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Realm and userstorage configuration

A realm can be created, modified or deleted from Sugoi. This documentation aims to explain each possible configuration. Some configurations depends on the type of the Store Provider.

Here is an example of a Realm which is configured to be used by an Ldap Store Provider :

  "name": "myRealm",
  "url": "",
  "appSource": "ou=Applications,o=insee,c=fr",
  "userStorages": [
      "name": "Profil_domaine1_WebServiceLdap",
      "userSource": "ou=contacts,ou=clients_domaine1,o=insee,c=fr",
      "organizationSource": "ou=organisations,ou=clients_domaine1,o=insee,c=fr",
      "addressSource": "ou=adresses,ou=clients_domaine1,o=insee,c=fr",
      "properties": {
        "group_filter_pattern": "(cn={group}_{appliname})",
        "group_source_pattern": "ou={appliname}_Objets,ou={appliname},ou=Applications,o=insee,c=fr"
  "readerType": null,
  "writerType": null,
  "properties": {}

Realm configuration

These configurations are used for all type of Store Provider.

Field name Example Optional Default Description
name "myRealm" no Name which identifies the realm.
url "", "localhost" no Url of the resource server.
port 389 yes fr.insee.sugoi.ldap.default.port Port of the resource server.
appSource "ou=Applications,o=insee,c=fr", "/realm1/applications" yes The location of the applications to read on the server. If appSource is not set then applications cannot be managed.
userStorages See UserStorage section no, the realm should have at least one userstorage A list of all userstorages the realm is made of.
properties See Properties section yes {}  A list of other options which can be specific to the type of Store Provider.
readerType "LdapReaderStore", "FileReaderStore"  no the default can be set via the instance property :, if not set app cannot work  Indicates wich type of store is used for reading. This attribute is read-only for now and should be set via default.
writeType "JMSWriterStore", "LdapWriterStore", "FileWriterStore"  no  the default can be set via the instance property :, if not set app cannot work  Indicates wich type of store is used for writing. This attribute is read-only for now and should be set via default.
mappings See mappings section yes see mappings section Description of how to map Sugoi application and group attributes with ldap attributes when using a ldap store provider
uiMapping  See ui mapping section yes Declarative descriptions of fields constiuting a user and an organization

UI Mappings

UI mappings are the descriptions of what constitute a user and an organization in Sugoi. These mapping are used to provide metadatas to Sugoi users.

Realm ui mappings is a map containing two list of ui mapping : a uiUserMapping list and a uiOrganizationMapping list.

A UI mapping is defined as follow :


with :

  • name : a short name for the field
  • helpTextTitle : the human readable name of the field
  • helpText : an extensive explanation of the field
  • path : an informative value indicating where the field comes from
  • type : string, list_string...
  • modifiable : true or false depending of the field modification status
  • tag : a tag defining a category for the field
  • order : an int to order the different fields
  • required: if field must be tag as required on the ui side

A list of custom key/values can be added at the end.

Realm configuration properties

Field name Example Optional Default Description
seealso_attributes "seeAlso, otherSeeAlso" no, set to enable seealso functionnality All values in the corresponding attributes will be parsed as SeeAlso string to add a new attributes to a user. It can be a single attribute name or a list of attribute names separated by a comma.
app-managed-attribute-keys-list "inseeGroupeDefaut, inseeGroupeApplicatif" yes, it just allow person with app right to give (or remove) properties on an attribute The name of the attribute to modify
app-managed-attribute-patterns-list "(.*)_$(application),$(application)\$\$(.*)" yes The pattern that the attribute value must follow
vlv_enabled true or false yes, disabled by default Allowed to make vlv search on ldap
sort_key uid no Attribute on which ordered will be done when making a paging request
usersMaxOutputSize 100 yes fr.insee.sugoi.users.maxoutputsize The maximum number of user outputs allowed
groupsMaxOutputSize 100 yes fr.insee.sugoi.groups.maxoutputsize The maximum number of grouos outputs allowed
applicationsMaxOutputSize 100 yes fr.insee.sugoi.applications.maxoutputsize The maximum number of applications outputs allowed
organizationsMaxOutputSize 100 yes fr.insee.sugoi.organizations.maxoutputsize The maximum number of organizations outputs allowed
group_manager_source_pattern "uid=ASI_$(appliname),ou=Applications,o=insee,c=fr" the default can be set via the instance property : fr.insee.sugoi.ldap.default.group_manager_source_pattern Describe where the group manager of the application {appliname} should be fetch. Users belonging to this group can create, delete, add or remove users from ${appliname}'s groups.
max_pool_connection_age 30000 the default can be set via the instance property : fr.insee.sugoi.config.ldap.default.max-pool-connection-age time before a connection is dropped from connection pool

Realm configuration properties can be set as:

  • global default properties in the Userstorage configuration properties on password

    • override by - a value at realm level
    • override by - a value at Userstorage level

UserStorage configuration

A UserStorage is a logical division of a Realm. These configuration should be set for each UserStorage contained in a Realm :

Field name Example Optional Default Description
name "myUserStorage" no Name which identifies the userstorage in the realm
userSource "ou=contacts,ou=clients_domaine1,o=insee,c=fr", "/realm1/users" no The location of the users to read on the server.
organizationSource  "ou=organisations,ou=clients_domaine1,o=insee,c=fr", "/realm1/organizations" yes The location of the organization to read on the server. If organizationSource is not set, then organizations cannot be managed.
addressSource "ou=adresses,ou=clients_domaine1,o=insee,c=fr" Only used for ldap storage. Is needed with ldap storage for now but should become optional Addresses are stored as an independant resource in ldap storage. addressSource indicates the location of users and organizations address on the server.
properties might be needed depending on the type of store (see next sections) A list of other options which can be specific to the type of Store Provider.
readerType "LdapReaderStore", "FileReaderStore"  no the default can be set via the instance property :  Indicates wich type of store is used for reading. This attribute is read-only for now and should be set via default.
writeType "JMSWriterStore", "LdapWriterStore", "FileWriterStore"  no  the default can be set via the instance property :  Indicates wich type of store is used for writing. This attribute is read-only for now and should be set via default.
mappings see mappings section should be set when using a ldap store provider see mappings section Description of how to map Sugoi user and organization attributes with ldap attributes when using a ldap store provider

Generic UserStorage properties

Those are optional properties to set on a userstorage. If the property is not set at the userstorage level, the corresponding realm property will be used as default if set.

Key Description Example
{name}_send_login_template with name being a configured external webservice A template to complete and send to the {name} webservice on /send-login call (see Notify external webservices and Webhooks configuration)
{name}_reset_template with name being a configured webservice A template to complete and send to the {name} webservice on /reinit-password call (see Notify external webservices and Webhooks configuration)
{name}_changepwd_template with name being a configured webservice A template to complete and send to the {name} webservice on /change-password call (see Notify external webservices and Webhooks configuration)
user_us_defined_attributes User field defined at the userstorage level (see User field defined at the userstorage level). This value can be set multiple times. To refer to a field on the attribute the field name should be prefixed by "$(" and suffixed by ")". "complicatedname": "The name is : $(attributes.personal_title) $(firstName) $(lastName)"

Userstorage configuration properties on password

Userstorage properties on password generation and validation. See general configuration for default values.

Field name Example Default Description
create_password_WITHUpperCase true fr.insee.sugoi.password.create.withUpperCase Set if a sugoi generated password is generated with uppercase
create_password_WITHLowerCase false fr.insee.sugoi.password.create.withLowerCase Set if a sugoi generated password is generated with lowercase
create_password_WITHDigit true fr.insee.sugoi.password.create.withDigits Set if a sugoi generated password is generated with digit
create_password_WITHSpecial true fr.insee.sugoi.password.create.withSpecial Set if a sugoi generated password is generated with special characters
create_password_size 20 fr.insee.sugoi.password.create.length Set the size of a sugoi generated password
validate_password_WITHUpperCase false fr.insee.sugoi.password.validate.withUpperCase Define if a new password provided by the user is valid if it has no uppercase
validate_password_WITHLowerCase true fr.insee.sugoi.password.validate.withLowerCase Define if a new password provided by the user is valid if it has no lowercase
validate_password_WITHDigit true fr.insee.sugoi.password.validate.withDigits Define if a new password provided by the user is valid if it has no digit
validate_password_WITHSpecial true fr.insee.sugoi.password.validate.withSpecial Define if a new password provided by the user is valid if it has no special characters
validate_password_size 20 fr.insee.sugoi.password.validate.minimal.length Define a minimum size to check if a new password provided by the user is valid

Userstorage properties with a LDAP Store Provider

With an LDAP Store Provider the properties can be :

 Key Example Optional Default Description
group_filter_pattern "(cn={group}_{appliname})" yes the default can be set via the instance property : fr.insee.sugoi.ldap.default.group_filter_pattern Describe how should be name a group. {appliname} is replaced by the name of the application the group belongs to and {group} is replaced by a group name. If not set, cannot manage groups.
group_source_pattern "ou={appliname}_Objets,ou={appliname},ou=Applications,o=insee,c=fr" yes the default can be set via the instance property : fr.insee.sugoi.ldap.default.group_source_pattern Describe where a group belonging to the application of name {appliname} should be fetch.
user_object_class "top,person" yes value of property fr.insee.sugoi.ldap.default.user-object-classes or top,person Object classes to put on a new user in ldap storage
organization_object_class "top,organization" yes value of property fr.insee.sugoi.ldap.default.organization-object-classes or top,organization Object classes to put on a new organization in ldap storage
group_object_class "top,groupOfUniqueNames" yes value of property or top,groupOfUniqueNames Object classes to put on a new group in ldap storage
application_object_class "top,organizationalUnit" yes value of property fr.insee.sugoi.ldap.default.application-object-classes or top,organizationalUnit Object classes to put on a new application in ldap storage
address_object_class "top,locality" yes value of property fr.insee.sugoi.ldap.default.adress-object-classes or top,locality Object classes to put on a new address in ldap storage not supported yet
ldap_connection_timeout "60000" yes value of property fr.insee.sugoi.ldap.default.connection.timeout Response timeout for all types of operations with a ldap provider
user_dn_pattern "uid={id},{source}" yes the default can be set via the instance property : fr.insee.sugoi.ldap.default.user_dn_pattern The DN of a user with name {id} given the user source is {source}
organization_dn_pattern "uid={id},{source}" yes the default can be set via the instance property : fr.insee.sugoi.ldap.default.organization_dn_pattern The DN of an organization with name {id} given the organization source is {source}
address_dn_pattern "l={id},{source}" yes the default can be set via the instance property : fr.insee.sugoi.ldap.default.address_dn_pattern The DN of an address with name {id} given the address source is {source}
application_dn_pattern "ou={id},{source}" yes the default can be set via the instance property : fr.insee.sugoi.ldap.default.application_dn_pattern The DN of an application with name {id} given the application source is {source}
group_dn_pattern "cn={id},{source}" yes the default can be set via the instance property : fr.insee.sugoi.ldap.default.group_dn_pattern The DN of a group with name {id} given the group source is {source}

Realm and Userstorage mappings with a LDAP Store Provider

When using a ldap store provider, the administrator should set how it expects to map the sugoi value with the ldap attributes. For example, in a userstorage one might want to have the name of the user to be "cn" while in an other userstorage it'd rather be "sn". The configuration should be done for users and for organizations, groups and applications if these features are intended to be used.

For each of these objects a list of mapping must be set.

A mapping is described as a key value with value "[name of the sugoi attribute in the object] and key [attribute name in ldap],[type of the object in sugoi (see available list of type)],[ro or rw depending on if the attribute can be modified]

To set an attribute in the metadatas or attributes map of an objet the name of the sugoi attribute should be metadatas.myField or attributes.myField. Thus no other dot is allowed in a sugoi attribute name.

Type of attribute can be :

  • string
  • organization
  • address
  • list_habilitation
  • list_user
  • list_group
  • list_string
  • exists (retrieve if the attribute exists instead of its value)

Mapping is to be set at the userstorage level for users and organizations and at the realm level for groupes and applications.

In the realm mappings map :

 Key Example Optional Default Description
userMapping {"username": "uid,String,rw", "groups": "memberOf,list_group,ro", "habilitations": "inseeGroupeDefaut,list_habilitation,rw"} should be set when using an ldap store provider List of mappings between sugoi user attributes and ldap attributes parsed from the value of property fr.insee.sugoi.ldap.default.user-mapping
organizationMapping {"identifiant": "uid,String,rw", "address": "inseeAdressePostaleDN,address,rw","organization": "inseeOrganisationDN,organization,rw"} yes List of mappings between sugoi organization attributes and ldap attributes parsed from the value of property fr.insee.sugoi.ldap.default.organization-mapping

In the userstorage mappings map :

 Key Example Optional Default Description
groupMapping {"name": "cn,String,rw","description": "description,String,rw",users": "uniquemember,list_user,rw"} yes List of mappings between sugoi group attributes and ldap attributes parsed from the value of property
applicationMapping {"name": "ou,String,rw"} yes List of mappings between sugoi application attributes and ldap attributes parsed from the value of property fr.insee.sugoi.ldap.default.application-mapping