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File metadata and controls

161 lines (134 loc) · 7.7 KB

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Dev 08 May '20

  • Added ServiceUp with config file to do periodic check if a services is up, and report to homie storage
  • added mechansisms with config file to call CoAP periodically to read .json from an http endpoint

Dev 01 Mar'20

  • New Docker container only to hande reporting configured in Ansible Service, container name home_dig2bi_1 - all reporting to be moved here.
  • Added web services end points at /dig2/devices and /dig2/nodepropvals - accessable on the url:port of the base service. (Must still add security)

Version dig2home_v020 priot to end Jan 2020

  • This version is prior to the breakup of flows to Containers. It does Homie. Hossted on Bitbucket.

Dev 25 Jan '20

  • Moved /data/projects/Prod/code yaml settings files to /data/project/iotp.conf as a configuration settings folder, to get it out from underneath Git, so that changes can be made to settings without cloning the project fro bitbucket git.
  • 4 x delete buttons on screen Setup Variables and 4 x Load buttons to relaod...
  • Changed current screen Setup to Setup_Help

03 Jan '20

  • Added have completed darksky api mechanism to check the rain - how much did, it, and how much going to.

Dev 24 Sep'19

  • Self-Discovery of Devices & Things. Completed this release. ~ "We will use the Homie mqtt self-discovery standard. Homie - An MQTT Convention for IoT/M2M. "
  • Added transform rules device to homeBridge
  • Added homeBridge translator & setup file
  • Added homeBridge to homie .../set directive --> to device /cmd for ESP and /command for shelly
  • Broker: from homeKit --> homie --> devices
    • done(homeKit rules in mqtt setup files: homekitServices), add - re codeX per prev model, shall we do unique code in mqtt settings?
  • a Broker for ~ from HomeKit to a MQTT queue, back to Homie:
    topic: "iotpHomeKit/command/Lig-10"
    payload: {"On":false}
  • homie Settable & set using the ESP_Easy homie plug-in:
  • Tested all lights from homeBridge
  • homeBridge docker ansible install

Dev 23 Jul'19

  • Tested State machine simulations
  • cleaned up Web interface
  • changed alarm from 1/0 to false/true
  • Thing Status dashboard node (rest still in DEPRECATED)- remove old, but have we got all to new? - yes.

Dev 22 Jul'19 (late at night)

  • added shellies announce to homie for ip, mac, state. still to be done = fw.
  • added error reporting, tracking db still to be built on Broker.
  • test & adjust non ESP & homie standards mqtt in messages & brokering. Added in file tf_to_HomieRules.yml a section to not use incoming messages, pointing to: mqtt_to : homie/iotp/knowndoNotUse

Dev 22 Jul'19 (on Plane from Amsterdam)

  • Fixed Cannot report to Dashboard this input - device/node/property/attribute
  • fixed: espeasy/ESP62/Air/Temperature/$name "Outside Temp" - "TypeError: Cannot read property 'getDate' of undefined"
  • adding error handling to reporting tool.
  • Send empty string to Shados dashboard if empty
  • homieClientSetup file under /code to setup the system, according to homie standards.
  • Thing Shadow html - scroll only last x entries
  • deleted older homie broker functions:
    • Cr/Upd Homie.Twin (arrays)
    • Update homie Shadow old with homie obj
  • partially: homeKit rules in mqtt setup files: homekitServices
  • moved DEPRECATED to its tab.
  • clean up sheet "Twin" - remove & deprecate old stuff
  • upgraded Twin Test-System-Components, moved 2ndto 4th start of Twin to DEPRECATED, moved remaining Startup to Setup sheet
  • moved homie test battery from sheet ESP toTest homie

DEV: 20 Jul '19 (on plane back from Canada)

  • espeasy/ESP66/Air/$name "Environmental DHT22"
  • espeasy/ESP66/Air/Temperature/$name "Outside Temp"

Dev: 10 Jul '19 (on plane to Vancouver)

  • Completed:
    • homie Test Data (ESP62)
    • homie Dashboard - can display Thing Shadow by cycling through homieShw global context

Dev: 29 May:

  • client_devices.yml
    • Ready array transformToHomieTopic, and transform incoming to outgoing topic and values for incoming topics:
      • home/OpenMQTTGateway
      • Paradox/
      • shellies/
    • filter out incoming shellies/announce topic (TODO - a list for filtering out.)
    • incoming stats from for instance home/OpenMQTTGateway is a json object with several indicators

Dev: 21 May'19

  • Build homieCDev Homie client Devices - translation of such incoming messages to homie txObj format
  • Flow Broker-Homie:
    • '2|device-stats' : homie/ESP70/$stats/uptime -> 6654 // done
    • '1|device' : homie/ESP70/$state -> "ready". // done

Dev: 09 May 22:43

  • Split Twin 1st stat in cfg's and reg.
  • Added cfg_lists homieAttributes v301
  • Added homieDeviceConvert file, code/client_devices.yml

Dev: 09 May 00:10

  • Changed ESP's:
    • espeasy/ESP70/LWT --> homie/ESP70/$state
    • espeasy/ESP70/System/Uptime --? espeasy/ESP70/$stats/uptime
      • multiplied minutes with 60 for homie compliance
  • Changed 'Update homie Shadow' to new way.
    • new variables, when an Attribute, does not use the ID.
  • Changed global homie shadow.

Dev: 29 Apr 01:12

  • if arr is not empty, check if deviceId is present, if so, add $state, if not, add deviceId, and $state, 1st on Test Homie.
  • espeasy/ESP66/System/Uptime
    • get Uptime espeasy in homie to work
    • one homie conversion
  • homie_example.yml as test batch for how homie json would look like. not done:
  • new deviceId/$state function (not required as retained on ea deviceID will run 1st?)

Dev: 22 Apr 20:15

  • Testing tool - homie_example.yml external file with correct structure
  • Successful added homie/ESP66/$state -> ready from espeasy/ESP66/LWT if object/array is empty

Dev 22 Apr 19 01:05

  • espeasy brough to homie
  • Paradox messages in.
  • homie-like discovery & Shadow.

Dev: 17 Apr 23:35

  • Added cfg_vars.eventsToDig2Twin false / true. // for controlling if events should be sent to dig2Twin, in Broker.
    • Events from Shellies, ESPEasy, homedig2 controlled with cfg_vars.eventsToDig2Twin.
  • Added eventsToDig2Twin control from dig2Iotp events stream to HomeKit in Broker.

Dev to Bitbucket 14 Apr 19 15:36 gmt+2:

  • When receiving json from ESP: ie. "val"{"CurrentDoorState":0, "TargetDoorState":0}, process & send to HomeKit
    • timestamp x 1000 received from %unixtime%
  • removed gat-1a from Registry, not required anymore, and Change node for that.

Dev to Bitbucket 14 Apr 19 01:52 gmt+2

  • Added ESPEasy LWT

  • Implemented Homie for ESP_Easy, by reading the /json endpoint (not for Tasks yet)

  • Prepared msg from RF gateway into a json formatted message, ready for translation into dig2 iotp protocol?

    • [dig2.Broker] Translate broker mgt. events from RF Gateway to dig2.iotp protocol
    • [dig2.Broker] Translate trigger events from RF Gateway to dig2.iotp protocol
  • Naming convention of Flows & flow descriptions

  • Formatting changes to flows

To Bitbucket @ 2019.04.12 22h50:

  • [dig2.Broker]: home/OpenMQTTGateway/ - seperate uptime. LWT, version, /SRFBtoMQTT into own msg's.
  • [dig2.Broker]: Added Broker mqtt in: home/OpenMQTTGateway/#
  • [dig2.Registry]: Added OpenMQTTGateway to Registry
  • [dig2.Broker]: iotp msg --> HomeKit: filter out HomeKit = N/A
  • [dig2.Twin]: - Event Date on Web, TX problem. : Solutions was JSONata [z] , +0200, could be an issue if used in another TZ.

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