All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.10.2 (2019-10-21)
- search: changed information model published text (c3251e9)
- user-api: #2551 Increase size of response from altinn reportees query (c5340b9)
- user-api: #2551 Rebuild user-api with altinn-client update (23f4b4a)
1.10.1 (2019-10-11)
- registration-api: Fix dataset catalog title and description editing by enabling PUT method in cors configuration (ab064dd)
- registration-react: Save dataset form values for distribution property even if frontend-side validation gives errors (f97c4ce)
- registration-react: Set development server default registration api location to proxy, like it is in other environments (2a92920)
1.10.0 (2019-10-01)
- harvesting: Data norge use https ids for http location tags (0276d21)
- refernce-data: Now actually read and accept open lisences. (57f8083)
- registration-react: #2382 increase concept search size (5410ab7)
- registration-react: #2449 add missing languages prop to skjermingsgrunnlag and behandlingsgrunnlag fields in access rights form (8f94ccd)
- search: #2178 fix access rights styling and remove unused style-class (99d2613)
- search: #2359 fix env-variable SEARCH_HOST (258bde6)
- search: #2359 related datasets with absolute path to SEARCH_HOST (b9f42b4)
- search: #2370 change color menu-button mobile view (5edcd99)
- search: Changed font-color on heading text. (c0ab67c)
- search: Fixed text-breaking text in dataset description. (e9126c3)
- registration-react: #1643 Show datasets that have been connected to the api specification (7ec79fe)
- registration-react: #1762 Remove publisher filter when looking for datasets to relate to api. (30e31b5)
- registration-react: #2261 add multilingual support for dataset distribution description (868f21e)
- registration-react: #2261 add multilingual support for dataset keyword (3c39fc5)
- registration-react: #2261 add multilingual support for dataset objective (2309004)
- registration-react: #2261 add multilingual support for dataset provenance and contents (b16550d)
- registration-react: #2261 add multilingual support for dataset samples (781d7f8)
- registration-react: #2261 add multilingual support to access rights fields (564d1ae)
- registration-react: #2261 add multilingual support to distribution fields (23a5ecc)
- registration-react: #2261 add multilingual support to information model fields (d53db9e)
- registration-react: #2261 convert conformsTo field to a multilingual field (1c0f691)
- registration-react: change breadcrumb texts and update designsystemet v1.4.24 (da56e8d)
- search: #2338 Bruk themeprofile=“transport” when napProfile is in use (1841b81)
- search: #2339 hide eu-theme filter if only 'ukjent' (86fc859)
- search: Themify footer email. (ce6a80c)
- Themify footer text (c37a52f)
- search-api: #2238 Add macro-filter themeprofile=transport, that requires either lostTheme of theme to be transport (e75e4b0)
- user-api: #2351 Add admin role (3a5abc5)
1.9.0 (2019-09-20)
- concept-cat: #2128 harvest URI without removing protocol (9fb6aa6)
- e2e: #2299 Break build on audit error (aa62b58)
- reference-data: Added versioned title of open licence NLOD (8d6e179)
- regisistration-react: #2299 Break build on audit error (7ec1d3b)
- registration-react: #2265 show correct languages when creating or returning to previously saved concept (e398e55)
- registration-react: #2269 recreate saved data on refresh (354fc42)
- registration-react: #2281 replace check mark with icon (bfbbf24)
- search: #1643 Concatenate list of datasets that refer to the api into the related datasets list in api details page (368306d)
- search: #2128 user-defined concepts should also be visible (d6f556a)
- search: #2268 Fix dataset lookup query by removing double encoding of url parameter (8aa5a37)
- search: #2276 allow external links to open in new tab (dea00f4)
- search: #2299 Break build on npm dependencies audit error (7ba2d32)
- search: #2305 fix LOS theme filtering for NAP context (bc973f5)
- search: #2358 Fix double encoding of dataset by url lookup in dataset details page (56965d1)
- search: Use Switch to avoid double rendering of ambiguous routes concepts/compare and concepts/:id (381606b)
- search-api: Allow post query without csrf for search (cb9a610)
- search-api: Enable cors support for all endpoints (d20d292)
- registration-react: #2239 add input language picker component (0ce9d2a)
- registration-react: #2240 implement generic multilingual field (df3ce3d)
- search: #2128 show sources correctly on concepts search page (3614061)
- search: #2128 show sources properly (21ffeb3)
- search: #2145 add nap theming styles (acbaf65)
- search: #2254 hide accessRights filter if nap (60e21d2)
- search-api: #1644 Add search filter distributionAccessServiceEndpointDescriptionUri to allow looking for references to api (c2445f7)
1.8.0 (2019-09-06)
- concept-cat: #2197 change bruksområde type to list (3aeebd9)
- registration-react: Import bootstrap scss from js instead of scss, so that it would be bundled into vendors.css (29dde1c)
- search: #2179 add concept application to concept details page (b6c9b82)
- registration-react: #1760 add 'Ansvarlig', 'tilbyder' and 'eier' at concept live search (9edc1da)
- registration-react: #2140 Show the count of concepts on the concept registration link (22f033e)
- registration-react: Enable development on host (9746e15)
- registration-react: Read REGISTRATION_API_HOST from environment variable (d5048c0)
- search: #2139 Remove feature toggle from concepts link (f612bb9)
- sso: #2136 Allow development host for concept-catalogue-gui (ca2e3c7)
- sso: Allow development host as fdk-registration-public client (88f3a5a)
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.7.0 (2019-08-26)
- registration-api: Fix null point error on dcat-sources query (08f5d80)
- registration-react: #2033 increase dataset registration page width (ecd564f)
- registration-react: #2099 Implement feature toggle FEATURE_TOGGLE_CONCEPT_REGISTRATION (7b64f6a)
- registration-react: Change css class from fdk-color-neutral-darkest2 to fdk-color-neutral-darkest (cccedaf)
- registration-react: Changed css color from $color-primary04 to $color-primary-lighter (b3dda57)
- registration-react: Changed from css class fdk-color-primary03 to fdk-color-primary (4f02300)
- registration-react: Flux standard action, says that error action has error in payload, not in error attribute (00fd26f)
- registration-react: In ProtectedRoutePure, only initialize IdleTimer, when user has logged on. (ddf8fd5)
- registration-react: move tests to container to ensure platform independent build (2fad538)
- search: #1675 add dataset origin so that subject would be complete (b5dd1f6)
- search: #2053 Fixed center text, changed align-content-center to align-self-center. (4f59a8a)
- search: #2054 Changed name of icon file. (d393077)
- search: #2145 Fixed colors for warning and searchhit header. (b766fc9)
- search: #2155 fix env.json.template to generate valid json when empty variables (6d3be73)
- search: #2187 use translations with fallback (0e3cdb3)
- search: fix details page structure (756cd5f)
- search: move tests to container to ensure platform independent build (1fbab52)
- search,registration-react: Using design colors (5f7e65e)
- sso: #1958 Fix broker name for ID-Porten identity provider (921681e)
- sso: Use identity provider alias "oidc" temporarily, because this is what is currently configured as allowed return url in idporten oidc provider. (1f821c3)
- altinn-proxy: #1358 Create client lib for accessing Altinn through proxy (f95d386)
- concept-cat: Usage statistics (a01745e)
- enhetsregisteret-proxy: #1358 Create proxy service for accessing enhetsregisteret (ad8291e)
- enhetsregisteret-proxy-mock: Mock service for enhetsregisteret to fill in corrresponding data for altinn mock (15cc7bd)
- redux-fsa-thunk: Make onSuccess and onError properties optional in ReduxFsaThunk library (c69f06d)
- registration-react: #1843 add link to concept client (0c03d9e)
- search: #1674 show references to datasets on concept details page (ea92717)
- search: #1888 update styling on search portal. (937a64a)
- search: #1979 add new api-usage-instruction component and tests (2f0ef5e)
- search: add title to sticky-menu component (506e3bc)
- sso: #1757 Implement keycloak user storage service provider for integrating with REST-based user service (c6714b2)
- sso: #2140 add concept-catalogue audience to fdk-registraction-public access token (9fa0fae)
- sso: #2140 add concept-catalogue client to sso configuration (e1d9d11)
- sso: #2140 add concept-catalogue-gui client (a56a7af)
- user-api: #1689 User api service (ce17376)
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.6.0 (2019-06-25)
- e2e: Fix e2e container build issue by upgrading base container to node:12-slim (3de3b68)
- e2e: Update tests after change of default set of apis (67bc8e8)
- reference-data: Enable all hosts in Cors configuration for reference-data (85aca0d)
- registration-api: Allow accessing /catalogs without any authorities without crashing in elasticsearch in-expression (58df600)
- registration-react: #1973 Allow unpublishing in case of validation errors (5e03450)
- registration-react: #1973 Fix validation indicators on dataset Los and Theme fields (6a35906)
- registration-react: #1980 Fix user information request parameters (ca0b943)
- registration-react: Allow configuring authorization for reference-data service (67df037)
- registration-react: Cache error response of catalogs request, in order to avoid infinite request loop. (c1b51cb)
- registration-react: Expose REFERENCE_DATA_HOST variable in env.json in express server (5b18668)
- registration-react: Fix console warning on FilterPillsLos component not setting onChange attribute (db97ef1)
- registration-react: Fix console warning on invalid proptype for ListRegularItem mainContent proptype (f51a99c)
- registration-react: Fix invalid defaulting chain of searchHost in config (e25129d)
- registration-react: Fix invalid detection of new items in merging patch action in apis store. (629226d)
- registration-react: Fix rendering error on empty datasets query response (246b14d)
- registration-react: Fix scroll position on editing api-registration, by filtering data loading effect only to be run on apiId change (d74e589)
- registration-react: Temporarily disable validation of distribution format field in dataset registration page, because it causes render loop (d4555a9)
- registration-react: Update feature toggle store implementation to be like in search. Fixes error in console. (70b14d3)
- registration-react: Use correct action on response of catalog put request (f93acc6)
- registration-react: Use REDUX_LOG environment variable for enabling redux logger. Fixes verbose log in typical development environment (463d490)
- search: #1656 Combine datasets api list on dataset detail page from declaration of distributions and api dataset references. (7ba18dc)
- search: #1863 Changed owner to responsible (801cce6)
- search: Bump react-localization to 1.0.13 to fix bug in phrase template replacement, for example in dataset details sticky menu (f44abb0)
- search: Fixed position for "clear search" for english language. (81702af)
- sso: Set DB_VENDOR to embedded h2, due to just existence of existence "postgres" host caused keycloak to use it. (57b32f4)
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.5.0 (2019-05-24)
- registration-react: Bump react-tag-autocomplete. Fixes console warning of ReactTags not setting onChange handler for input component (0159584)
- search: #1806 Chnaged colors on search and filter button. (52157d5)
- search: Update helptext in searchbox. (d352405)
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.4.2 (2019-05-20)
- search: #1743 Change "Provider"-string field to "Responsible" (c41c305)
- search: #1759 remember filter tree open nodes (4fcb127)
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.4.1 (2019-05-14)
- e2e: Fixed build script (6d4add0)
- e2e: Fixed npm run script for Windows. (a5efe07)
- search: #1730 update tab counts when searching (110add2)
- search: #1747 do not scroll to top when filtering (cef8e0e)
- search: Changed from Virksomhet to Eier. (8da1f9d)
- search-api: Fix for issue 1754: Filters for LOS themes should be AND, not OR. (9cd66c3)
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.4.0 (2019-04-29)
- Fix script permissions, to allow execution on mac (1d89544)
- concept-cat: Some organisations do not have a phone registered (7466589)
- registration-react: #1341 distribution format required field (d73a26c)
- registration-react: #1341 do not allow publishing if distribution missing format (71e3500)
- registration-react: #1612 - dataset references form - change from default fetch size 20 to 1000 (731a5cc)
- search: #1443 search filter should not update tab numbers (00c5b26)
- search: #1618 report page - fix styling (1b837e7)
- registration-react: #1604 add LOS to dataset registration (9f28d17)
- registration-react: #1628 add Los search (812b273)
- registration-react: #1699 add Los helptext (c363921)
- search: #1686 Extend clear filters button with filter pills block (485d208)
- sso: #1356 Set up keycloak container (12f13d3)
- sso: #1688 Configure integration with ID Porten test environment (9b5356b)
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.3.0 (2019-04-02)
- api-cat: Fix swagger documentation for GET /apis paging parameters (3a85540)
- reference-data: Changed text “National Building Block” to “authoritativ source” (7895465)
- registration-react: #1478 Fix catalogs dataset item count in home page (db36bfa)
- registration-react: #1633 enable distribution type 'API' (6dc5b87)
- search: #1561 report page fix filter new last week (d23c0b7)
- search: #1639 do not show distributions heading when no distributions (66dc0a7)
- api-cat: #1509 Add new filters to general api search - active, serviceType, orgNos (519411d)
- api-cat: add new filters to general api search - isOpenAccess, isOpenLicense and isFree (84455fc)
- api-cat,registration-api: #1494 Add servers to ApiSpecification model (a7f2580)
- concept-cat: #1416 Add aggregations to ConceptSearchController - publisher (de2ac7a)
- concept-cat: add concept filter uris (6cc7a34)
- registration-react: #1507 Added API Service Type form control (623dba9)
- search: #1413 show api-distributions (7474172)
- search: #1418 add API report tab (e8dcd24)
- search: #1504 add concept report tab (adbeca2)
- search: #1508 added service type to api description in portal (d5c3f6e)
- search: #1580 concept details - add sample field (b7236c2)
- search-api: #1416 Implementation of counts of concepts used in datasets (73bef41)
- search-api: #1416 Support list of concept uris in dataset search (70dbcf8)
- search-api: #1416 Support POST method in datasets/search for search parameters longer than uri length limit (70abf4d)
- search-api: #1506 Allow registering api service type (bc3bea9)
- search-api: #1506 Reference data for api service type (cfc3410)
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.2.0 (2019-03-18)
- e2e: Fix test script names in (ff5cf5c)
- informationmodel-cat: Now combine subforms in a JSON Array (b64e487)
- informationmodel-cat: Now correctly looks up the publisher (45ae360)
- registration-react: #335 change label when open and show all of abstract as default (d08bc83)
- registration-react: fix delete distribution-api (f98c603)
- search: #1518 report page - filter by organization (826fa86)
- search: report-page - fix distribution graphs calculation (4eb5558)
- Fix conflicting port for harvester-api in docker-compose.override.yml (2fe1308)
- search: Fix search hits stats line (dc2e1bb)
- search: Tab labels in plural (437115c)
- api-cat: Add aggregation "firstHarvested" (4e49844)
- concept-cat: Add aggregation "firstHarvested" (5ad49bc)
- registration-react: #1411 add API distribution form (6fca0c3)
- search: #1417 Show total count for apis and concepts in report. (#1514) (7b9df32)
- search: new design elements to report page (65eb5bd)
- search-api: #1414 Add new aggregations to dataset search: distributionCountForTypeApi,distributionCountForTypeFeed,distributionCountForTypeFile (18f8961)
- search-api: #1414 Add new aggregations to dataset search: nationalComponent (e38cd6c)
- search-api: #1414 Add new aggregations to dataset search: nonpublicWithDistribution,publicWithoutDistribution,nonpublicWithoutDistribution (3fd0ade)
- search-api: #1414 Add new aggregations to dataset search: subjects (ac63a89)
- search-api: #1414 DatasetsSearchController - implement filters withDistribution, isPublic, withSubject, isNationalComponent, subject, distributionType (663719b)
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- api-cat: add extra status fields to apis list endpoint (2ce4636)
- reference-data: update prefLabel apiStatus (cc85631)
- registration-api: Reset api catalog harvest status if harvest url is changed (5ea8a01)
- registration-react: add more space inside api access-form (6194f54)
- registration-react: API-964 Api registration checkbox fields are actually nullable booleans. Our forms do not support this type, therefore we must convert it to string. (c9834e2)
- registration-react: change form order api-registration (fb1e3bc)
- registration-react: filter and show apiStatuses only with value 'code' (3389108)
- search: API-967 fix access icons styling (b5cf076)
- search: API-969 Define translations for api access labels (702248a)
- search: API-974 Fix api status order in dropdown (c9405f4)
- search: fix mispelling autoritativ (0128ee3)
- (informationmodel-api): Deep replace component schema references and keep schema structure intact (c317657)
- (informationmodel-cat) Harvest publisher (590c585)
- (informationmodel-cat): Include id field in rest response (5cd6d41)
- (informationomodel-cat) Fix setting title and change history on harvesting (683d2a9)
- Add informationmodel-cat to build list (6224b2f)
- Disable autogenerated rest resource endpoints (2fa64c8)
- #1389 Release script for generating changelog from conventional commits and creating GitHub release tag (16d3184)
- api-cat: API-787 Add ApiSpecification to ApiDocument (d4aebcc)
- api-cat: API-787 Implementation of ApiSpecification model (8d8644b)
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- (informationmodel-api): Deep replace component schema references and keep schema structure intact (c317657)
- (informationmodel-cat) Harvest publisher (590c585)
- (informationmodel-cat): Include id field in rest response (5cd6d41)
- (informationomodel-cat) Fix setting title and change history on harvesting (683d2a9)
- Add informationmodel-cat to build list (6224b2f)
- Disable autogenerated rest resource endpoints (2fa64c8)
- registration-api: Reset api catalog harvest status if harvest url is changed (5ea8a01)