A Skycoin node offers multiple interfaces:
- REST API on port 6420 (when running from source; if you are using the releases downloaded from the website, the port is randomized)
- JSON-RPC 2.0 API accessible on
endpoint [deprecated]
A CLI tool is provided in cmd/cli/cli.go
. This tool communicates over the JSON-RPC 2.0 API. In the future it will communicate over the REST API.
Note: Do not interface with the JSON-RPC 2.0 API directly, it is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
The API interfaces do not support authentication or encryption so they should only be used over localhost.
If your application is written in Go, you can use these client libraries to interface with the node:
Note: The CLI interface will be deprecated and replaced with a better one in the future.
The wallet APIs in the REST API operate on wallets loaded from and saved to ~/.skycoin/wallets
Use the CLI tool to perform seed generation and transaction signing outside of the Skycoin node.
The Skycoin node's wallet APIs can be enabled with -enable-wallet-api
For a node used to support another application, it is recommended to use the REST API for blockchain queries and disable the wallet APIs, and to use the CLI tool for wallet operations (seed and address generation, transaction signing).
- API Documentation
- Implementation guidelines
There are multiple approaches to scanning for deposits, depending on your implementation.
One option is to watch for incoming blocks and check them for deposits made to a list of known deposit addresses. Another option is to check the unspent outputs for a list of known deposit addresses.
To scan the blockchain, use skycoin-cli lastBlocks
or skycoin-cli blocks
. These will return block data as JSON
and new unspent outputs sent to an address can be detected.
To check address outputs, use skycoin-cli addressOutputs
. If you only want the balance, you can use skycoin-cli addressBalance
To scan the blockchain, call GET /api/v1/last_blocks?num=
or GET /api/v1/blocks?start=&end=
. There will return block data as JSON
and new unspent outputs sent to an address can be detected.
To check address outputs, call GET /api/v1/outputs?addrs=
. If you only want the balance, you can call GET /api/v1/balance?addrs=
GET /api/v1/last_blocks
docsGET /api/v1/blocks
docsGET /api/v1/outputs
docsGET /api/v1/balance
We recommend using the Skycoin REST API Client.
After each spend, wait for the transaction to confirm before trying to spend again.
For higher throughput, combine multiple spends into one transaction.
Skycoin uses "coin hours" to ratelimit transactions. The total number of coinhours in a transaction's outputs must be 50% or less than the number of coinhours in a transaction's inputs, or else the transaction is invalid and will not be accepted. A transaction must have at least 1 input with at least 1 coin hour. Sending too many transactions in quick succession will use up all available coinhours. Coinhours are earned at a rate of 1 coinhour per coin per hour, calculated per second. This means that 3600 coins will earn 1 coinhour per second. However, coinhours are only updated when a new block is published to the blockchain. New blocks are published every 10 seconds, but only if there are pending transactions in the network.
To avoid running out of coinhours in situations where the application may frequently send, the sender should batch sends into a single transaction and send them on a 30 second to 1 minute interval.
There are other strategies to minimize the likelihood of running out of coinhours, such as splitting up balances into many unspent outputs and having a large balance which generates coinhours quickly.
When sending coins from the CLI tool, a wallet file local to the caller is used. The CLI tool allows you to specify the wallet file on disk to use for operations.
See CLI command API for documentation of the CLI interface.
To perform a send, the preferred method follows these steps in a loop:
skycoin-cli createRawTransaction -m '[{"addr:"$addr1,"coins:"$coins1"}, ...]
flag is send-to-manyskycoin-cli broadcastTransaction
- returnstxid
skycoin-cli transaction $txid
- repeat this command until"status"
That is, create a raw transaction, broadcast it, and wait for it to confirm.
Create a transaction with POST /wallet/transaction, then inject it to the network with POST /injectTransaction.
When using POST /wallet/transaction
, a wallet file local to the skycoin node is used.
The wallet file is specified by wallet ID, and all wallet files are in the
configured data directory (which is $HOME/.skycoin/wallets
by default).
If your application is written in Go, you can interface with the CLI library directly, see Skycoin CLI Godoc.
A REST API client is also available: Skycoin REST API Client Godoc.
Transaction fees in skycoin is paid in coinhours and is currently set to 50%
every transaction created burns 50%
of the total coinhours in all the input
You need a minimum of 1
of coinhour to create a transaction.
Coinhours are generated at a rate of 1 coinsecond
per second
which are then converted to coinhours
, 1
coinhour = 3600
Note: Coinhours don't have decimals and only show up in whole numbers.
When using the REST API, the coin hours sent to the destination and change can be controlled. The 50% burn fee is still required.
See the POST /wallet/transaction documentation for more information on how to control the coin hours.
We recommend sending at least 1 coin hour to each destination, otherwise the receiver will have to wait for another coin hour to accumulate before they can make another transaction.
When using the CLI the amount of coinhours sent to the receiver is capped to
the number of coins they receive with a minimum of 1
coinhour for transactions
with <1
skycoin being sent.
The coinhours left after burning 50%
and sending to receivers are sent to the change address.
For eg. If an address has 10
skycoins and 50
coinhours and only 1
If we send 5
skycoins to another address then that address will receive
skycoins and 5
coinhours, 26
coinhours will be burned.
The sending address will be left with 5
skycoins and 19
coinhours which
will then be sent to the change address.
skycoin-cli verifyAddress $addr
Not directly supported, but API calls that have an address argument will return 400 Bad Request
if they receive an invalid address.
if _, err := cipher.DecodeBase58Address(address); err != nil {
fmt.Println("Invalid address:", err)
Address validation is available through a C wrapper, libskycoin
See the libskycoin documentation for usage instructions.
Not implemented
GET /api/v1/network/connections
Use the Skycoin REST API Client
skycoin-cli status
A method similar to skycoin-cli status
is not implemented, but these endpoints can be used:
GET /api/v1/health
GET /api/v1/version
GET /api/v1/blockchain/metadata
GET /api/v1/blockchain/progress
Use the Skycoin CLI package