/Show row expand indicators
+If you have a way to provide information whether a row has children prior to its expanding, you could use the [`hasChildrenKey`]({environment:{Platform}ApiUrl}/classes/treegridcomponent.html#haschildrenkey) input property. This way you could provide a boolean property from the data objects which indicates whether an expansion indicator should be displayed.
+ ...
+Note that setting the [`hasChildrenKey`]({environment:{Platform}ApiUrl}/classes/hierarchicalgridcomponent.html#haschildrenkey) property is not required. In case you don't provide it, expansion indicators will be displayed for each row.
+Additionally if you wish to show/hide the header expand/collapse all indicator you can use the [showExpandAll]({environment:{Platform}ApiUrl}/classes/hierarchicalgridcomponent.html#showExpandAll) property.
+This UI is disabled by default for performance reasons and it is not recommended to enable it in grids with large data or grids with load on demand.
+## Features
+The grid features could be enabled and configured through the **row-island** markup - they get applied for every grid that is created for it. Changing options at runtime through the row island instance changes them for each of the grids it has spawned.
+The following grid features work on a per grid level, which means that each grid instance manages them independently of the rest of the grids:
+- Sorting
+- Filtering
+- Paging
+- Multi Column Headers
+- Hiding
+- Pinning
+- Moving
+- Summaries
+- Search
+The Selection and Navigation features work globally for the whole **hierarchical-grid**
+- Selection
+ Selection does not allow selected cells to be present for two different child grids at once.
+- Navigation
+ When navigating up/down, if next/prev element is a child grid, navigation will continue in the related child grid, marking the related cell as selected and focused. If the child cell is outside the current visible view port it is scrolled into view so that selected cell is always visible.
+## Collapse All Button
+The Hierarchical Grid allows the users to conveniently collapse all its currently expanded rows by pressing the "Collapse All" button at its top left corner. Additionally, every child grid which contains other grids and is a Hierarchical Grid itself, also has such a button - this way the user is able to collapse only a given grid in the hierarchy:
+## Sizing
+See the [Grid Sizing](sizing.md) topic.
+## CRUD operations
+> [!NOTE]
+> An important difference from the flat Data Grid is that each instance for a given row island has the same transaction service instance and accumulates the same transaction log. In order to enable the CRUD functionality users should inject the `HierarchicalTransactionServiceFactory`.
+Calling CRUD API methods should still be done through each separate grid instance.
+Check out the How-to [Build CRUD operations with Grid](../general/how-to/how-to-perform-crud.md) topic.
+## Styling
+The HierarchicalGrid allows styling through the [Ignite UI for {Platform} Theme Library](../themes/sass/component-themes.md). The grid's [theme]({environment:sassApiUrl}/index.html#function-grid-theme) exposes a wide variety of properties, which allow the customization of all the features of the grid.
+In the below steps, we are going through the steps of customizing the HierarchicalGrid styling.
+### Importing global theme
+To begin the customization of the hierarchical grid, you need to import the `index` file, where all styling functions and mixins are located.
+@import '~igniteui-{Platform}/lib/core/styles/themes/index'
+### Defining custom theme
+Next, create a new theme, that extends the `grid-theme` and accepts the parameters, required to customize the hierarchical grid as desired.
+ >[!NOTE]
+ >There is no specific `sass` hierarchical grid function.
+$custom-theme: grid-theme(
+ $cell-active-border-color: #ffcd0f,
+ $cell-selected-background: #6f6f6f,
+ $row-hover-background: #f8e495,
+ $row-selected-background: #8d8d8d,
+ $header-background: #494949,
+ $header-text-color: #fff,
+ $expand-icon-color: #ffcd0f,
+ $expand-icon-hover-color: #e0b710,
+ $resize-line-color: #ffcd0f,
+ $row-highlight: #ffcd0f
+### Defining a custom color palette
+In the approach, that was described above, the color values were hardcoded. Alternatively, you can achieve greater flexibility, using the `palette` and `color` functions.
+`palette` generates a color palette, based on provided primary and secondary colors.
+ ```scss
+$black-color: #494949;
+$yellow-color: #FFCD0F;
+$custom-palette: palette(
+ $primary: $black-color,
+ $secondary: $yellow-color
+After a custom palette has been generated, the `color` function can be used to obtain different varieties of the primary and the secondary colors.
+$custom-theme: grid-theme(
+ $cell-active-border-color: (color($custom-palette, "secondary", 500)),
+ $cell-selected-background: (color($custom-palette, "primary", 300)),
+ $row-hover-background: (color($custom-palette, "secondary", 100)),
+ $row-selected-background: (color($custom-palette, "primary", 100)),
+ $header-background: (color($custom-palette, "primary", 500)),
+ $header-text-color: (contrast-color($custom-palette, "primary", 500)),
+ $expand-icon-color: (color($custom-palette, "secondary", 500)),
+ $expand-icon-hover-color: (color($custom-palette, "secondary", 600)),
+ $resize-line-color: (color($custom-palette, "secondary", 500)),
+ $row-highlight: (color($custom-palette, "secondary", 500))
+### Defining custom schemas
+You can go even further and build flexible structure that has all the benefits of a [**schema**](../themes/sass/schemas.md). The **schema** is the recipe of a theme.
+Extend one of the two predefined schemas, that are provided for every component. In our case, we will use `$_light_grid`.
+$custom-grid-schema: extend($_light-grid,(
+ cell-active-border-color: (color:('secondary', 500)),
+ cell-selected-background: (color:('primary', 300)),
+ row-hover-background: (color:('secondary', 100)),
+ row-selected-background: (color:('primary', 100)),
+ header-background: (color:('primary', 500)),
+ header-text-color: (contrast-color:('primary', 500)),
+ expand-icon-color: (color:('secondary', 500)),
+ expand-icon-hover-color: (color:('secondary', 600)),
+ resize-line-color: (color:('secondary', 500)),
+ row-highlight: (color:('secondary', 500))
+In order for the custom schema to be applied, either `light`, or `dark` globals has to be extended. The whole process is actually supplying a component with a custom schema and adding it to the respective component theme afterwards.
+$my-custom-schema: extend($light-schema, (
+ grid: $custom-grid-schema
+$custom-theme: grid-theme(
+ $palette: $custom-palette,
+ $schema: $my-custom-schema
+### Applying the custom theme
+The easiest way to apply your theme is with a `sass` `@include` statement in the global styles file:
+@include grid($custom-theme);
+### Scoped component theme
+In order for the custom theme do affect only specific component, you can move all of the styles you just defined from the global styles file to the custom component's style file (including the import of the `index` file).
+This way, due to {Platform}'s [ViewEncapsulation](https://{Platform}.io/api/core/Component#encapsulation), your styles will be applied only to your custom component.
+ >[!NOTE]
+ >If the component is using an [`Emulated`](../themes/sass/component-themes.md#view-encapsulation) ViewEncapsulation, it is necessary to penetrate this encapsulation using `::ng-deep` in order to style the grid.
+ >[!NOTE]
+ >Wrap the statement inside of a `:host` selector to prevent your styles from affecting elements *outside of* our component:
+:host {
+ ::ng-deep {
+ @include grid($custom-theme);
+ }
+### Demo
+>The sample will not be affected by the selected global theme from `Change Theme`.
+## Performance (Experimental)
+The `HierarchicalGrid`'s design allows it to take advantage of the Event Coalescing feature that has {Platform} introduced. This feature allows for improved performance with roughly around **`20%`** in terms of interactions and responsiveness. This feature can be enabled on application level by simply setting the `ngZoneEventCoalescing ` and `ngZoneRunCoalescing` properties to `true` in the `bootstrapModule` method:
+ .bootstrapModule(AppModule, { ngZoneEventCoalescing: true, ngZoneRunCoalescing: true })
+ .catch(err => console.error(err));
+> This is still in experimental feature for the `HierarchicalGrid`. This means that there might be some unexpected behaviors in the Hierarchical Grid. In case of encountering any such behavior, please contact us on our [Github](https://github.com/IgniteUI/igniteui-{Platform}/discussions) page.
+> Enabling it can affects other parts of an {Platform} application that the `HierarchicalGrid` is not related to.
+## Known Limitations
+|--- |--- |
+|Group By|Group By feature is not supported by the hierarchical grid.|
+> [!NOTE]
+> `HierarchicalGrid` uses `ForOf` directive internally hence all `ForOf` limitations are valid for `HierarchicalGrid`. For more details see [ForOf Known Issues](../for-of.md#known-limitations) section.
+## API References
+* [HierarchicalGridComponent]({environment:{Platform}ApiUrl}/classes/hierarchicalgridcomponent.html)
+* [RowIslandComponent]({environment:{Platform}ApiUrl}/classes/rowislandcomponent.html)
+* [GridComponent]({environment:{Platform}ApiUrl}/classes/gridcomponent.html)
+* [GridComponent Styles]({environment:sassApiUrl}/#function-grid-theme)
+* [ColumnComponent]({environment:{Platform}ApiUrl}/classes/columncomponent.html)
+* [HierarchicalGridRow]({environment:{Platform}ApiUrl}/classes/hierarchicalgridrow.html)
+* [GridCell]({environment:{Platform}ApiUrl}/classes/gridcell.html)
+## Theming Dependencies
+* [Icon Theme]({environment:sassApiUrl}/index.html#function-icon-theme)
+* [InputGroup Theme]({environment:sassApiUrl}/index.html#function-input-group-theme)
+* [Chip Theme]({environment:sassApiUrl}/index.html#function-chip-theme)
+* [Ripple Theme]({environment:sassApiUrl}/index.html#function-ripple-theme)
+* [Button Theme]({environment:sassApiUrl}/index.html#function-button-theme)
+* [Overlay Theme]({environment:sassApiUrl}/index.html#function-overlay-theme)
+* [DropDown Theme]({environment:sassApiUrl}/index.html#function-drop-down-theme)
+* [Calendar Theme]({environment:sassApiUrl}/index.html#function-calendar-theme)
+* [ActionStrip Theme]({environment:sassApiUrl}/index.html#function-action-strip-theme)
+* [SnackBar Theme]({environment:sassApiUrl}/index.html#function-snackbar-theme)
+* [Badge Theme]({environment:sassApiUrl}/index.html#function-badge-theme)
+## Additional Resources
+* [Grid Sizing](sizing.md)
+* [Virtualization and Performance](virtualization.md)
+* [Paging](paging.md)
+* [Filtering](filtering.md)
+* [Sorting](sorting.md)
+* [Summaries](summaries.md)
+* [Column Moving](column-moving.md)
+* [Column Pinning](column-pinning.md)
+* [Column Resizing](column-resizing.md)
+* [Selection](selection.md)
+Our community is active and always welcoming to new ideas.
+* [Ignite UI for {Platform} **Forums**](https://www.infragistics.com/community/forums/f/ignite-ui-for-{Platform})
+* [Ignite UI for {Platform} **GitHub**](https://github.com/IgniteUI/igniteui-{Platform})
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