This document outlines the properties and interfaces used in the user-info-logger library.
The IpInfo
interface represents the structure of IP address information.
Property | Type | Description |
ip | string | The IP address of the user. |
network | string | The network of the IP address. |
version | string | The version of the IP address. |
city | string | The city associated with the IP address. |
region | string | The region associated with the IP address. |
region_code | string | The region code associated with the IP address. |
country | string | The country associated with the IP address. |
country_name | string | The name of the country associated with the IP address. |
country_code | string | The ISO country code associated with the IP address. |
country_code_iso3 | string | The ISO3 country code associated with the IP address. |
country_capital | string | The capital of the country associated with the IP address. |
country_tld | string | The top-level domain of the country associated with the IP address. |
continent_code | string | The continent code associated with the IP address. |
in_eu | boolean | Indicates whether the IP address is in the EU (European Union). |
postal | string | The postal code associated with the IP address. |
latitude | number | The latitude coordinate of the IP address location. |
longitude | number | The longitude coordinate of the IP address location. |
timezone | string | The timezone of the IP address location. |
utc_offset | string | The UTC offset of the IP address location. |
country_calling_code | string | The country calling code associated with the IP address. |
currency | string | The currency used in the country associated with the IP address. |
currency_name | string | The name of the currency used in the country associated with the IP address. |
languages | string[] | An array of languages spoken in the country associated with the IP address. |
country_area | number | The area of the country associated with the IP address. |
country_population | number | The population of the country associated with the IP address. |
asn | string | The autonomous system number associated with the IP address. |
org | string | The organization associated with the IP address. |
The GeolocationInfo
interface represents the structure of geolocation information.
Property | Type | Description |
ip | string | The IP address of the user. |
country_code | string | The country code associated with the IP address. |
country_name | string | The name of the country associated with the IP address. |
region_code | string | The region code associated with the IP address. |
region_name | string | The name of the region associated with the IP address. |
city | string | The city associated with the IP address. |
zip_code | string | The ZIP code associated with the IP address. |
time_zone | string | The timezone of the IP address location. |
latitude | number | The latitude coordinate of the IP address location. |
longitude | number | The longitude coordinate of the IP address location. |
metro_code | number | The metro code associated with the IP address. |
The SystemInfo
interface represents the structure of system information.
Property | Type | Description |
userAgent | string | The user agent string of the browser. |
platform | string | The platform of the user's device. |
languages | string[] | An array of languages configured in the user's browser. |
cookieEnabled | boolean | Indicates whether cookies are enabled in the user's browser. |
doNotTrack | string | null | The Do Not Track status of the user's browser. |
screenWidth | number | The width of the user's screen in pixels. |
screenHeight | number | The height of the user's screen in pixels. |
colorDepth | number | The color depth of the user's screen. |
timeZone | string | The timezone configured in the user's browser. |
browserPlugins | any[] | An array of browser plugins installed in the user's browser. |
javaEnabled | boolean | Indicates whether Java is enabled in the user's browser. |
battery | { charging: boolean; level: number } | null | Battery information of the user's device, if available. |
hardwareConcurrency | number | The number of logical processors available to run threads on the user's device. |
deviceMemory | number | The amount of memory installed on the user's device. |
webGLRenderer | string | The WebGL renderer information of the user's device. |
These interfaces define the structure of the data objects used in the user-info-logger library. You can use these interfaces to ensure consistency when working with user information in your applications.