You can select parts of the sprite using one of the selection tools
(e.g. the Marquee Tool )
to move it or transform it
(scale, rotate, etc.). When you select a
portion of the sprite, you will see a
marching ants effect:
When you make a selection, you are selecting the active cel, so all transformation will be made to that specific cel only.
You can select the sprite using Select > All
or ⌘A
You can select the whole active cel content (non-transparent pixels)
using Edit > Transform (Ctrl+T
or ⌘T
You can hide the current selection using Select > Deselect
or ⌘D
). Then you can make it appear again using
Select > Reselect (Ctrl+Shift+D
or ⇧⌘D
You can invert the selection using
Select > Invert (Ctrl+Shift+I
or ⇧⌘I