- package maintainer's email address change
- idbanks list file update
- metadata are updated if a file is outdated, but this step now requires the user's approval
- dim columns whose usage was previously deprecated are removed from idbank list dataframe (code breaks likely)
- new idbanks from 2021 list are included in the internal package data
- all files created in the checks are stored in a temporary directory
- if dataset names are provided, get clean metadata with
(code breaks likely). The metadata is then stored locally on the computer. The update is automatically done every 3 months, and can be manually triggered - use of dim columns in the idbank list is then deprecated
- add metadata to raw data with the function
- get columns' name with the function
function is now using the idbank and the dataset lists- option to choose the separator with the
function - vignette : deaths and births example added
- backup idbank list stored inside the package
- readsdmx dependency is used optionally but not by default
- package now officially supported by INSEE, source code and issue reports are moved to INSEE's official GitHub page
- all data is cached, and then all queries are run once per R session
- RapidXML C++ library is used by default in
function through readsdmx package get_insee_idbank
splits automatically a big query into several queries of 400-idbank eachsearch_insee
function : find datasets with a keywordadd_insee_title
function : find INSEE title of an unlimited amount of idbankssplit_title
function : split quickly the titles provided with the data- pkgdown website : https://hadrilec.github.io/insee/
- code coverage with unit tests > 90%
- rsdmx and tidyr dependencies dropped, readsdmx added
- Bug fix in
function - more hands-on examples
- first version on CRAN