- Please see the presentation for developing apps and games for Xbox One this section contains the Demos for Building Xbox One UWP Apps and Games
Xbox Retail kit Dev Mode Activation app installed (available on Xbox store) PC (or Virtual Machine) running Windows 10 Visual Studio Community 2015 (or higher) Windows UWP SDK Tool / framework / engine of your choice
#Step by Step Guide
- Install Dev App on Xbox One (Available under Xbox Store)
- Activate Dev Mode on Xbox One
- Restart Console
- Launch Dev App
- Get the IP Address of your Dev kit
- Connect Visual Studio
- Deploy your UWP App or Game
#MonoGame -NeonShooter Twin Stick shooter UWP also support keyboard and mouse - -Platformer2d - 2D Platformer which supports controller and touch inputs #Unity3d
Nightmare sample in UWP format works on any windows 10 device #Windows UWP
Sample UWP app which uses Windows Speach Sythersier to build a simple event handler on a button which says hello world - app works on any windows 10 device
All demos are available in zip format at https://1drv.ms/f/s!ApYaqlSUIllgxvlgKr4v57yGWlMK7g