A C# class library to assist Indico IPA development
The indico toolkit provides classes and functions to help achieve the following:
- Easy batch workflow submission and retrieval.
- Classes that simplify dataset/doc-extraction functionality.
- Tools to assist with positioning, e.g. row association, distance between preds, relative position validation.
- Common manipulation of prediction/workflow results.
- Objects to simplify parsing OCR responses.
- Class to spoof a human reviewer.
To run the test suite, run dotnet test
within the IndicoToolkit.Tests
You will need the following environment variables to run the entire test suite:
: Indico host URLINDICO_KEY
: Corresponding API key value to the host.DATASET_ID
: Dataset Id linked to workflow with fully trained modelWORKFLOW_ID
: Corresponding workflow Id to the datasetMODEL_ID
: Corresponding model Id to the dataset
How to get prediction results and write to CSV
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using IndicoToolkit;
using IndicoToolkit.IndicoWrapper;
using IndicoToolkit.Types;
public class Program
private static string GetHost() -> Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("INDICO_HOST");
private static string GetToken() => Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("INDICO_KEY");
private static string GetWorkflowId() => Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("WORKFLOW_ID");
private static string GetDirectory() => Path.Join(Directory.GetParent(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()).Parent.Parent.FullName, "base_directory");
public static async Task Main()
/// Instantiate the Workflows class
IndicoClient client = new Client(host: GetHost(), apiTokenString: GetToken()).Create();
Workflows Wflow = new Workflows(client);
/// Collect files to submit
FileProcessing Fp = new FileProcessing();
/// Submit documents, await the results and write the results to console in batches of 10.
foreach (List<string> paths in Fp.BatchFiles(batchSize: 10))
IEnumerable<int> submissionIds = await Wflow.SubmitDocumentsToWorkflow(GetWorkflowId(), paths);
List<WorkflowResult> results = Wflow.GetSubmissionResultsFromIds(submissionIds.ToList());
If you are adding new features to Indico Toolkit, make sure to:
- Add robust integration and unit tests.
- Add a sample usage script to the 'examples/' directory.
- Add a bullet point for what the feature does to the list at the top of this README.md.
- Ensure the full test suite is passing locally before creating a pull request.
- Add document comments for methods where usage is non-obvious.