l.p | Data structure name | Description | Lang | Paradigm |
1 | Dynamic array | 1. Implementation of an array of pointers to objects. (Employee** arrOfEmployees = new Employee* [numberOfEmployees];). 2. Array is being bubble-sorted (optimized version) 3. FisherYates shuffling is used for Employee->uniqueValue generation. |
C++ | structural |
2 | SkipList | Implementation of a SkipList. | C++ | object oriented but classes are in single cpp file |
3 | Binary Search Tree with DSW | Binary Search Tree with possibility to make a right or left backbone and balancing the backbone algorithm (Day-Stout-Warren algorithm).. | C++ | object oriented but classes are in single cpp file |
4 | HashTable & List | Generic HashTable<TKey, TNode, THashFunc> partial implementation with tree strategies resolving collisions (scenario where same index value is generated by hashfunction): a) Chaining, where it assumes that on collision a LinkedList is being created for all collisions nodes. b) Linear probing, where it assumes that on collision we try to find a place as close as possible to the given node c) DoubleHashing, where it assumes that if first hash function resulted in collision, the second is used I also accidentally implemented simple List (LinkedList) because I thought it would be useful for linear probing strategy, but I've just expanded TblNode with *TblNode _next field and was not needed :) |
C++ | object oriented with classes organized in several(.h and .cpp) files instead of having all in single main.cpp. c++ templates were also used |
5 | BinaryHeap | Minimum oriented binary heap implementation with a very inefficient solution using LinkedList under the hood. Insertion of 10^6 elements takes around 3~ minutes and nodes removal about 1 minute~. This is because when we insert a node at the end and perculate-up takes place, swapping elements on a LinkedList takes a lot of time. Finding two elements to be swapped with indexes: 'i', 'j' cause 'i' + 'j' nodes visiting and so the perculation-up for the element that is added at the end of the LinkedList will cause a lot of unnecessary nodes visiting. This could be accelerated by using regular array of Nodes, but this was just for experimental purposes. |
C++ | object oriented with classes organized in sever(.h and .cpp) files. c++ templates were also used. |
6 | List | List which holds Car structure and it does resize on every insertion. Resizing is handled in a inefficient way as size is increased by 1 only on every insertion. It means that for every new Car inserted into the list, the whole list is copied into a new one, which is only 1 size larger. | C++ | structural |