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Ghost Tutorial: Placing Assets

Jasdac edited this page Dec 18, 2024 · 6 revisions

Installing assets into the level

Note: Refer to the wiki index page for help editing the spawn database.

All items are spawned from the monitor prim. Many of the Phasmophilia props are also loaded remotely from the HUD when you rez the level. As such, in order to prevent any alterations, you will need to rename any altered objects. But feel free to just use the built in assets. This tutorial will focus on you doing exactly that.


  1. Rez the prop where you want it, and type SAVE to save it.


  1. Same as props except you can change the description. See Custom Assets for more info about the description.


  1. Rez the lights you want in a room, and then rez a light switch.
  2. Lights use full names instead of short names. Set the description of the lights and light switch to $["Fullname"] ex: $["Kitchen"]
  3. Test your lights by using the SPAWN command.

Custom ghost events

"Sittable" Custom ghost events can be added as well. Currently this only involves the "Ghosthands Evt" asset. Make sure it's in the monitor, then place it below the level and just save it using the SAVE command, no group is needed.

Required assets

There are a few assets required by the game for affixes and such that each level must have.

  1. Punishment devices: Currently "Kittelskrev" and "BondageChair". You'll need to add 4 of these to the level. You can use any number of the same one, but I usually add 2 of each. Save them without a group.
  2. Weegieboard: You should place these at multiple locations. Just make sure to save them to the group OUIJA.
  3. Vibrator: You should place these at multiple locations. Save to the group VIB.
  4. Closet junk: Used in the "fewer hiding places" affix. Save to the group CJ.
  5. Breaker: Place only one. Save to an empty group.
  6. STATBOARD: Place in the truck and SAVE to an empty group.
  7. GHOST_BOARD: Place in the truck and SAVE to an empty group.

Rotating the truck

Edit the #AUX script and modify the DOOR_START_ROT define.

Template script customizations


  • #define DOOR_OPEN_SOUND <uuid> replaces the truck door opening sound when the level has completed loading.
  • #define DOOR_CLOSE_SOUND <uuid> replaces the truck door closing sound when loading begins or the level is finished.
  • #define DOOR_OPEN_SOUND_B <uuid> should be the same as DOOR_OPEN_SOUND, I think this one is used when the level is finished, and the other when it starts.
  • #define TRUCK_SOUNDSPACE <uuid/soundspace label> Soundspace to have in the truck once the level has loaded, defaults to "ni".
  • #define TRUCK_SOUNDSPACE_TRAVEL <uuid> truck "moving" sound while loading level.
  • #define TRUCK_START_SOUND <uuid> engine on sound when players leave.
  • #define GHOST_OBJ <name> Lets you replace the ghost model, default is "Gimp". The ghost object must be present in the monitor.