- e.g. in jumpscale8 all FR to do with this product
- FR are linked to a release which is milestone in github terms e.g. 8.1.0 or linked to roadmap if far away
- FR have links to dir or pages which have the specifications
make sure all files which have specs (mainly in form of code) are linked to FR, can be in comment or in main body
link to all 1 file in same repo
- [TestCuisineBuilder.py](../blob/master/tests/tools/cuisine/TestCuisineBuilder.py)
- link to all files in dir in same repo
- [cuisine_tests](../blob/master/tests/tools/cuisine/)
- link to dir or file in remote account/repo
- [specs](../../../Incubaid/dev_process/blob/master/specs.md)
- link to dir or file in remote repo but in same account
- [specs](../../dev_process/blob/master/specs.md)
- what if other branch
- change 'master' to other branch name in url
- can put todo & time info in FR (see below metadata section)
- this metadata will be additional to metadata as specified in specs where we link to
they are only used to help estimate how much work a specific feature request is, do not put the specs in there
- [x] Finish my changes *1 [1h]
- [ ] do something *3 [2h]
- [ ] review code from X [1h]
- [ ] unknown work [5h]
- the time mentioned is remaining time so needs to be revisited all the time
- be aware that task lists are never complete !!! always put a last one e.g. unknown work, the total should be total effort for FR
- specs should always be put in repo where code is developed
- specs can be part of code, suggest to use as much as possible code layouts e.g. the class with methods & todo's & specs are part of that method
- when developing let the specs in, DO NOT remove them, this is good for further checks
- if specific code review is required can put a todo just for that purpose
#TODO *1
- we support *1 *2 & *3
- *1 is NOW
- *2 is soon, < 1-4 weeks (current sprint)
- *3 is planned in next iteration
- this can be part of any codeblock or spec block in code (e.g. to identify a spec & link to a FR)
- this can be part of a todo in code
- Time format is optional
- Can be in h or days e.g. 4h or 4d
#TODO *1 do something something [1h] (#577)
- this is some task of 1h, for FR 577 in this repo (always needs to be in this repo) and this needs to be done ASAP