A collection of kotlin extensions for JDA that make use with reactor-core easier.
Replace the $VERSION
with the latest release version.
with the latest stable JDA v4 release.
dependencies {
repositories {
Some small example usages of the components supported by this library.
fun main() {
// Create a ReactiveEventManager for Flux event streams
val manager = ReactiveEventManager()
// subscribe directly on the manager instance
manager.on<ReadyEvent>() // Flux<ReadyEvent>
.next() // Mono<ReadyEvent>
.subscribe { println("Ready to go!") } // Subscribe to event
manager.on<MessageReceivedEvent>() // Flux<MessageReceivedEvent>
.filter { it.contentRaw == "!ping" } // filter by content
.map { it.channel } // Flux<MessageChannel>
.map { it.sendMessage("Pong!") } // Flux<MessageAction>
.subscribe { it.queue() } // Subscribe to event -> send message on success
val jda = JDABuilder(BOT_TOKEN)
// you can also subscribe to events from the JDA instance
jda.on<ShutdownEvent>() // Flux<ShutdownEvent>
.subscribe { println("That was fun!") } // Make a statement on shutdown, not guaranteed to run if daemon scheduler (default)
fun getMessagesForUser(channel: MessageChannel, user: User): Flux<Message> {
val action = channel.iterableHistory
return action.asFlux() // Flux<Message>
.filter { it.author == user } // filter by user
fun sendAndLog(channel: MessageChannel, content: String) {
val action = channel.sendMessage(content)
action.asMono() // Mono<Message>
.flatMap { it.addReaction(EMOTE).asMono() } // Mono<Void!> = empty mono
.doOnSuccess { println("${channel.name}: $content") } // add side-effect
.subscribe() // subscribe to empty stream
fun onNextMessage(channel: MessageChannel, callback: (Message) -> Unit) {
channel.onMessage() // Flux<MessageReceivedEvent>
.next() // Mono<MessageReceivedEvent>
.map { it.message } // Mono<Message>
.subscribe { callback(it) }
fun onReaction(message: Message, reaction: String): Flux<User> {
return message.on<MessageReactionAddEvent>() // Flux<MessageReactionAddEvent>
.filter { it.reactionEmote.name == reaction } // Flux<MessageReactionAddEvent> with filter
.map { it.user } // Flux<User>
fun onNameChange(user: User): Flux<String> {
return user.on<UserUpdateNameEvent>() // Flux<UserUpdateNameEvent>
.map { it.newName } // Flux<String>
fun onNameChange(channel: VoiceChannel): Flux<String> {
return channel.onUpdate<VoiceChannelUpdateNameEvent>() // Flux<VoiceChannelUpdateNameEvent>
.map { it.newName } // Flux<String>