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FrontEnd microservice with AppDynamics GO SDK for APM

The AppDynamics GO SDK is deployed in the main.go script and installed in the frontEnd application container via Dockerfile.

AppDynamics GO SDK in main.go

The main.go file imports the appdynamics package and initiates the AppDynamics controller as shown below.

import (
    appd "appdynamics"

cfg := appd.Config{}
cfg.AppName = "UKI-DevX-k8s-Demo"
cfg.TierName = "BoutiqueFrontEnd"
cfg.NodeName = "FrontEndv1"

controllerPORT, _ := strconv.ParseUint(os.Getenv("APPD_CONTROLLER_PORT"), 10, 10)
controllerUseSSL, _ := strconv.ParseBool(os.Getenv("APPD_CONTROLLER_USE_SSL"))

cfg.Controller.Host = os.Getenv("APPD_CONTROLLER_HOST")
cfg.Controller.Port = uint16(controllerPORT)
cfg.Controller.UseSSL  = controllerUseSSL
cfg.Controller.Account = os.Getenv("APPD_CONTROLLER_ACCOUNT")
cfg.Controller.AccessKey = os.Getenv("APPD_CONTROLLER_ACCESS_KEY")
cfg.InitTimeoutMs = 1000  // Wait up to 1s for initialization to finish

//Initialize the agent by passing the configuration structure to InitSDK() in your main function
//If nil is returned, the agent is initialized successfully. If an error returns, it is likely because the agent could not reach the Controller.
if err := appd.InitSDK(&cfg); err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("Error initializing the AppDynamics SDK\n")
} else {
    fmt.Printf("Initialized AppDynamics SDK successfully\n")

The Business Transactions [BTs] are wrapped around the frontEnd routing function by using the middleware shown below. For more information on this please checkout the Gorilla/MUX package project.

//AppD middleware to enclose the routing handling functions and monitor Business Transactions
func appdynamicsMiddleware(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
    return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        btHandle := appd.StartBT(r.URL.Path, "")
        next.ServeHTTP(w, r)
		fmt.Printf("AppD Middleware sucessfully instrumented BT with handle: %x and URL.Path: %s\n", btHandle, r.URL.Path)

r := mux.NewRouter()
r.HandleFunc("/", svc.homeHandler).Methods(http.MethodGet, http.MethodHead)

Dockerfile Deployment

The Dockerfile installs the AppDynamics GO SDK as per documentation. There are a few things to consider - all included in the Dockerfile.

  1. It is highly advisable not to use an ubuntu:alpine distribution as the AppDynamics GO SDK requires a Linux distribution with glibc libraries.
  2. The file needs to be copied into the shared libraries folder /lib - for more information please check this AppDynamics Community Page discussion.
  3. The AppDynamics Golang SDK, /appdynamics, needs to be in the GOPATH.

Further Development

If you wish to develop this further, like add more Business Transactions to provide extra visibility to the AppDynamics controller, you will need a Docker Hub account and to do the following:

  1. Update and save the main.go and/or other .go files

  2. Rebuild the frontend-v2 docker container image

    cd ./src/frontend-v2-appD
    docker build -t <your Docker Hub username>/boutique-appd-frontend:latest .
  3. Push the docker container to your Docker Hub repo

    docker push <your Docker Hub username>/boutique-appd-frontend:latest
  4. Update and save the frontend-v2.yaml manifest line 33 with the new docker image that you just pushed to your Docker Hub repo and re-deploy it

    kubectl apply -f kubernetes-manifests/frontend2.yaml

More Resources

In this folder, the sample-code-AppD-sdk.go script has some sample code with Transaction BackEnds and ExitCalls for further reference, if you wish to explore that route. The GO SDK Reference also provides more insights on the GO SDK capabilities.

The GO SDK and other AppDynamics agents and products are available from the AppDynamics Download site. For up-to-date installation instructions and documentation, see the AppDynamics Documentation Site.