#Statistics Key Browser Development
A single page web app that provides a browsable, searchable view of Isilon statistics keys. A Python script generates the html by querying an Isilon cluster for the list of statistics keys, then organizing and categorizing the keys before outputting the html app to web_app.
##Requirements Python: 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5
Dependencies listed in requirements-dev.txt
Isilon SDK Python language bindings
##Development getting started
###Clone this repo:
git clone <repo>
cd isilon_stat_browser
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
make unittests
make coverage
The functional tests are only a stub currently.
make functional_tests
###Run the page building tool First, convert the tagging data to JSON. This step creates stat_key_browser/data/key_tags.json and stat_key_browser/data/key_cats.json
make tags
Then run the browser builder:
./build_stat_browser.py -c <cluster IP>
The build will pause to request cluster IP, username and password.
make dist
Supply the cluster IP, username and password when building via automation.
make dist BUILD_BROWSER_ARGS='-c <cluster IP> -u <username> -p <password>'
Note: This is a temporary manual process to be used by repo owners to cut a release until automated build/release is implemented.
Once the master branch is in a state ready for a release, tag the current commit with a version number.
git tag -a v0.0.1 -m 'version 0.0.1'
Push the tag to git
git push origin v0.0.1
Create the distribution for release
make dist BUILD_BROWSER_ARGS='-c <cluster IP> -u <username> -p <password>'
This creates a .zip file in the top-level project directory. The file will be automatically named with the version specified in the tag. If no version number appears in the file name something has gone wrong.
Go to isilon_stat_browser/releases and draft a new release. Enter the tag into the tag version box and the tag should be recognized as an existing tag.
Enter any needed release notes
Attach the zipped release distribution to the release.
Publish the release.
The developer facing readme that you are reading now.
The user-facing readme that gets packaged into the distributable zip.
A human written and readable file that defines which categories and subcategories are to be applied to lists of key names. Parsed into json by hexaparse.py during make tags
The automatically generated JSON that results when hexaparse.py parses key_cats.hexa during the build process. This file is referenced by build_stat_browser.py to categorize stat keys received from PAPI.
A human written and readable file that defines which tags are to be applied to lists of key names. Parsed into json by hexaparse.py during the build process.
The automatically generated JSON that results when hexaparse.py parsed key_tags.hexa during the build process. This file is referenced by build_stat_browser.py to tag stat keys received from PAPI and is part of the distributable zip.
JSON formatted stat keys with tags and categories attached. This is created by build_stat_browser.py and read by the html app's JavaScript.
The main template for the app. Contains the main html plus categories.
Contains a template representing a single key and all of its info, including its extra info.
This is the file opened by the user to view the stat browser. This file is rendered by build_stat_browser.py from the templates, the definitions in key_tags.json and from the PAPI supplied list of keys.