Installed on your machine:
- Node.js >= 18 (official website)
- npm or yarn (recommended) - for package management
Clone the project
git clone
Fill .env based on env.example file
Go to the project directory
cd govtool/frontend
Install dependencies
npm install
or (recommended)
yarn install
Start the server
npm run dev
or (recommended)
yarn dev
- TypeScript - ^5.0.2
- React - ^18.2.0
- React Router Dom - ^6.13.0
- Vite - ^4.3.9
- Material UI - ^5.14.4
- Storybook - ^7.4.5
- Axios - ^1.4.0
- React Query - ^3.39.3
- React-Hook-Form - ^7.47.0
- Yup - ^1.3.2
- Keen-Slider - ^6.8.5
- Sentry - ^7.77.0
- Cardano serialization lib - 12.0.0-alpha.19
- i18next - ^23.7.19
- eslint - ^8.38.0
- vitest - ^1.1.0
- chromatic - ^10.0.0
Install Git
- version control.
Recommended React developer tools
To automatically set correct node version:
- Install
- Install
version of node
nvm install lts/hydrogen
- Having that every time you enter the
automatically sets the correct version of node.
- Install modules
npm install
or (recommended)
yarn install
- Launch Server
npm run dev
or (recommended)
yarn dev
Get Nix.
Get direnv.
Fill .envrc based on envrc.example file in project root.
cd govtool/frontend
- Allow direnv to setup your environment:
direnv allow
- Run project
yarn dev
To update the yarn.lock file after changes are made, run nix develop .#js
for a developer shell with correct yarn/nodejs versions
Check our Contributing Documentation on how to submit a PR.
The GovTool application can read and display data from the Cardano chain using REST API. We distinguish two types of users:
- See the governance actions along with their details and the number of votes
- See the governance actions along with their details and the number of votes.
- Display the wallet status.
- Delegate his or her voting power in a form of ADA to dReps.
- Register as DRrep or Direct Voter.
- Vote for the Governance Actions of his or her choice (if the user is registered).
- Create their own Governance Action.