All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
3.1.3 (2020-06-06)
- handle properly unicode error for fixing taskrun issue. (01a4d1b)
- Python3 syntax fixes (#1981) (865991f)
- gdpr: delete inactive accounts. (#1979) (6d3569c)
- vagrant: update playbook and requirements (#1968) (3fb38dc)
- (test): use sorted instead of sort()
- (test): use sorted instead of sort()
- (stats): use utc for time.
- (stats): use utc time.
- (test): use UTC time zone in query.
- (test): use b type
- (readme): update info.
- (cli): migrate to python3.
- (cve): pillow.
- (README): update badges.
- (redis): revert disable redis.
- (redis): cache was bad handled.
- (tests): return String instead of Response.
- (tests): mock with return string.
- (cve): Use new werkzeug.
- (werkzeug): address CVE issue.
- (settings): add missing settings.
- (docker): use custom python2.7 ldap.