- OnViewportWidthChange method - Similar to onViewportChange however it only fires when the width of the window changes, and ignores all other changes to the viewport.
- Fix issue with resize event listener, listeners are now added to window instead of document.
- OnElementInViewport and OnElementNotInViewport now both accept a NodeList instead of just a HTMLElement.
- OnElementInViewport and OnElementNotInViewport now both pass the element to the callback function as a paramater - Needed now that a list of elements can be provided.
- RegisterListener now accepts a NodeList
- Improved support for older broswers
- Removed redudant code that was causing performance issues
- Updates the listeners to initialise on DOMContentLoaded.
- Simplified the listeners component - Was previously uniessasirily compilcated.
- Improved support for older broswers
- Improved performance