- PHP 7.1 compatibility, initial PHP 7.2 compatibility
- extension moved to community code pool due to popular demand
- topological sort removed, reverted to old config hack
- openssl adapter to replace deprecated mcrypt
- shell test tool removed (for now)
- Mage/Connect/Packager override removed - rarely used, not PHP7 compatibility problem
- https instead of http for packages.firegento.com (by @EmPeWe).
- smarter require in inchoo_php7_test (by @szepeviktor)
- a bit of love to composer.json (support & suggest sections)
- shell/inchoo_php7_test.php - initial implementation of a test tool
- XML totals sort order fix from config.xml
- topological sort implemented in Mage_Sales_Model_Config_Ordered override (this should fix not only Magento Core problems with totals sorting, but also ensure 3rd party extensions which add something to totals work properly with PHP 7.)
- this is the release for Magento core 1.9.3; older versions are supported from branch and 1.* releases.
- all model overwrites - they are no longer needed.
- Mage_Core_Model_File_Uploader overload - also fixed in new core.
- changelog.md, because we really should have this, so I guess it's better to start late than never...
- protected $_moduleName = 'Mage_Core'; in helper overwrite (should fix translation problems).
- README.md updated with slightly more information.
Last version without a changelog.