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File metadata and controls

19 lines (15 loc) · 1.28 KB

Reporduce only on flyio

  1. Run the following to lauch and deploy this server to flyio
fly launch --org intuned-dev --remote-only
fly deploy --remote-only
  1. cd into update HOSTNAME and MACHINE_URL contansts with the flyio veriables

  2. cd into testing and run ts-node index.ts this should run the main function. Read note before running.


  • This function calls installDepsAndGetBrowserSession which will create a directory, mount templete files and install dependacies and will get you a browser session to the test connection to it. The connection string should work normally. This connection string works on both localhost and flyio.

  • The websocket url that fails to connect on flyio is on getNodeProcessConnectionUrl. To get that one out run

    • flyctl ssh console -a {flyio-app-name}
    • start node debugging process node --inspect-brk ./node_modules/.bin/intuned-api-runner
    • uncomment getNodeProcessConnectionUrl and comment installDepsAndGetBrowserSession and run ts-node index.ts inside testing folder.
    • You'll get the connection string in console similar to ws://{hostname}/devtools/process/631e2c83-3877-46ee-b130-8763d5d1c1c5. This is what were we are struggling to connect to and couldn't reproduce localy or on other hosting services like aws.