diff --git a/.github/workflows/run_ec2_pcluster.yaml b/.github/workflows/run_ec2_pcluster.yaml index c5618e4..a975104 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/run_ec2_pcluster.yaml +++ b/.github/workflows/run_ec2_pcluster.yaml @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ jobs: cat < setup.sh #!/bin/bash - echo "Loading ufs-bundle environment using spack-stack-1.5.1" + echo "Loading ufs-bundle environment using spack-stack-1.7.0" ulimit -s unlimited ulimit -c unlimited @@ -84,13 +84,14 @@ jobs: source /opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2022.1.0/env/vars.sh - module use /mnt/experiments-efs/skylab-v7/spack-stack-1.5.1/envs/unified-env/install/modulefiles/Core - module load stack-intel/2022.1.0 + module use /mnt/experiments-efs/skylab-v8/spack-stack-1.7.0-ci-c6i/envs/ue-intel-2021.6.0/install/modulefiles/Core + module load stack-intel/2021.6.0 module load stack-intel-oneapi-mpi/2021.6.0 - module load stack-python/3.10.8 + module load stack-python/3.10.13 + module load sp/2.5.0 - module load jedi-ufs-env/1.0.0 - module load fms/2023.02.01 + module load jedi-ufs-env + module load fms/2023.04 module li @@ -183,6 +184,6 @@ jobs: # For testing: only notify user Dom #mention_users: 'U02NLGXF5HV' #mention_users_when: 'failure,warnings' - ## Default: notify channel + # Default: notify channel mention_groups: '!channel' mention_groups_when: 'failure,warnings' diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 84bbfca..f28bcc6 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -4,41 +4,42 @@ Bundle for interfacing UFS applications with JEDI interfaces ## Required thirdparty libraries -This bundle requires loading the `jedi-ufs-env` and after that the `fms/2023.02.01` and `awscli/1.27.84` modules of spack-stack-1.5.1, or any equivalent installation providing the following modules: +This bundle requires loading the `jedi-ufs-env`, `sp/2.5.0` and `awscli-v2/2.13.22` modules of spack-stack-1.7.0, or any equivalent installation providing the following modules: ``` > module li Currently Loaded Modules: - 1) stack-apple-clang/13.1.6 16) c-blosc/1.21.4 31) sp/2.3.3 46) openblas/0.3.19 61) libxaw/1.0.13 76) py-h5py/3.7.0 91) libyaml/0.2.5 106) jedi-ufs-env/1.0.0 - 2) pmix/4.2.3 17) curl/8.1.2 32) ip/4.3.0 47) eckit/1.24.4 62) udunits/2.2.28 77) py-cftime/ 92) py-pyyaml/5.4.1 107) fms/2023.02.01 - 3) zlib/1.2.13 18) pkg-config/0.29.2 33) cmake/3.27.0 48) fftw/3.3.10 63) ncview/2.1.8 78) py-netcdf4/1.5.8 93) py-scipy/1.9.3 108) py-jmespath/1.0.1 - 4) openmpi/4.1.5 19) hdf5/1.14.0 34) git/2.32.0 49) fckit/0.11.0 64) netcdf-cxx4/4.3.1 79) py-bottleneck/1.3.7 94) py-packaging/23.1 109) py-urllib3/1.26.12 - 5) stack-openmpi/4.1.5 20) netcdf-c/4.9.2 35) libbacktrace/2020-02-19 50) fiat/1.2.0 65) json/3.10.5 80) py-numexpr/2.8.4 95) py-xarray/2022.3.0 110) py-botocore/1.29.84 - 6) pigz/2.7 21) netcdf-fortran/4.6.0 36) nccmp/ 51) ectrans/1.2.0 66) json-schema-validator/2.1.0 81) py-et-xmlfile/1.0.1 96) jedi-base-env/1.0.0 111) py-colorama/0.4.4 - 7) zstd/1.5.2 22) parallel-netcdf/1.12.2 37) py-pip/23.1.2 52) atlas/0.35.0 67) odc/1.4.6 82) py-jdcal/1.3 97) gftl/1.10.0 112) py-docutils/0.16 - 8) tar/1.34 23) parallelio/2.5.10 38) wget/1.21.2 53) git-lfs/3.3.0 68) py-attrs/21.4.0 83) py-openpyxl/3.0.7 98) gftl-shared/1.6.1 113) py-pyasn1/0.4.8 - 9) gettext/0.21.1 24) esmf/8.5.0 39) base-env/1.0.0 54) gsibec/1.1.3 69) py-pycparser/2.21 84) py-six/1.16.0 99) fargparse/1.5.0 114) py-rsa/4.7.2 - 10) libxcrypt/4.4.35 25) llvm-openmp/16.0.0 40) boost/1.78.0 55) gsl-lite/0.37.0 70) py-cffi/1.15.1 85) py-python-dateutil/2.8.2 100) mapl/2.40.3-esmf-8.5.0 115) py-s3transfer/0.6.0 - 11) sqlite/3.42.0 26) libjpeg/2.1.0 41) bufr/12.0.1 56) hdf/4.2.15 71) py-findlibs/0.0.2 86) py-pytz/2023.3 101) w3emc/2.10.0 116) awscli/1.27.84 - 12) python/3.10.8 27) jasper/2.0.32 42) ecbuild/3.7.2 57) jedi-cmake/1.4.0 72) py-setuptools/59.4.0 87) py-pandas/1.5.3 102) nemsio/2.5.4 - 13) stack-python/3.10.8 28) libpng/1.6.37 43) openjpeg/2.3.1 58) libxt/1.1.5 73) py-numpy/1.22.3 88) py-pybind11/2.8.1 103) sfcio/1.4.1 - 14) bacio/2.4.1 29) g2/3.4.5 44) eccodes/2.27.0 59) libxmu/1.1.4 74) py-eccodes/1.4.2 89) py-pycodestyle/2.8.0 104) sigio/2.3.2 - 15) snappy/1.1.10 30) g2tmpl/1.10.2 45) eigen/3.4.0 60) libxpm/3.5.12 75) py-f90nml/1.4.3 90) py-pyhdf/0.10.4 105) w3nco/2.4.1 + 1) stack-apple-clang/13.1.6 17) pkg-config/0.29.2 33) cmake/3.27.0 49) eigen/3.4.0 65) libxt/1.3.0 81) py-h5py/3.8.0 97) py-pycodestyle/2.11.0 113) sigio/2.3.2 + 2) pmix/5.0.1 18) hdf5/1.14.3 34) git/2.32.0 50) eckit/1.24.5 66) libxmu/1.1.4 82) py-cftime/ 98) py-pyhdf/0.10.4 114) w3nco/2.4.1 + 3) zlib-ng/2.1.5 19) netcdf-c/4.9.2 35) libbacktrace/2020-02-19 51) fftw/3.3.10 67) libxpm/3.5.17 83) py-netcdf4/1.5.8 99) libyaml/0.2.5 115) jedi-ufs-env/1.0.0 + 4) openmpi/5.0.1 20) netcdf-fortran/4.6.1 36) nccmp/ 52) fckit/0.11.0 68) libxaw/1.0.15 84) py-bottleneck/1.3.7 100) py-pyyaml/6.0 116) py-awscrt/0.16.16 + 5) stack-openmpi/5.0.1 21) parallel-netcdf/1.12.3 37) py-pip/23.1.2 53) fiat/1.2.0 69) udunits/2.2.28 85) py-numexpr/2.8.4 101) py-scipy/1.11.4 117) py-colorama/0.4.6 + 6) gettext/0.21.1 22) parallelio/2.6.2 38) libc/1.0 54) ectrans/1.2.0 70) ncview/2.1.9 86) py-et-xmlfile/1.0.1 102) py-packaging/23.1 118) py-cryptography/38.0.1 + 7) libxcrypt/4.4.35 23) esmf/8.6.0 39) wget/1.21.2 55) qhull/2020.2 71) netcdf-cxx4/4.3.1 87) py-openpyxl/3.1.2 103) py-xarray/2023.7.0 119) py-distro/1.8.0 + 8) sqlite/3.43.2 24) llvm-openmp/16.0.0 40) base-env/1.0.0 56) atlas/0.36.0 72) json/3.10.5 88) py-six/1.16.0 104) jedi-base-env/1.0.0 120) py-docutils/0.19 + 9) python/3.10.13 25) fms/2023.04 41) boost/1.84.0 57) git-lfs/3.3.0 73) json-schema-validator/2.1.0 89) py-python-dateutil/2.8.2 105) gftl/1.11.0 121) py-jmespath/1.0.1 + 10) stack-python/3.10.13 26) libjpeg/2.1.0 42) openblas/0.3.24 58) sp/2.5.0 74) odc/1.4.6 90) py-pytz/2023.3 106) gftl-shared/1.6.1 122) py-wcwidth/0.2.7 + 11) bacio/2.4.1 27) jasper/2.0.32 43) py-setuptools/63.4.3 59) gsibec/1.2.1 75) py-attrs/21.4.0 91) py-pyxlsb/1.0.10 107) fargparse/1.6.0 123) py-prompt-toolkit/3.0.38 + 12) snappy/1.1.10 28) libpng/1.6.37 44) py-numpy/1.22.3 60) gsl-lite/0.37.0 76) py-pycparser/2.21 92) py-xlrd/2.0.1 108) yafyaml/1.2.0 124) py-ruamel-yaml/0.17.16 + 13) zstd/1.5.2 29) w3emc/2.10.0 45) bufr/12.0.1 61) krb5/1.20.1 77) py-cffi/1.15.1 93) py-xlsxwriter/3.1.7 109) pflogger/1.12.0 125) py-ruamel-yaml-clib/0.2.7 + 14) c-blosc/1.21.5 30) g2/3.4.9 46) ecbuild/3.7.2 62) libtirpc/1.3.3 78) py-findlibs/0.0.2 94) py-xlwt/1.3.0 110) mapl/2.40.3-esmf-8.6.0 126) py-urllib3/1.26.12 + 15) nghttp2/1.57.0 31) g2tmpl/1.10.2 47) openjpeg/2.3.1 63) hdf/4.2.15 79) py-eccodes/1.5.0 95) py-pandas/1.5.3 111) nemsio/2.5.4 127) awscli-v2/2.13.22 + 16) curl/8.4.0 32) ip/5.0.0 48) eccodes/2.33.0 64) jedi-cmake/1.4.0 80) py-f90nml/1.4.3 96) py-pybind11/2.11.0 112) sfcio/1.4.1 ``` -On a pre-configured platform that has spack-stack-1.5.1 installed, load the spack-stack modules as described in https://spack-stack.readthedocs.io/en/1.5.1. On a configurable (user) platform, follow the instructions in https://spack-stack.readthedocs.io/en/1.5.1 to build the `skylab-dev` or `unified-dev` environment, then run (use the appropriate path, compiler/mpi/python versions for your system): +On a pre-configured platform that has spack-stack-1.7.0 installed, load the spack-stack modules as described in https://spack-stack.readthedocs.io/en/1.7.0. On a configurable (user) platform, follow the instructions in https://spack-stack.readthedocs.io/en/1.7.0 to build the `skylab-dev` or `unified-dev` environment, then run (use the appropriate path, compiler/mpi/python versions for your system): ``` -module use /Users/heinzell/prod/spack-stack-1.5.1/envs/unified-dev/install/modulefiles/Core +module use /Users/heinzell/prod/spack-stack-1.7.0/envs/unified-dev/install/modulefiles/Core module load stack-apple-clang/13.1.6 -module load stack-openmpi/4.1.5 -module load stack-python/3.10.8 +module load stack-openmpi/5.0.1 +module load stack-python/3.10.13 ``` For pre-configured and configurable platforms, proceed with laoding the following modules ``` module load jedi-ufs-env -module load fms/2023.02.01 -module load awscli/1.27.84 +module load sp/2.5.0 +module load awscli-v2/2.13.22 ``` ## Building ufs-bundle @@ -54,7 +55,7 @@ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DUFS_APP=ATMAERO .. 2>&1 | tee log.cmake cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DUFS_APP=NG-GODAS .. 2>&1 | tee log.cmake cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DUFS_APP=S2S .. 2>&1 | tee log.cmake ``` -When using the native Apple `clang` compiler on macOS with `llvm-openmp` installed via homebrew or spack, it may be necessary to add `-DCMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS="${llvm_openmp_ROOT}/lib/libomp.dylib"` to the `cmake` command. We have identified this beig an issue with FMS not declaring its OpenMP dependencies correctly. A bug fix was merged for FMS recently, once the next tag finds its way into spack-stack this will no longer be needed. +When using the native Apple `clang` compiler on macOS with `llvm-openmp` installed via homebrew or spack, it may be necessary to add `-DCMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS="${llvm_openmp_ROOT}/lib/libomp.dylib"` to the `cmake` command. We have identified this being an issue with FMS not declaring its OpenMP dependencies correctly. A bug fix was merged for FMS recently, once the next tag finds its way into spack-stack this will no longer be needed. While building with soca (NG-GODAS or S2S), there will be a long pause during configuration when `cmake` is downloading the input files for the test to be run.