HTTP/HTTPS response timeing tool is a monitoring tool supports to check and monitor the health of the HTTP ot HTTPS endpoint.
- JDK version - 1.8
- Maven version
- Build the source
mvn clean install
- Copy zip built artifact
cp /web-healthcheck-monitor /target/ ~/workspace
- Extract the zip file
unzip ./ -d .
- - Brief description of this tool.
- web-healthcheck-monitor-0.0.1.jar - This will be executable file.
- web-health.log - This is the default log file.
- application.yaml - Contains all the configurations.
Pre required to install Java 8 and JAVA_HOME should be properly configured.
- Go to the ~/workspace
- Run
java -jar web-healthcheck-monitor-0.0.1.jar
- On a successful response
2021-03-08 13:57:05.914 INFO 10171 --- c.s.w.utils.LoggingUtils : URL : | Current status marked as : ACTIVE | Time to respond : 1126 | Status code received : 200 | HTTP Response Status : HTTP/1.1 200 OK | Message : Successful response received with expected body.
- On a invalid response with invalid response body
2021-03-08 13:52:11.686 ERROR 10075 --- c.s.w.utils.LoggingUtils : URL : | Current status marked as : RESPONSE_DOSE_NOT_MATCH | Time to respond : 960 | Status code received : 200 | HTTP Response Status : HTTP/1.1 200 OK | Message : Unsuccessful attempt, unexpected content in body.
- On a invalid response
2021-03-08 13:57:38.574 ERROR 10177 --- c.s.w.utils.LoggingUtils : URL : | Current status marked as : INACTIVE | Time to respond : 1020 | Status code received : 200 | HTTP Response Status : HTTP/1.1 200 OK | Message : Unexpected error code received (expecting 400)
This file contains all the configurations to run the application
- monitoringFrequency - Monitoring frequency by millisecond.
- globalTimeout - HTTP Connection global timeout (Recommended to use value >= monitoringFrequency).
- httpClientImpl - Custom implementation of the HTTP Call, This can be extend according to the HTTP library used.
- trustStoreLocation - jks file location contains trusted SSL certificates
- trustStorePassword - Password of the trusted store
- WebsiteMonitoringMetadata - Specify in a List of websites to monitor
- url - Website URL
- expectedStatusCode - Status code expecting to return
- expectedResponseRegEx - Regular expression to match the response content.
- optionalHeaders - Key value pare of headers if needed
monitoringFrequency: 5000
workerPoolSize: 15
globalTimeout: 30
httpClientImpl: com.shagihan.webhealthcheckmonitor.impl.HttpClientHealthCheck
WebsiteMonitoringMetadata :
- url:
expectedStatusCode: 200
expectedResponseRegEx: "[A-Z]"
- url:
expectedStatusCode: 200
expectedResponseRegEx: "[A-Za-Z]"
- url:
expectedStatusCode: 202
expectedResponseRegEx: "[A-Za-Z]"
file: "%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n"
com.shagihan.webhealthcheckmonitor: DEBUG
path: ./
name: ./web-health.log
- Get the list of health-check information
HTTP: /health
Sample response -
- Get details of a specific website
HTTP: /health-of-website?url=<URL_TO_QUERY>
Sample response -