Make sure you have followed the setup guide before attempting to build the editor. If you do not install all of the required software from the setup guide your attempts to build the editor will likely fail.
You can build and run the editor and use an existing released version of the Defold engine and command line tools:
# open a terminal/console and change directory to `defold`
cd defold
# Setup the shell environment (consider putting it in an alias in your bash profile)
python2 ./scripts/ shell
# you only need to do this once
python2 ./scripts/ install_ext
# Change directory to the editor directory
cd editor
# build with pre-built engine binaries suitable for your editor version
lein init archived-stable
# start the editor
lein run
These build steps build the engine and command line tools using engine build instructions:
# open a terminal/console and change directory to `defold`
cd defold
# Setup the shell environment (consider putting it in an alias in your bash profile)
./scripts/ shell
# Run install_ext for the correct platform
./scripts/ install_ext --platform=...
# Build the engine
./scripts/ build_engine --platform=... --skip-tests -- --skip-build-tests
# Build builtins
scripts/ build_builtins
# Build reference documentation
scripts/ build_docs
# Build Bob
scripts/ build_bob --skip-tests
# Change directory to the editor directory
cd editor
# Build and run
lein init
lein run
Run all the tests including the integration tests:
lein test
If you are using a repl, you can also run the tests by calling (suite/suite)
Run the benchmarks:
`lein benchmark`
The results will be stored in the test/benchmark/bench-result.txt
file. Make sure to have everything on your system closed down.
If you want to work on the editor chances are you want to connect
or jack-in
to a REPL as described below.
For this to work you will need a ~/.lein/profiles.clj
file and put the nREPL, Cider (etc) dependencies there;
{:user {:plugins [[cider/cider-nrepl "0.25.8"]
[refactor-nrepl "2.5.0" :exclusions [org.clojure/clojure]]]
:dependencies [[org.clojure/tools.nrepl "0.2.12"]]}}
Please note that Lein will introduce a nREPL dependency automagically, but its a good idea to override to your preferred version here anyway.
You can also use M-x cider-jack-in
or launch the editor inside Cursive for debugging with breakpoints etc.
First set the environment variable DYNAMO_HOME
. Example of a value /Users/martin/work/defold/tmp/dynamo_home
After you jacked in do the following to load and start the app;
user=> (dev)
dev=> (go)
Running lein doc
will generate the codox to the target/docs directory.
As a temporary solution, we use Bob (from Editor1) as the content pipeline for bundling and running in the browser. In order to setup Bob locally, you need to:
- Build the engine for the specific platform, e.g.
python scripts/ build_engine --platform=js-web --skip-tests -- --skip-build-tests
- Build Bob with local artifacts,
python scripts/ build_bob
lein init
, which will installbob.jar
as a local maven package
When developing it can be convenient to use a local bob.jar instead of the one bundled with the editor. This can by adding ,
to the end of the vmargs =
field of the editor config.
- On macOS the config is inside the application file:
- On Windows and Linux the config file is located next to the Defold executable.