Helm Chart for the keptn job-executor-service
The following table lists the configurable parameters of the job-executor-service chart and their default values.
Parameter | Description | Default |
image.repository |
Container image name | "docker.io/keptncontrib/job-executor-service" |
image.pullPolicy |
Kubernetes image pull policy | "IfNotPresent" |
image.tag |
Container tag | "" |
distributor.stageFilter |
Sets the stage this helm service belongs to | "" |
distributor.serviceFilter |
Sets the service this helm service belongs to | "" |
distributor.projectFilter |
Sets the project this helm service belongs to | "" |
distributor.image.repository |
Container image name | "docker.io/keptn/distributor" |
distributor.image.pullPolicy |
Kubernetes image pull policy | "IfNotPresent" |
distributor.image.tag |
Container tag | "" |
jobConfig.allowedImageList |
A comma separated list of images that are allowed in job workloads | "" |
jobConfig.allowPrivilegedJobs |
Allows privileged job workloads. Allowing privileged job workloads can be considered dangerous! | false |
jobConfig.podSecurityContext |
The default pod security context for job workloads | See values.yaml |
jobConfig.jobSecurityContext |
The default security context for job workloads | See values.yaml |
jobConfig.serviceAccount.create |
Enables the creation of the default service account used for job workloads | true |
jobConfig.serviceAccount.name |
The name of the default service account used for job workloads | default-job-account |
jobConfig.serviceAccount.annotations |
Additional annotations for the default service account used for job workloads | {} |
jobConfig.taskDeadlineSeconds |
Maximum duration for a kubernetes job run in seconds (0 means no limit, set it to an integer > 0 to enforce it) | 0 |
jobConfig.labels |
Additional labels that are added to all kubernetes jobs | {} |
jobConfig.networkPolicy.enabled |
Enable a network policy for jobs such that they can not access blocked networks defined in blockCIDRS | false |
jobConfig.networkPolicy.blockCIDRs |
A list of networks that should not be accessible from jobs | false |
remoteControlPlane.autoDetect.enabled |
Enables auto detection of a Keptn installation | false |
remoteControlPlane.autoDetect.namespace |
Namespace which should be used by the auto-detection | "" |
remoteControlPlane.api.protocol |
Used protocol (http, https | "https" |
remoteControlPlane.api.hostname |
Hostname of the control plane cluster (and port) | "api-gateway-nginx.keptn" |
remoteControlPlane.api.apiValidateTls |
Defines if the control plane certificate should be validated | true |
remoteControlPlane.api.token |
Keptn api token | "" |
imagePullSecrets |
Secrets to use for container registry credentials | [] |
serviceAccount.create |
Enables the service account creation | true |
serviceAccount.annotations |
Annotations to add to the service account | {} |
serviceAccount.name |
The name of the service account to use. | "" |
podAnnotations |
Annotations to add to the created pods | {} |
podSecurityContext |
Set the pod security context. For security purposes the podSecurityContext value should not be changed! | See values.yaml |
securityContext |
Set the security context. For security purposes the securityContext value should not be changed! | See values.yaml |
resources |
Resource limits and requests | {} |
nodeSelector |
Node selector configuration | {} |
tolerations |
Tolerations for the pods | [] |
affinity |
Affinity rules | {} |
networkPolicy.ingress.enabled |
Enable job-executor-service ingress network policy (no ingress traffic allowed) | false |
networkPolicy.egress.enabled |
Enable job-executor-service egress network policy: only egress allowed to OAuth provider, k8s master and Keptn API (may not work in case of dynamic/elastic IP addresses) | false |
networkPolicy.egress.k8sMasterCIDR |
Define kubernetes master(s) CIDR, if left empty we'll try to autodetect the master(s) IP address by looking up the endpoints of kubernetes.default service |
"" |
networkPolicy.egress.k8sMasterPort |
Define kubernetes master(s) https port, if set to 0 we'll try to autodetect the port by looking up the endpoints of kubernetes.default service |
"" |