AuditLog -> Vars -> auditLogChannelId, ban, kick, mute, unmute, warn -> ignoredChannelIds, messageDeleteMessage -> Method -> On action if this is enabled, this is not an ignored channel and this action is enabled, send a message to the auditLogChannelId
Welcome -> Vars -> joinMessage, joinChannelId, joinDm -> addRoles, removeRoles, waitUntilGate -> Method -> On If joinChannelId send to channel, use joinMessage If joinDm send to DM, use joinMessage
If waitUntilGate is true don't do anything until pending goes from false -> true
Add any roles listed
Remove any roles listed
AutoDelete -> Vars -> triggerChannelId, inverted, triggerMessage -> triggerTimeout, replyMessage, replyTimeout, replyDeleteTimeout -> Method -> On messageCreate if is in an autodelete triggerChannelId continue If inverted = false and triggerMessage matches the message delete it after tiggerTimeout If inverted = true and triggerMessage matches skip, if it doesn't match delete it after triggerTimeout If replyMessage exists send it after replyTimeout, delete after replyDeleteTimeout
CustomCommand -> Vars -> triggerMessage, triggerTimeout, triggerChannelId -> addRoles, removeRoles, extraMessages, extraMessagesTimeout -> Method -> On messageCreate if is in a custom command triggerChannelId continue If we have a responseMessage send it, delete after responseTimeout Add any roles listed Remove any roles listed Send any extraMessages we have, delete them all after extraMessagesTimeout
Starboard -> Vars -> -> Method ->