- Update to mc 1.21
- Cleanup code
- Remove useless console log
- Rename mod
- Now using multi mod loader
- Update json write to indent the json config files
- Update to mc 1.20.4
- Now using NeoForge
- Update to mc 1.20.1
- Update to forge 47.1.0
- Update to mc 1.20
- Update to forge 46.0.2
- Update to mc 1.19.4
- Update to forge 45.0.57
- Refactor ArmorSet builder
- Remove
- Update to mc 1.19.3
- Update to forge 44.1.5
- Update to forge 43.1.3
- Update to forge 41.1.0
- Update to mc 1.19
- Update anger block api
- Add documentation on some class
- Remove unused api
- Move all api stuff into an api package
- Add ArmorSet builder
- Update to 1.18.2
- Add mixin processor to add more element into
- Add a missing element into SimpleUnicode
- Add a new firework for Smartzi (Translator/Reviewer/Corrector)
- Add more element into SimpleUnicode
- Fix issues with book loot table
- Update to 1.18.1
- Refactor a lot a source (breaking change for mod using DiaboloLib)
- SimpleUnicode (change letter like
to unicode value)
- DioBlockModelProvider
- DioBlockStateProvider
- BlockStateProvider
- ImmutablePair.getKey() and ImmutablePair.getValue()
- DioBlockStateProvider
- ImmutablePair.of(Key, Value)
- WorldGenHelper to access NOISE_AFFECTING_FEATURES
- Malformed meta-inf
- Update to Minecraft 1.17.1
- Add type in firework event
- Use UUID instead of name in firework event
- Use Mojang mapping
- Interface for Event
- BlockStateProvider
- ImmutablePair
- Firework Event
- Mod logo
- Json config system
- Contributor Event
- Bad anger type
- Block class use by janoeo
- Add more possibility to ExtenedFillerBlockType
- Add block template
- Add creative tab with custom texture
- Add BlockHelper for easy access on some function
- Add more possibility to ColorHelper
- Update forge to 35.1.4
- Add more possibility to ConfiguredFeatureHelper
- Import contributor event from janoeo
- Change the way of the implementation of IDropExperience interface
- Fix error when using loot table provider
- Change mod id
- Change package name
- Now name containing only 6 letters, 3 from the mod name
and 3 fromLib
- Add loot table provider
- Bump Janoeo core code to an external lib for more adaptability