- Research variable relationships
- Skin type
- Fitzpatrick Skin Type Chart: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fitzpatrick_scale
- Add'l reference: https://www2.palomar.edu/anthro/adapt/adapt_4.htm
- OpenUV knowledge base: https://www.openuv.io/kb
- Farmer's Almanac: https://www.almanac.com/content/uv-index-scale
- UV radiation exposure
- Geography
- Altitude
- Time of year
- Time of day: new Date()
- Weather condition
- Surface reflection (are you on water or snow?)
- are you wearing SPF and how strong?
- Talk about skin death by way of shedding to prevent cancer
- UV index
- Duration
- Use of sun block
- usage vs uv index: http://www.theozonehole.com/uvindex.htm
- Skin type
- Determine input requirements
- USER: selects skin type
- USER: inputs location
- USER: selects time of day
- USER: inputs SPF strength
- Features
- Reverse calculation, what if you want to know how much SPF you need?
- what if it is night time? (find out sun set time)
- some skin types never tan... some tan more easily, what is the time between tan til burn?
- Create logic between variables for calculation
max sun tan time = (self protected time or skin type * 8)/(UVI * SPF)
- sunbathing calculator: https://www.omnicalculator.com/other/sunscreen
- talk about choosing Koperska over self protection and Fitzpatrick formula
- Collection of APIs for data
- OpenWeather API: https://openweathermap.org/api/uvi
- OpenUV API: https://www.openuv.io/
- Google Elevation API: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/elevation/start
- HTML5 Geolocation: https://www.w3schools.com/htmL/html5_geolocation.asp
- GMaps.js: https://hpneo.github.io/gmaps/
- Code logic in backend, review program flow
- Modular functions
- Async.js
- Add logging
- Add error handling
- Add unit, integration, coverage tests
- Add CircleCI for deployment
- Find deployment service
- Include API callouts
- Include a db (postgres? and redis)
- Update Readme, how to run (backend client?)
- Create wireframe skeleton
- Front-end Client UI
- React with Hooks
- check web responsiveness
Material UITailwaind CSS- All logic flow on server-side!
- Deploy online
- Incorporate Analytics