diff --git a/dpctl/tensor/libtensor/include/kernels/accumulators.hpp b/dpctl/tensor/libtensor/include/kernels/accumulators.hpp
index 69283cf54f..589208b63b 100644
--- a/dpctl/tensor/libtensor/include/kernels/accumulators.hpp
+++ b/dpctl/tensor/libtensor/include/kernels/accumulators.hpp
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ template <typename T> class stack_strided_t
 namespace su_ns = dpctl::tensor::sycl_utils;
-using nwiT = std::uint16_t;
+using nwiT = std::uint32_t;
 template <typename inputT,
           typename outputT,
@@ -156,7 +156,18 @@ template <typename inputT,
           typename TransformerT,
           typename ScanOpT,
           bool include_initial>
-class inclusive_scan_iter_local_scan_krn;
+class inclusive_scan_iter_local_scan_blocked_krn;
+template <typename inputT,
+          typename outputT,
+          nwiT n_wi,
+          typename IterIndexerT,
+          typename InpIndexerT,
+          typename OutIndexerT,
+          typename TransformerT,
+          typename ScanOpT,
+          bool include_initial>
+class inclusive_scan_iter_local_scan_striped_krn;
 template <typename inputT,
           typename outputT,
@@ -177,22 +188,22 @@ template <typename inputT,
           typename ScanOpT,
           bool include_initial = false>
-inclusive_scan_base_step(sycl::queue &exec_q,
-                         const std::size_t wg_size,
-                         const std::size_t iter_nelems,
-                         const std::size_t acc_nelems,
-                         const inputT *input,
-                         outputT *output,
-                         const std::size_t s0,
-                         const std::size_t s1,
-                         const IterIndexerT &iter_indexer,
-                         const InpIndexerT &inp_indexer,
-                         const OutIndexerT &out_indexer,
-                         TransformerT transformer,
-                         const ScanOpT &scan_op,
-                         outputT identity,
-                         std::size_t &acc_groups,
-                         const std::vector<sycl::event> &depends = {})
+inclusive_scan_base_step_blocked(sycl::queue &exec_q,
+                                 const std::uint32_t wg_size,
+                                 const std::size_t iter_nelems,
+                                 const std::size_t acc_nelems,
+                                 const inputT *input,
+                                 outputT *output,
+                                 const std::size_t s0,
+                                 const std::size_t s1,
+                                 const IterIndexerT &iter_indexer,
+                                 const InpIndexerT &inp_indexer,
+                                 const OutIndexerT &out_indexer,
+                                 TransformerT transformer,
+                                 const ScanOpT &scan_op,
+                                 outputT identity,
+                                 std::size_t &acc_groups,
+                                 const std::vector<sycl::event> &depends = {})
     acc_groups = ceiling_quotient<std::size_t>(acc_nelems, n_wi * wg_size);
@@ -208,7 +219,7 @@ inclusive_scan_base_step(sycl::queue &exec_q,
         slmT slm_iscan_tmp(lws, cgh);
-        using KernelName = inclusive_scan_iter_local_scan_krn<
+        using KernelName = inclusive_scan_iter_local_scan_blocked_krn<
             inputT, outputT, n_wi, IterIndexerT, InpIndexerT, OutIndexerT,
             TransformerT, ScanOpT, include_initial>;
@@ -218,6 +229,7 @@ inclusive_scan_base_step(sycl::queue &exec_q,
             const std::size_t gid = it.get_global_id(0);
             const std::size_t lid = it.get_local_id(0);
+            const std::uint32_t wg_size = it.get_local_range(0);
             const std::size_t reduce_chunks = acc_groups * wg_size;
             const std::size_t iter_gid = gid / reduce_chunks;
             const std::size_t chunk_gid = gid - (iter_gid * reduce_chunks);
@@ -268,7 +280,8 @@ inclusive_scan_base_step(sycl::queue &exec_q,
             else {
                 wg_iscan_val = su_ns::custom_inclusive_scan_over_group(
-                    it.get_group(), slm_iscan_tmp, local_iscan.back(), scan_op);
+                    it.get_group(), it.get_sub_group(), slm_iscan_tmp,
+                    local_iscan.back(), identity, scan_op);
                 // ensure all finished reading from SLM, to avoid race condition
                 // with subsequent writes into SLM
@@ -276,11 +289,11 @@ inclusive_scan_base_step(sycl::queue &exec_q,
             slm_iscan_tmp[(lid + 1) % wg_size] = wg_iscan_val;
-            outputT addand = (lid == 0) ? identity : slm_iscan_tmp[lid];
+            const outputT modifier = (lid == 0) ? identity : slm_iscan_tmp[lid];
 #pragma unroll
             for (nwiT m_wi = 0; m_wi < n_wi; ++m_wi) {
-                local_iscan[m_wi] = scan_op(local_iscan[m_wi], addand);
+                local_iscan[m_wi] = scan_op(local_iscan[m_wi], modifier);
             const std::size_t start = std::min(i, acc_nelems);
@@ -296,6 +309,249 @@ inclusive_scan_base_step(sycl::queue &exec_q,
     return inc_scan_phase1_ev;
+template <typename inputT,
+          typename outputT,
+          nwiT n_wi,
+          typename IterIndexerT,
+          typename InpIndexerT,
+          typename OutIndexerT,
+          typename TransformerT,
+          typename ScanOpT,
+          bool include_initial = false>
+inclusive_scan_base_step_striped(sycl::queue &exec_q,
+                                 const std::uint32_t wg_size,
+                                 const std::size_t iter_nelems,
+                                 const std::size_t acc_nelems,
+                                 const inputT *input,
+                                 outputT *output,
+                                 const std::size_t s0,
+                                 const std::size_t s1,
+                                 const IterIndexerT &iter_indexer,
+                                 const InpIndexerT &inp_indexer,
+                                 const OutIndexerT &out_indexer,
+                                 TransformerT transformer,
+                                 const ScanOpT &scan_op,
+                                 outputT identity,
+                                 std::size_t &acc_groups,
+                                 const std::vector<sycl::event> &depends = {})
+    const std::uint32_t reduce_nelems_per_wg = n_wi * wg_size;
+    acc_groups =
+        ceiling_quotient<std::size_t>(acc_nelems, reduce_nelems_per_wg);
+    sycl::event inc_scan_phase1_ev = exec_q.submit([&](sycl::handler &cgh) {
+        cgh.depends_on(depends);
+        using slmT = sycl::local_accessor<outputT, 1>;
+        const auto &gRange = sycl::range<1>{iter_nelems * acc_groups * wg_size};
+        const auto &lRange = sycl::range<1>{wg_size};
+        const auto &ndRange = sycl::nd_range<1>{gRange, lRange};
+        slmT slm_iscan_tmp(reduce_nelems_per_wg, cgh);
+        using KernelName = inclusive_scan_iter_local_scan_striped_krn<
+            inputT, outputT, n_wi, IterIndexerT, InpIndexerT, OutIndexerT,
+            TransformerT, ScanOpT, include_initial>;
+        cgh.parallel_for<KernelName>(ndRange, [=, slm_iscan_tmp =
+                                                      std::move(slm_iscan_tmp)](
+                                                  sycl::nd_item<1> it) {
+            const std::uint32_t lid = it.get_local_linear_id();
+            const std::uint32_t wg_size = it.get_local_range(0);
+            const auto &sg = it.get_sub_group();
+            const std::uint32_t sgSize = sg.get_max_local_range()[0];
+            const std::size_t sgroup_id = sg.get_group_id()[0];
+            const std::uint32_t lane_id = sg.get_local_id()[0];
+            const std::size_t flat_group_id = it.get_group(0);
+            const std::size_t iter_gid = flat_group_id / acc_groups;
+            const std::size_t acc_group_id =
+                flat_group_id - (iter_gid * acc_groups);
+            const auto &iter_offsets = iter_indexer(iter_gid);
+            const auto &inp_iter_offset = iter_offsets.get_first_offset();
+            const auto &out_iter_offset = iter_offsets.get_second_offset();
+            std::array<outputT, n_wi> local_iscan{};
+            const std::size_t inp_id0 = acc_group_id * n_wi * wg_size +
+                                        sgroup_id * n_wi * sgSize + lane_id;
+#pragma unroll
+            for (nwiT m_wi = 0; m_wi < n_wi; ++m_wi) {
+                const std::size_t inp_id = inp_id0 + m_wi * sgSize;
+                if constexpr (!include_initial) {
+                    local_iscan[m_wi] =
+                        (inp_id < acc_nelems)
+                            ? transformer(input[inp_iter_offset +
+                                                inp_indexer(s0 + s1 * inp_id)])
+                            : identity;
+                }
+                else {
+                    // shift input to the left by a single element relative to
+                    // output
+                    local_iscan[m_wi] =
+                        (inp_id < acc_nelems && inp_id > 0)
+                            ? transformer(
+                                  input[inp_iter_offset +
+                                        inp_indexer((s0 + s1 * inp_id) - 1)])
+                            : identity;
+                }
+            }
+            // change layout from striped to blocked
+            {
+                {
+                    const std::uint32_t local_offset0 = lid * n_wi;
+#pragma unroll
+                    for (std::uint32_t i = 0; i < n_wi; ++i) {
+                        slm_iscan_tmp[local_offset0 + i] = local_iscan[i];
+                    }
+                    it.barrier(sycl::access::fence_space::local_space);
+                }
+                {
+                    const std::uint32_t block_offset =
+                        sgroup_id * sgSize * n_wi;
+                    const std::uint32_t disp0 = lane_id * n_wi;
+#pragma unroll
+                    for (nwiT i = 0; i < n_wi; ++i) {
+                        const std::uint32_t disp = disp0 + i;
+                        // disp == lane_id1 + i1 * sgSize;
+                        const std::uint32_t i1 = disp / sgSize;
+                        const std::uint32_t lane_id1 = disp - i1 * sgSize;
+                        const std::uint32_t disp_exchanged =
+                            (lane_id1 * n_wi + i1);
+                        local_iscan[i] =
+                            slm_iscan_tmp[block_offset + disp_exchanged];
+                    }
+                    it.barrier(sycl::access::fence_space::local_space);
+                }
+            }
+#pragma unroll
+            for (nwiT m_wi = 1; m_wi < n_wi; ++m_wi) {
+                local_iscan[m_wi] =
+                    scan_op(local_iscan[m_wi], local_iscan[m_wi - 1]);
+            }
+            // local_iscan is now result of
+            // inclusive scan of locally stored inputs
+            outputT wg_iscan_val;
+            if constexpr (can_use_inclusive_scan_over_group<ScanOpT,
+                                                            outputT>::value)
+            {
+                wg_iscan_val = sycl::inclusive_scan_over_group(
+                    it.get_group(), local_iscan.back(), scan_op, identity);
+            }
+            else {
+                wg_iscan_val = su_ns::custom_inclusive_scan_over_group(
+                    it.get_group(), sg, slm_iscan_tmp, local_iscan.back(),
+                    identity, scan_op);
+                // ensure all finished reading from SLM, to avoid race condition
+                // with subsequent writes into SLM
+                it.barrier(sycl::access::fence_space::local_space);
+            }
+            slm_iscan_tmp[(lid + 1) % wg_size] = wg_iscan_val;
+            it.barrier(sycl::access::fence_space::local_space);
+            const outputT modifier = (lid == 0) ? identity : slm_iscan_tmp[lid];
+#pragma unroll
+            for (nwiT m_wi = 0; m_wi < n_wi; ++m_wi) {
+                local_iscan[m_wi] = scan_op(local_iscan[m_wi], modifier);
+            }
+            it.barrier(sycl::access::fence_space::local_space);
+            // convert back to blocked layout
+            {
+                {
+                    const std::uint32_t local_offset0 = lid * n_wi;
+#pragma unroll
+                    for (nwiT m_wi = 0; m_wi < n_wi; ++m_wi) {
+                        slm_iscan_tmp[local_offset0 + m_wi] = local_iscan[m_wi];
+                    }
+                    it.barrier(sycl::access::fence_space::local_space);
+                }
+            }
+            {
+                const std::uint32_t block_offset =
+                    sgroup_id * sgSize * n_wi + lane_id;
+#pragma unroll
+                for (nwiT m_wi = 0; m_wi < n_wi; ++m_wi) {
+                    const std::uint32_t m_wi_scaled = m_wi * sgSize;
+                    const std::size_t out_id = inp_id0 + m_wi_scaled;
+                    if (out_id < acc_nelems) {
+                        output[out_iter_offset + out_indexer(out_id)] =
+                            slm_iscan_tmp[block_offset + m_wi_scaled];
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        });
+    });
+    return inc_scan_phase1_ev;
+template <typename inputT,
+          typename outputT,
+          nwiT n_wi,
+          typename IterIndexerT,
+          typename InpIndexerT,
+          typename OutIndexerT,
+          typename TransformerT,
+          typename ScanOpT,
+          bool include_initial = false>
+inclusive_scan_base_step(sycl::queue &exec_q,
+                         const std::uint32_t wg_size,
+                         const std::size_t iter_nelems,
+                         const std::size_t acc_nelems,
+                         const inputT *input,
+                         outputT *output,
+                         const std::size_t s0,
+                         const std::size_t s1,
+                         const IterIndexerT &iter_indexer,
+                         const InpIndexerT &inp_indexer,
+                         const OutIndexerT &out_indexer,
+                         TransformerT transformer,
+                         const ScanOpT &scan_op,
+                         outputT identity,
+                         std::size_t &acc_groups,
+                         const std::vector<sycl::event> &depends = {})
+    // For small stride use striped load/store.
+    // Threshold value chosen experimentally.
+    if (s1 <= 16) {
+        return inclusive_scan_base_step_striped<
+            inputT, outputT, n_wi, IterIndexerT, InpIndexerT, OutIndexerT,
+            TransformerT, ScanOpT, include_initial>(
+            exec_q, wg_size, iter_nelems, acc_nelems, input, output, s0, s1,
+            iter_indexer, inp_indexer, out_indexer, transformer, scan_op,
+            identity, acc_groups, depends);
+    }
+    else {
+        return inclusive_scan_base_step_blocked<
+            inputT, outputT, n_wi, IterIndexerT, InpIndexerT, OutIndexerT,
+            TransformerT, ScanOpT, include_initial>(
+            exec_q, wg_size, iter_nelems, acc_nelems, input, output, s0, s1,
+            iter_indexer, inp_indexer, out_indexer, transformer, scan_op,
+            identity, acc_groups, depends);
+    }
 template <typename inputT,
           typename outputT,
           nwiT n_wi,
@@ -318,7 +574,7 @@ template <typename inputT,
           typename ScanOpT,
           bool include_initial>
 sycl::event inclusive_scan_iter_1d(sycl::queue &exec_q,
-                                   const std::size_t wg_size,
+                                   const std::uint32_t wg_size,
                                    const std::size_t n_elems,
                                    const inputT *input,
                                    outputT *output,
@@ -512,7 +768,7 @@ accumulate_1d_contig_impl(sycl::queue &q,
     const sycl::device &dev = q.get_device();
     if (dev.has(sycl::aspect::cpu)) {
         constexpr nwiT n_wi_for_cpu = 8;
-        const std::size_t wg_size = 256;
+        const std::uint32_t wg_size = 256;
         comp_ev = inclusive_scan_iter_1d<srcT, dstT, n_wi_for_cpu, NoOpIndexerT,
                                          transformerT, AccumulateOpT,
@@ -521,7 +777,10 @@ accumulate_1d_contig_impl(sycl::queue &q,
     else {
         constexpr nwiT n_wi_for_gpu = 4;
-        const std::size_t wg_size = 256;
+        // base_scan_striped algorithm does not execute correctly
+        // on HIP device with wg_size > 64
+        const std::uint32_t wg_size =
+            (q.get_backend() == sycl::backend::ext_oneapi_hip) ? 64 : 256;
         comp_ev = inclusive_scan_iter_1d<srcT, dstT, n_wi_for_gpu, NoOpIndexerT,
                                          transformerT, AccumulateOpT,
@@ -553,7 +812,7 @@ template <typename inputT,
           typename ScanOpT,
           bool include_initial>
 sycl::event inclusive_scan_iter(sycl::queue &exec_q,
-                                const std::size_t wg_size,
+                                const std::uint32_t wg_size,
                                 const std::size_t iter_nelems,
                                 const std::size_t acc_nelems,
                                 const inputT *input,
@@ -914,7 +1173,7 @@ accumulate_strided_impl(sycl::queue &q,
     sycl::event comp_ev;
     if (dev.has(sycl::aspect::cpu)) {
         constexpr nwiT n_wi_for_cpu = 8;
-        const std::size_t wg_size = 256;
+        const std::uint32_t wg_size = 256;
         comp_ev =
             inclusive_scan_iter<srcT, dstT, n_wi_for_cpu, InpIndexerT,
                                 OutIndexerT, InpIndexerT, OutIndexerT,
@@ -925,7 +1184,10 @@ accumulate_strided_impl(sycl::queue &q,
     else {
         constexpr nwiT n_wi_for_gpu = 4;
-        const std::size_t wg_size = 256;
+        // base_scan_striped algorithm does not execute correctly
+        // on HIP device with wg_size > 64
+        const std::uint32_t wg_size =
+            (q.get_backend() == sycl::backend::ext_oneapi_hip) ? 64 : 256;
         comp_ev =
             inclusive_scan_iter<srcT, dstT, n_wi_for_gpu, InpIndexerT,
                                 OutIndexerT, InpIndexerT, OutIndexerT,
@@ -970,7 +1232,7 @@ std::size_t cumsum_val_contig_impl(sycl::queue &q,
     const sycl::device &dev = q.get_device();
     if (dev.has(sycl::aspect::cpu)) {
         constexpr nwiT n_wi_for_cpu = 8;
-        const std::size_t wg_size = 256;
+        const std::uint32_t wg_size = 256;
         comp_ev = inclusive_scan_iter_1d<maskT, cumsumT, n_wi_for_cpu,
                                          NoOpIndexerT, transformerT,
                                          AccumulateOpT, include_initial>(
@@ -979,7 +1241,10 @@ std::size_t cumsum_val_contig_impl(sycl::queue &q,
     else {
         constexpr nwiT n_wi_for_gpu = 4;
-        const std::size_t wg_size = 256;
+        // base_scan_striped algorithm does not execute correctly
+        // on HIP device with wg_size > 64
+        const std::uint32_t wg_size =
+            (q.get_backend() == sycl::backend::ext_oneapi_hip) ? 64 : 256;
         comp_ev = inclusive_scan_iter_1d<maskT, cumsumT, n_wi_for_gpu,
                                          NoOpIndexerT, transformerT,
                                          AccumulateOpT, include_initial>(
@@ -1081,7 +1346,7 @@ cumsum_val_strided_impl(sycl::queue &q,
     sycl::event comp_ev;
     if (dev.has(sycl::aspect::cpu)) {
         constexpr nwiT n_wi_for_cpu = 8;
-        const std::size_t wg_size = 256;
+        const std::uint32_t wg_size = 256;
         comp_ev = inclusive_scan_iter_1d<maskT, cumsumT, n_wi_for_cpu,
                                          StridedIndexerT, transformerT,
                                          AccumulateOpT, include_initial>(
@@ -1090,7 +1355,10 @@ cumsum_val_strided_impl(sycl::queue &q,
     else {
         constexpr nwiT n_wi_for_gpu = 4;
-        const std::size_t wg_size = 256;
+        // base_scan_striped algorithm does not execute correctly
+        // on HIP device with wg_size > 64
+        const std::uint32_t wg_size =
+            (q.get_backend() == sycl::backend::ext_oneapi_hip) ? 64 : 256;
         comp_ev = inclusive_scan_iter_1d<maskT, cumsumT, n_wi_for_gpu,
                                          StridedIndexerT, transformerT,
                                          AccumulateOpT, include_initial>(
diff --git a/dpctl/tensor/libtensor/include/utils/sycl_utils.hpp b/dpctl/tensor/libtensor/include/utils/sycl_utils.hpp
index 52bc50e4e1..a4ace720ce 100644
--- a/dpctl/tensor/libtensor/include/utils/sycl_utils.hpp
+++ b/dpctl/tensor/libtensor/include/utils/sycl_utils.hpp
@@ -212,29 +212,89 @@ T custom_reduce_over_group(const GroupT &wg,
     return sycl::group_broadcast(wg, red_val_over_wg, 0);
-template <typename T, typename GroupT, typename LocAccT, typename OpT>
-T custom_inclusive_scan_over_group(const GroupT &wg,
-                                   LocAccT local_mem_acc,
-                                   const T local_val,
-                                   const OpT &op)
+template <typename GroupT,
+          typename SubGroupT,
+          typename LocAccT,
+          typename T,
+          typename OpT>
+T custom_inclusive_scan_over_group(GroupT &&wg,
+                                   SubGroupT &&sg,
+                                   LocAccT &&local_mem_acc,
+                                   const T &local_val,
+                                   const T &identity,
+                                   OpT &&op)
     const std::uint32_t local_id = wg.get_local_id(0);
     const std::uint32_t wgs = wg.get_local_range(0);
-    local_mem_acc[local_id] = local_val;
+    const std::uint32_t lane_id = sg.get_local_id()[0];
+    const std::uint32_t sgSize = sg.get_local_range()[0];
+    T scan_val = local_val;
+    for (std::uint32_t step = 1; step < sgSize; step *= 2) {
+        const bool advanced_lane = (lane_id >= step);
+        const std::uint32_t src_lane_id =
+            (advanced_lane ? lane_id - step : lane_id);
+        const T modifier = sycl::select_from_group(sg, scan_val, src_lane_id);
+        if (advanced_lane) {
+            scan_val = op(scan_val, modifier);
+        }
+    }
+    local_mem_acc[local_id] = scan_val;
     sycl::group_barrier(wg, sycl::memory_scope::work_group);
-    if (wg.leader()) {
-        T scan_val = local_mem_acc[0];
-        for (std::uint32_t i = 1; i < wgs; ++i) {
-            scan_val = op(local_mem_acc[i], scan_val);
-            local_mem_acc[i] = scan_val;
+    const std::uint32_t max_sgSize = sg.get_max_local_range()[0];
+    const std::uint32_t sgr_id = sg.get_group_id()[0];
+    // now scan
+    const std::uint32_t n_aggregates = 1 + ((wgs - 1) / max_sgSize);
+    const bool large_wg = (n_aggregates > max_sgSize);
+    if (large_wg) {
+        if (wg.leader()) {
+            T _scan_val = identity;
+            for (std::uint32_t i = 1; i <= n_aggregates - max_sgSize; ++i) {
+                _scan_val = op(local_mem_acc[i * max_sgSize - 1], _scan_val);
+                local_mem_acc[i * max_sgSize - 1] = _scan_val;
+            }
+        sycl::group_barrier(wg, sycl::memory_scope::work_group);
-    // ensure all work-items see the same SLM that leader updated
+    if (sgr_id == 0) {
+        const std::uint32_t offset =
+            (large_wg) ? n_aggregates - max_sgSize : 0u;
+        const bool in_range = (lane_id < n_aggregates);
+        const bool in_bounds = in_range && (lane_id > 0 || large_wg);
+        T __scan_val = (in_bounds)
+                           ? local_mem_acc[(offset + lane_id) * max_sgSize - 1]
+                           : identity;
+        for (std::uint32_t step = 1; step < sgSize; step *= 2) {
+            const bool advanced_lane = (lane_id >= step);
+            const std::uint32_t src_lane_id =
+                (advanced_lane ? lane_id - step : lane_id);
+            const T modifier =
+                sycl::select_from_group(sg, __scan_val, src_lane_id);
+            if (advanced_lane && in_range) {
+                __scan_val = op(__scan_val, modifier);
+            }
+        }
+        if (in_bounds) {
+            local_mem_acc[(offset + lane_id) * max_sgSize - 1] = __scan_val;
+        }
+    }
     sycl::group_barrier(wg, sycl::memory_scope::work_group);
-    return local_mem_acc[local_id];
+    if (sgr_id > 0) {
+        const T modifier = local_mem_acc[sgr_id * max_sgSize - 1];
+        scan_val = op(scan_val, modifier);
+    }
+    // ensure all work-items finished reading from SLM
+    sycl::group_barrier(wg, sycl::memory_scope::work_group);
+    return scan_val;
 // Reduction functors